Modern Warfare 3 (III) x Warzone | Update 1.38 | 1.038 | Season 2
SHGames und Raven Software veröffentlichen heute Update 1.38 | 1.038 für „Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (III) x Warzone | MW3 x WZ“. Auf Playstation und BattleNet PC kann der Preload des Updates bereits gestartet werden. Die Downloadgröße beträgt 25,924 GB auf Playstation 5 und dürfte auf anderen Systemen ähnlich Groß ausfallen. Installierbar ist der Patch ab 18 Uhr und die Freischaltung der Inhalte erfolgt mit einer separaten Listenaktualisierung. Mit dem Update werden Fehlerkorrekturen, Balancing-Anpassungen und Verbesserungen vorgenommen. Darüber Hinaus werden mit dem Patch die Season 2 Inhalte hinzugefügt.
Update 1.038 | 1.38 – Modern Warfare 3 | MW3 x Warzone
Zu den neuen Inhalten des Updates zählen drei neue Mehrspielerkarten, neue Waffen, eine Neuauflage der Karte Fortunes Keep für „Call of Duty: Warzone “ und die Integration von Ranglistenspiel Wiederauferstehung. Außerdem erhält der Kriegsmodus eine neue Operation. Nachfolgend haben wir für euch eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Inhalte. Eine ausführlichere Übersicht aller Season 2 Inhalte könnt ihr außerdem in unseren vorherigen News finden (hier klicken).
Zusammenfassung Season 2 Inhalte
- MW3
- Neue Maps: Stashhouse, Vista, Depatures, weitere Remake Karte das Haus in Season sowie 2 angepasste Maps (Terminal und Skidrow) für Event
- Neue Kriegsmodus Mission: Operation Tin Man
- Neue Modes: Team Waffenspiel, Snipers only, Hordepoint, Juggermosh, Kopfgeld
- Neues Extra: Ninja Weste
- MWZ: Neuer Akt, neue Schema (Baupläne) und neue Kriegsherrin zur Mid Season.
- Warzone:
- Remake von Fortune’s Keep Karte für Wiederauferstehung
- Ranglistenspiel Wiederauferstehung
- Neue Gameplay Features:
- Zeitlichbegrenzter Auftrag – Zombie Nester Säubern und Ausrotten
- Öffentliches Event Rouge Signal
- Zombie Power Ups (zeitlich begrenzt)
- Ausfahrbare Brücken (Fortunes Keep)
- Tracker für Squad Wipes
- weitere Features in Season
- MW3 + Warzone Inhalte
- Neue Waffen: BP50 Sturmgewehr (BP Sektor B7), RAM-9 SMG (BP Sektor B6) und 2 weitere Waffen In Season
- Neue Nachrüstbare Teile: JAK Limp Ripper, JAK Burnout, JAK TYRANT 762, JAK Backsaw, JAK Maglift, JAK Outlaw 227, JAK Glassless.
- Neuer Battle Pass
- Neue Operator Skins und Packs
- Crossover Event mit AMC’s The Walking Dead
- Mehr zu den Mid Season Inhalten und ausführlichere Details zu den heutigen Inhalten gibt es hier
Die vollständigen Patch Notes zu Update 1.38 | 1.038 | MW3 x Warzone
Zusätzlich zu den neuen Inhalten werden mit dem heutigen Update auch weitere Balancing Anpassungen an den Waffen sowie Verbesserungen und Fixes vorgenommen. Zu den Verbesserungen zählen auch wesentliche Änderungen an der ADS-Leerlaufschwankung und anderen Waffenattributen in MW3 und Warzone vorgenommen, um die Präzision und Reaktionsfähigkeit beim Zielens zu verbessern, insbesondere bei der Verwendung einer Maus. Details dazu könnt ihr den Patch Notes entnehmen.
Today’s update includes substantial adjustments to core attributes of weapons in Modern Warfare III and Warzone. Prompted by player feedback and internal review, these changes intend to improve the precision and responsiveness of aiming, particularly while using a mouse – although, these changes may be observed regardless of the input device.
ADS Idle Sway
While a player is aimed down sight, idle sway is active. This mechanic discourages players from holding their sights for an extended period of time with a constant, subtle motion that introduces slight inaccuracy.
- ADS idle sway now initiates shortly after aiming down sight, rather than immediately, introducing a delay to the sway curve that is generally 5ms long but varies by weapon.
- Note: Sniper Rifles are not included in this change.
- After the initial delay, ADS idle sway now gradually increases over a 3s period before reaching peak speed, rather than beginning at full speed upon aiming down sights.
- Note: Sniper Rifles are not included in this change.
- ADS idle sway now consistently begins from the position of the player’s hipfire crosshair, rather than along the sway curve.
These changes ensure that players with fast reflexes and precise aim aren’t disadvantaged the moment they aim down sights.
Hipfire Crosshair Sway
The trajectory of weapon bullets is represented by the hipfire crosshair position on the player’s screen. Previously, the crosshair was influenced by the direction of the weapon, causing the firing direction to deviate from the center of the screen. Today’s changes eliminate the resulting compromise to accuracy without sacrificing the weight and reactivity this motion added.
- Hipfire crosshair will no longer sway from the center of the screen while the player moves or rotates the camera.
- Note: We’re aware that certain Stock Attachments may re-introduce this behavior. This is unintentional, and we’ll correct these artifacts in future game updates.
- Weapon bullet trajectory is now truly aligned with the hipfire crosshair, and thus, the center of the player’s screen.
These changes reward skillful aim. Simply put, where you’re aiming is where your bullets will go.
Looking Ahead
Please take some time to adjust to these changes and let us know how you feel. We’ll continue to monitor your feedback as we determine our next steps for aiming and related mechanics.
- Fixed several instances of Charms and Stickers not displaying correctly.
- New Features & Adjustments
- Added Weekly category to the Challenges widget in the Lobby view.
- Detailed stat comparisons are now available for base Weapons in the Gunsmith.
- Decreased kill feed line duration from 10s to 5s (-50%).
- Decreased kill feed line fade duration from 1s to 0.5s (-50%).
- Event category is now displayed first in the list of Weapon Camos.
- Bug Fixes
- New item breadcrumbs will now be cleared upon hover when using a Controller.
- Platform-exclusive Calling Cards will no longer be displayed when unavailable.
- Addressed an exploit that allowed invalid Attachment combinations using the in-game Loadout editor.
- Pressing button combinations while in the Firing Range will no longer kick the player back to the menu.
- Fixed an issue in which navigation through Weapon Select became unresponsive after opening and closing filters on a locked weapon.
- Resolved a visual bug in which progression for Weapon Mastery camo challenges was not displayed accurately.
- Fixed an issue where an incoming invitation to join a group would become corrupted if another invitation was accepted before it.
- Fixed an issue in which players could not mark favorites in Gunsmith.
- Round transition UI will now display correct scores in Search and Destroy.
- Weapon progression viewing prompt will no longer open the incorrect menu.
- Bug Fixes
- Addressed an issue causing field of view to be set higher than intended after infil.
- Players will no longer dive while using the Slide Only option on Controller.
- Decreased delay before health regeneration begins from 4s to 3s (-25%).
- Increased health regeneration rate from 40hp/s to 75hp/s (+88%).
We’ve adjusted health regeneration to better match the pace of gameplay. Now, for example, it’ll only take ~5s to heal from 1 to 150 health, down from the previous ~7.7s. These changes aim to enhance the intensity and satisfaction of gunfights.
We look forward to your feedback as we determine our next steps for health regeneration.
- Resolved various issues preventing the following Attachments from being unlocked.
- RAM-7 (Assault Rifle): XTEN FRL-3 Heavy Barrel
- Longbow (Sniper Rifle): Iron Sights Optic
- XRK Stalker (Sniper Rifle): No Stock
- Global: JAK BFB Muzzle
- Added missing Laser Attachments to Gilded Camo challenge tracking for Marksman Rifles.
- Breacher Drone kills will no longer count towards Frag Grenade kills Challenges
- Resolved an issue in which Juggernaut Recon (Killstreak) would not track kills for Challenges correctly.
- MWII carry-forward maps are now available in the Quick Play rotation.
- Highrise
- Adjustments to prevent players from spawning in unfavorable conditions near the Actibase and Phonic Reception areas.
- Sub Base
- Refined Hardpoint objective boundary in the Warehouse (P3) to prevent capture from an unintended location.
- Terminal
- Adjustments to prevent players from spawning in unfavorable conditions near Security.
- Underpass
- Players can no longer access an exploitable location near the Shelf.
- Wasteland
- Addressed an issue that caused more fog than intended on certain platforms.
- Private Match
- Corrected HUD elements after changing teams in War Mode.
- Disabling Perks via Game Rules will no longer prevent some Blueprints from being displayed.
- Decreased melee lunge distance of all MWIII Weapons to align with MWII standards.
- Increased movement speeds of all MWII Weapons to align with MWIII standards.
- Added gun kick control and recoil control benefits in Tactical Stance for all Weapons.
» Assault Rifles «
- Holger 556
- Increased aim down sight time from 260ms to 270ms (+4%).
- Increased aim down sight time from 240ms to 265ms (+10%).
- Increased sprint to fire time from 241ms to 252ms (+5%).
- JAK Raven Kit
- Increased maximum damage from 31 to 33 (+6%).
- Decreased medium damage from 23 to 22 (-4%).
- Decreased minimum damage from 22 to 20 (-9%).
- Decreased maximum damage range from 20.3m to 19.8m (-3%).
- Increased near-medium damage range from 29m to 35.6m (+23%).
- Increased medium damage range from 40.6m to 45.7m (+13%).
- Increased headshot damage multiplier from 1.4x to 1.5x (+7%).
- Increased lower-torso damage multiplier from 1.01x to 1.1x (+9%).
- Decreased hipfire spread while sliding.
- Decreased recoil and gun kick significantly.
» Battle Rifles «
- Increased sprint to fire time from 231ms to 252ms (+9%).
- Increased aim down sight time from 260ms to 270ms (+4%).
- Increased hipfire spread minimum from 2.3deg/s to 2.9deg/s (+26%).
- Sidewinder
- Increased bullet velocity from 540m/s to 600m/s (+11%).
- Decreased recoil and gun kick significantly.
- JAK Thunder LMG Kit
- Increased delay before accelerated rate of fire begins to decay from 200ms to 500ms (+150%).
- Decreased accelerated rate of fire decay rate from 300rpm/s to 240rpm/s (-20%).
- Increased gun kick control and recoil control by 35%.
- Increased maximum damage range from 35.6m to 43.2m (+21%).
- Increased near-medium damage range from 48.3m to 55.9m (+16%).
» Submachine Guns «
- Striker
- Increased near-medium damage range from 19.1m to 21.6m (+13%).
- Increased medium damage range from 25.4m to 27.9m (+10%).
- AMR9
- JAK Ettin Double Barrel Kit
- Added missing hipfire crosshair.
- WSP-9
- Decreased aim down sight time from 240ms to 220ms (-8%).
- Increased maximum damage range from 16.5m to 18.5m (+12%).
- Increased near-medium damage range from 22.9m to 25.1m (+10%).
- Broodmother .45 Kit
- Decreased aim down sight time from 270ms to 241ms (-11%).
- Decreased movement speed penalties by 50%.
» Shotguns «
- Lockwood 680
- Lockwood Defender Heavy Long Barrel
- Increased sprint to fire time penalty from 8% to 30% (+22%).
- KV Broadside (MWII)
- Decreased sprint to fire time from 210ms to 189ms (-10%).
- Decreased aim down sight time from 330ms to 240ms (-27%).
» Light Machine Guns «
- TAQ Eradicator
- Increased sprint to fire time from 210ms to 252ms (+20%).
- Increased aim down sight time from 330ms to 340ms (+3%).
- Decreased sprint to fire time from 216ms to 199ms (-8%).
- Decreased aim down sight time from 390ms to 330ms (-15%).
- 556 Icarus (MWII)
- Decreased sprint to fire time from 250ms to 235ms (-6%).
- Decreased aim down sight time from 410ms to 380ms (-7%).
» Marksman Rifles «
- MCW 6.8
- Decreased aim down sight time from 271ms to 245ms (-10%).
- Decreased all damage ranges by 18%.
- Decreased bullet velocity from 1016m/s to 930m/s (-8%).
- Decreased hipfire spread minimum from 5deg/s to 4.1deg/s (-18%).
- Decreased hipfire spread maximum from 12.1deg/s to 10deg/s (-17%).
- DM56
- Decreased near-medium damage from 42 to 41 (-2%).
- Decreased minimum damage from 39 to 38 (-3%).
- MTZ Interceptor
- Increased sprint to fire time from 252ms to 262ms (+4%).
- Increased aim down sight time from 265ms to 280ms (+6%).
- Decreased neck damage multiplier from 1.62x to 1x (-38%).
- SP-R 208 (MWII)
- Decreased maximum damage range from 19.6m to 13m (-34%).
- Increased upper-arm damage multiplier from 1.15x to 1.5x (+30%).
Damage multiplier increase allows for one-shot kills to the upper-arm.
- Lockwood Mk2 (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage from 110 to 125 (+14%).
- Decreased maximum damage range from 8.9m to 6.4m (-29%).
Damage increase allows for one-shot kills to the upper-torso within the maximum damage range.
- Decreased intensity of aim down sight idle sway.
- SA-B 50 (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage from 110 to 120 (+9%).
- Decreased maximum damage range from 14.2m to 10.4m (-27%).
Damage increase allows for one-shot kills to the upper-torso within the maximum damage range.
» Sniper Rifles «
- Longbow
- Decreased aim down sight time from 550ms to 520ms (-5%).
- Signal 50 (MWII)
- Decreased maximum damage range from 48.5m to 35.1m (-28%).
- SP-X 80 (MWII)
- Increased aim down sight time from 521ms to 545ms (+5%).
» Handguns «
- Renetti
- JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit
- Decreased movement speed penalties by 50%.
- Basilisk (MWII)
- Increased maximum damage range from 6.9m to 8.4m (+22%).
- Increased near-medium damage range from 15.2m to 22.9m (+50%).
- Increased medium damage range from 22.9m to 35.1m (+53%).
- Increased far-medium damage range from 35.1m to 41.9m (+20%).
- Increased lower-torso damage multiplier from 1x to 1.2x (+20%).
Damage range increase allows for one-shot kills to the head at a further distance.
» Launchers «
- Stormender
- Addressed an issue preventing some Killstreaks from being destroyed and/or disabled.
» Melee «
- Gutter Knife
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
- Karambit
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
- Combat Knife (MWII)
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
- Dual Kodachis (MWII)
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
- Dual Kamas (MWII)
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
- Pickaxe (MWII)
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
» Attachments «
- JAK BFB Muzzle
- Decreased gun kick control benefit from 60% to 55% (-5%).
- Decreased vertical recoil control benefit from 40% to 35% (-5%).
- Increased aim down sight time penalty from 12% to 15% (+3%).
- Increased sprint to fire time penalty from 11% to 14% (+3%).
- Increased aim walking speed penalty from 14% to 17% (+3%).
- Added 18% bullet velocity penalty.
- Med Box
- Decreased time to deploy from 1.9s to 1.3s (-32%).
- Munitions Box
- Decreased time to deploy from 1.9s to 1.3s (-32%).
- A.C.S.
- Objectives can no longer be captured from further vertical distances than intended.
- Tactical Camera
- Resolved an exploit that allowed players to see through the environment when used with certain Equipment.
- Deployable Cover
- Addressed an exploit that allowed players to become invisible.
- Dead Silence
- Resolved an issue causing activation sounds to be more audible to other players than intended.
- Juggernaut Recon
- Oxygen meter will now display as expected while underwater.
- Gunship
- When destroyed by the Stormender (Launcher), visual effects will no longer persist on the player’s HUD.
MWIII Ranked
MWIII Ranked Play continues in Season 2 for its first full season, featuring NEW Seasonal Rewards including the Pro Issue MCW and new Divisional Camo Rewards to chase! Whether you’re jumping into your first Ranked Play match or continuing your grind, there’s more to unlock and competition to face. Below are the Season 02 specific details to keep in mind for returning competitors.
New to MWIII Ranked Play? Check out the Season 1 notes for a full breakdown! Keep the changes below in-mind!
- Maps and Modes
- CDL Search and Destroy
- Maps Removed
- Skidrow
- Maps Added
- Rio
- CDL Hardpoint
- Maps Removed
- Terminal
- Maps Added
- Rio
- Returning Map
- Sub Base
- Sub Base was previously removed while an issue with P3 was investigated. A fix for this issue is now live with Season 2.
- Content Restrictions
- Weapon Restrictions
- Assault Rifles
- SVA-545
- RAM-7
- BP50
- SMGs
- HRM-9
- RAM-9
- Sniper Rifles
- XRK Stalker
- Attachment Restrictions
- JAK Bullseye
- Vest
- Ninja
- Boots
- Tactical Pads
- SR Tuning
- The amount of SR earned after wins early-on in a player’s Ranked Play journey have been increased to help elevate players to their intended Skill Division faster.
- To increase competitiveness of the Top 250 Skill Division and reduce SR inflation, the amount of SR deducted after losses for players who are well beyond their intended Skill Division has been increased substantially.
- End of Season Skill Setback
- At the end of each Season, your ending Skill Division will determine where you start the following season:
- Bronze through Crimson I Players are set back three Tiers below where they finished in the previous season.
- Example: A Player ending Season 1 in Gold III will begin Season 2 in Silver III.
- Players Crimson II and above will start Season 2 in Diamond I.
- Rewards Reminder
- Players can earn Ranked Play rewards in three ways:
- Rank Rewards: Available at launch and can be earned in any Season.
- Players can continue their Season 1 Rank grind in Season 2.
- Season Rewards: Available at the start of a Season and only available in that Season.
- End of Season Rewards: Rewards that are awarded after the Season has ended and represent either your highest attained Division or an active placement in the Top 250 Division.
- Season 2 brings new Seasonal Division Camos to unlock in MWIII Ranked Play!
- Season 2 Rewards
- In addition to Rank Rewards, each Ranked Play Season will give players the opportunity to earn exclusive limited-time rewards.
- Throughout Season 2, players can earn the following rewards:
- 5 Wins: ‘MWIII Season 2 Competitor’ Weapon Sticker
- 10 Wins: ‘Pro Issue Gutter MCW’ Weapon Blueprint
- 25 Wins: ‘Farmed Them’ Weapon Charm
- 50 Wins: ‘Hard Day’s Work’ Large Weapon Decal
- 75 Wins: ‘MWIII Ranked Play Season 2’ Loading Screen
- 100 Wins: ‘MWIII Season 2 Ranked Veteran’ Weapon Camo
- End of Season Rewards
- At the end of each Season, players will be awarded Skill Division rewards that represent their highest attained Division that Season or an active placement in the Top 250 Division.
- Season 2 Division Rewards
- Bronze: ‘MWIII Season 2 Bronze’ Emblem
- Silver: ‘MWIII Season 2 Silver’ Emblem
- Gold: ‘MWIII Season 2 Gold’ Weapon Camo and Animated Emblem
- Platinum: ‘MWIII Season 2 Platinum’ Weapon Camo and Animated Emblem
- Diamond: ‘MWIII Season 2 Diamond’ Weapon Camo and Animated Emblem
- Crimson: ‘MWIII Season 2 Crimson’ Weapon Camo and Animated Emblem
- Iridescent: ‘MWIII Season 2 Iridescent’ Weapon Camo and Animated Emblem
- Top 250: ‘MWIII Season 2 Top 250’ Animated Weapon Camo, Animated Emblem, and Animated Calling Card
- Players must finish in the Top 250 Division to qualify for these rewards.
- Seasonal Division Operators
- Earn a Skill Division Skin for use with both CDL Male & Female Operators on both Factions to represent your highest Skill Division. Once the Skins from one Skill Division have been unlocked they can be permanently used in following Seasons in Modern Warfare III and Warzone:
- Gold – Iridescent: Earn the applicable ‘Gold Competitor’, ‘Platinum Competitor’, ‘Diamond Competitor’, ‘Crimson Competitor’, or ‘Iridescent Competitor’ Operator Skin set based on your highest Skill Division reached over the course of the Season.
- Top 250: Unlock the ‘Top 250 Competitor’ Operator Skin set by finishing a Season in the Top 250 Skill Division.
- Players must finish in the Top 250 Division to qualify for these rewards.
- Ranked Play First Place
- The player who finishes Season 2 in the #1 position on the Top 250 Leaderboard will receive an animated unique, one-of-a-kind Calling Card and Emblem for ultimate Season 2 bragging rights
- Increased the drop chance for Ammo Pouches in the High Threat Zone.
- Closed various exploits related to Tombstone Soda.
» Season 1 Weapons «
- New Weapons introduced in Season 1 have been added to the loot pool and can be found in lockers, crates, and the Mystery Box.
» Wonder Weapons «
Ray Gun
- Damage has increased for both the base weapon and when Pack-A-Punched.
- Base projectile speed has been increased (+60%) with further increases when Pack-A-Punched (+110%).
- Reduced the damage the Ray Gun will deal to its owner.
- Players will now enter into a downed state in 8 shots.
The Scorcher
- Decreased the time between pressing fire and the Scorcher charging up.
- Direct impact Plasma damage has been increased (+333%).
- Lingering Plasma length and diameter now increases with each charge.
- Lingering Plasma damage has been increased (+428%).
- Lingering Plasma duration has been adjusted.
- Lingering Plasma Damage duration for the initial charge has been decreased from 2 seconds to .5.
- Lingering Plasma Damage duration now increases by 1 second with each charge.
- Total duration is now longer by .5 seconds (at 4.5 seconds) with this change.
The V-R11
- The V-R11 will now hit and deal damage to Aether Worms.
» SMGs «
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from unlocking the HRM-9 via exfilling with the weapon in their inventory.
» Marksman Rifles «
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from infilling with the Eros blueprint.
» Melee «
Dual Kodachis
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from infilling with the Crysknife Blueprint in-game.
- Addressed an Issue that prevented players from switching weapons after using a Juggernaut Killstreak.
- Closed various duplication exploits with the Juggernaut Killstreak.
- Closed an exploit that allowed players to carry more than two weapons via the Juggernaut Killstreak.
- Closed an invulnerability exploit with the Juggernaut Killstreak.
- Addressed an issue that prevented the Kawaiii Endo Dismemberment Death Effect from appearing.
- Addressed an issue that took players to the Modern Warfare Zombies main menu when attempting to preview a camo while the Stormender was equipped.
- Removed some inactive UI prompts from the “Plea for Help Requested” screen.
- Added various crash and stability fixes.
- Audio Improvements
- Season 2 will see a continued effort in improving threat-based in-game audio, with notable improvements including:
- Ascenders
- Audible distance and volume increased.
- Parachute
- Audible distance and volume increased.
- Removed environmental sounds that could be misconstrued as parachutes.
- Reduced enemy parachute occlusion while firing a weapon.
- Enemy Redeploy Drone
- Players will now hear the intended VO when enemies are landing in their vicinity after using a Redeploy Drone.
New Features
All Modes | All Maps
- Rogue Signal New Public Event
- A match wide public event that pits players against one another for 90 seconds to be the best at a specified task – to gather the most money, get the most kills, deal the most damage, or open the most loot chests.
- The top three teams are rewarded with Cash, XP, and the location of a special reward cache that holds a powerful wonder weapon.
Resurgence | All Maps
- Squad Wipe Streak
- Added a new “Skull and Sickles” icon next to the remaining teams, players, your kills, and players watching you.
- This represents the number of squad wipes you achieve back-to-back within 90-second windows.
- This stat is tracked per match and is added to your main stats along with your personal best.
- A white flare shoots up from the last enemy player to be slain after each streak. Visible for around ten seconds, this enables rival squads to spot your aggression if they’re observant.
- Compete with other squads and claim in-game Calling Card and Emblem rewards as you reach Squad Wipe milestones throughout this and future Seasons.
- This feature is disabled in Ranked Play.
Resurgence | Fortune’s Keep
- Eradication Contract New Contract | In-Season
- Investigate any corpse you find, following tracks to a Zombie Nest of localized Zombie activity; they are infesting the island! Destroy the cysts, and any Zombie HVTs before the Contract completes. The exact type of HVT may change depending on time and other factors.
- Zombies Power-Ups New Power Mechanics
- Double Points: 60-second duration. Doubles Plunder from ground loot and kills, and score events in Resurgence (that contribute to teammate respawn timers).
- Full Armor: Instant buff. Fully fills your active Armor slots on pickup.
- Max Ammo: Instant buff. Fully fills ammo for all your carried weapons on pickup.
- Fire Sale: 90-second duration. Reduces the price of all shop items for a small duration of time.
- Looting Spree: 60-second duration. Adds bonus items to caches, with a very high chance of a bonus Common item, and a small but significant chance of an additional Legendary item.
- Zarkour: 60-second duration. Increases movement speed by around 10%, with infinite Tactical Sprint and Reloading while Sprinting, and disables Fall Damage.
- Undead Sight: 45-second duration. Operators or AI enemies within the range of your vision are highlighted red and friendly squadmates are blue. Tracker footsteps are active.
Adjusted Features
All Modes | All Maps
- Health Regen Delay
- The speed at which you begin to heal after taking damage has been decreased to 6 seconds, down from 7.
- Health Regen Per Second
- Regen Per Second increased to 50, up from 40
After reviewing engagement data we felt there was room to both reduce the regen delay, and increase the regen time providing a total change of 1.75 seconds off of the regeneration process. As a reminder the Medic Vest and/or Survivor Perk both set the regen delay to 4 seconds, which also sees increased value with the regeneration change above.
- Ground Loot
- Weapon builds have been updated in the ground loot.
- Newer weapons have been added.
- Existing weapons have received improved builds.
- Removed several Modern Warfare 2 weapons and those that came defaulted to burst fire.
Each season we are committed to updating the ground loot to include new weapon builds along with new items. This season we’re removing burst weapons from loot and reducing the number of semi-auto marksman rifles. It also includes a comprehensive re-balance of how many weapons from each title are included in the loot pool. Modern Warfare 2 weapons now account for 22% of the ground loot, down from 36%. As always this is a constantly evolving system with future adjustments pending.
- “Danger Zone” Tac Map Notification Quality of Life
- An icon has been added to the Tac Map to show the “Danger Zone” of an incoming Precision Air Strike. Players in this area are at risk of being damaged.
This icon will only show when players are within a close range of the Precision Air Strike, to preserve the player story of when a player sees a squad driving a vehicle and tactically targets the area they are driving into far ahead of them.
- Precision Air Strike Banner Radius
- Alongside the above, the distance at which players see the existing warning banner for a Precision Air Strike on the HUD has had a range increase.
Our approach to Quality of Life for this year of Warzone is that there are no ‘golden geese’ when it comes to addressing friction points in current gameplay loops. No matter how long a feature or system has worked in a certain manner, we are reviewing our internal data and player sentiment for outliers – of which the Precision Airstrike was overdue in improvements to its UX. We look forward to hearing what the community thinks of the above changes.
- UAV HUD Notification Quality of Life
- Players will now see a small red outline around their Minimap when they are under the influence of an enemy UAV in order to help better understand when they may be visible, or even pushed, by a team.
Moving forward, our goal is for systems to always have multiple callouts to guarantee that players don’t miss critical information in the heat of a firefight or engagement.
- Auto-Equip Durable Gas Mask Quality of Life
- Players will now auto-equip the durable gas mask over the regular gas mask by default.
- Players can still equip a regular gas mask over an equipped durable in the backpack.
- Redeploy Drone Ping Quality of Life
- The location of the ping icon for the Redeploy Drone has been moved to the bottom of the ascender to improve player navigation.
- Death Location Highlight Quality of Life
- The player’s death skull icon appears upon redeployment and remains visible until the player has landed.
- When the player has landed, the death icon will stay for an extra 10 seconds if the player landed near the death icon.
- Lootable Grenade Visibility Quality of Life
- Loadout Markers and Smoke Grenades are now easier to spot as ground loot – they are now up right and slightly elevated from the ground.
- This will now match the behavior of Deployable Buy Station grenades when they are on the ground.
- Auto-Equip Stowed Killstreaks Quality of Life
- Players will now auto-equip the next available Killstreak that is stowed in the backpack if a matching one is not found.
- Live Ping Fade Quality of Life
- While players are aiming down sights, live enemy pings will now fade away.
- Stow Equipped Perk Pack Quality of Life
- Players can now stow their equipped Perk Pack.
Battle Royale | Urzikstan
- Buy Station Shuffle
- Buy Station locations across Urzikstan have been updated to refresh the gameplay loop and combat scenarios.
- The number of available Buy Stations remains unchanged.
- Gulag Loadouts
- Updated the weapon builds for all weapons in the gulag.
- Item Drops
- Decreased the chance a Portable Radar and Suppression Mine appears in ground loot by 30%.
- Champion’s Quest
- Progress will reset at the launch of Season 2.
- Defuse time decreased to 10 seconds, down from 15.
- Chopper health increased by 10%.
- The order of elements has changed to Beryllium, Tritium, Plutonium.
Champions Quest had an explosive debut in Season 1 Reloaded with over 6,500 detonations. We’re committed to keeping our nuke chasers on their toes and are increasing the potential for enemy defuses, along with changing up the order of the elements so that the disabling Tritium comes second in the element order. We’re excited to see if and how strategies change during Season 2.
As a reminder, progress towards unlocking a Champions Quest Token is reset each season. This achieves a few things – enables an even playing field to attempt any gameplay adjustments that may accompany the update. Along with ensuring there’s not an overabundance and exponential increase of nukes occurring as time goes on.
Resurgence | All Maps
- Gulag Token
- The Gulag Token has been removed from Resurgence loot tables.
All Modes | Vondel
- Dynamic Fog System
- The fog will now only be present in 8% of games, it was 24%.
- Loot Density
- In the smaller or more dense POIs the loot density has decreased.
Today’s update includes substantial adjustments to core attributes of weapons in Modern Warfare III and Warzone. Prompted by player feedback and internal review, these changes intend to improve the precision and responsiveness of aiming, particularly while using a mouse – although, these changes may be observed regardless of the input device.
- ADS Idle Sway
- While a player is aimed down sight, idle sway is active. This mechanic discourages players from holding their sights for an extended period of time with a constant, subtle motion that introduces slight inaccuracy.
- ADS idle sway now initiates shortly after aiming down sight, rather than immediately, introducing a delay to the sway curve that is generally 5ms long but varies by weapon.
- Note: Sniper Rifles are not included in this change.
- After the initial delay, ADS idle sway now gradually increases over a 3s period before reaching peak speed, rather than beginning at full speed upon aiming down sights.
- Note: Sniper Rifles are not included in this change.
- ADS idle sway now consistently begins from the position of the player’s hipfire crosshair, rather than along the sway curve.
These changes ensure that players with fast reflexes and precise aim aren’t disadvantaged the moment they aim down sights.
- Hipfire Crosshair Sway
- The trajectory of weapon bullets is represented by the hipfire crosshair position on the player’s screen. Previously, the crosshair was influenced by the direction of the weapon, causing the firing direction to deviate from the center of the screen. Today’s changes eliminate the resulting compromise to accuracy without sacrificing the weight and reactivity this motion added.
- Hipfire crosshair will no longer sway from the center of the screen while the player moves or rotates the camera.
- Note: We’re aware that certain Stock Attachments may re-introduce this behavior. This is unintentional, and we’ll correct these artifacts in future game updates.
- Weapon bullet trajectory is now truly aligned with the hipfire crosshair, and thus, the center of the player’s screen.
These changes reward skillful aim. Simply put, where you’re aiming is where your bullets will go.
- Looking Ahead
- Please take some time to adjust to these changes and let us know how you feel. We’ll continue to monitor your feedback as we determine our next steps for aiming and related mechanics.
New Weapons
- BP50 (MWIII) Assault Rifle
- A modular bullpup chambered in 5.56. Tear down the competition with a high rate of fire and exceptional accuracy for dominating at mid to long ranges.
- Can be acquired via Battle Pass Sector B7
- RAM-9 (MWIII) Submachine Gun
- More maneuverable and agile than its assault rifle counterpart, this bullpup SMG chambered in 9mm is lethal at close range.
- Can be acquired via Battle Pass Sector B6
- SOA (MWIII) Subverter Battle Rifle In-Season
- Chambered in 7.62, this hard-hitting rifle dominates at mid to longer ranges thanks to a low rate of fire and predictable recoil.
- Can be acquired via Weekly Challenge
- Soulrender (MWIII) Melee Weapon In-Season
- A ceremonial blade capable of razor-sharp cuts and deadly melee action in close-quarters combat.
New Aftermarket Parts
- JAK Tyrant 762 Kit
- Compatibility: Longbow (Sniper Rifle)
- This caliber Conversion Kit swaps out the receiver and magazine to accommodate 7.62 BLK ammunition for a harder-hitting, subsonic weapon.
- Can be acquired via Weekly Challenge.
- JAK Limb Ripper
- Compatibility: Underbarrel Attachment, several weapons
- Unrivaled at creating close-quarters carnage, this underbarrel chainsaw makes quick and messy work of anyone foolish enough to stand in your way.
- Can be acquired via Weekly Challenge.
- JAK Maglift Kit
- Compatibility: Haymaker (Shotgun)
- With a new binary trigger and reinforced magwell to accommodate the extra large .410 drum mag, this kit is a room-clearing machine.
- Can be acquired via Weekly Challenge.
- JAK Glassless Optic
- Compatibility: Optic Attachment, several weapons
- This glassless reflex optic offers a projected dot and state of the art stabilization technology that reduces visual recoil while firing.
- Can be acquired via Weekly Challenge.
- JAK Outlaw-277 Kit In-Season
- Compatibility: BAS-B (Battle Rifle)
- This Conversion Kit transforms the BAS-B into a lever-action rifle, slowing fire rate but vastly improving accuracy for deadlier precision.
- Can be acquired via Weekly Challenge.
- JAK Burnout Kit In-Season
- Compatibility: Holger 26 (Light Machine Gun)
- Gives the Holger 26 an adverse fire mode that provides a dramatically increased fire rate but will overheat and expand the barrel, introducing increased recoil over time.
- Can be acquired via Battle Pass.
- JAK Backsaw Kit In-Season
- Compatibility: Holger 556 (Assault Rifle)
- Gives the Holger 556 a high capacity drum magazine and a side-by-side double barrel, allowing for the weapon to fire two bullets at once.
- Can be acquired via Weekly Challenge.
Weapon Adjustments
» General «
- We’ve reduced the recoil on all weapons while using them in Tac Stance.
- A number of improvements have been made to Modern Warfare II weapons:
- Assault Rifles
- Increased movement speed while aiming down sights.
- Battle Rifles
- Increased movement speed while aiming down sights and while crouched.
- Marksman Rifles
- Increased movement speed while aiming down sights and while crouched.
- Light Machine Guns
- Increased movement speed while aiming down sight, while crouched, and while strafing.
- Sniper Rifles
- Increased movement speed while aiming down sight, while crouched, and while strafing.
» Assault Rifles «
- Mid Damage reduced to 24, down from 28.
- Min Damage reduced to 22, down from 25.
- Increased aim down sight time to 265ms, up from 240ms.
- Increased sprint to fire time to 252ms, up from 241ms.
- Holger 556 (MWIII)
- Increased aim down sight time to 270ms, up from 260ms.
- TR-76 Geist (MWII)
- Headshot Damage Modifier reduced to 1.25x, down from 1.3x.
- Upper Torso Damage Modifier increased to 1.15x, up from 1.05x.
- Arm and Hand Damage Modifier increased to 1.15x, up from 0.96x.
» Battle Rifles «
- Max Damage reduced to 30, down from 35.
- Increased sprint to fire time to 252ms, up from 231ms.
- Increased aim down sight time to 270ms, up from 260ms.
- Increased hipfire spread minimum to 2.9deg/s, up from 2.3deg/s.
- MTZ-762 (MWIII)
- Semi-Auto damage override has been removed.
- The weapon now does the same damage in semi-auto as it does in automatic.
- Sidewinder (MWIII)
- Increased bullet velocity to 600m/s, up from 540m/s.
- Decreased recoil and gun kick significantly.
- JAK Thunder LMG Kit
- Increased delay before accelerated rate of fire begins to decay to 500ms, up from 200ms.
- Decreased accelerated rate of fire decay rate to 240rpm/s, down from 300rpm/s.
- Increased gun kick control and recoil control by 35%.
» SMGs «
- Max Damage Range reduced to 12.9m, down from 16.5m.
- Max Damage Range increased to 18m, up from 16.5m.
- Near-Mid Damage Range increased to 26.7m, up from 22.9m.
- Decreased aim down sight time 220ms, down from 240ms.
- Broodmother .45 Kit
- Decreased aim down sight time to 241ms, down from 270ms.
- Decreased movement speed penalties by 50%.
» Shotguns «
- Lockwood 680 (MWIII)
- Mid Damage reduced to 30, down from 44.
- Defender Heavy Long Barrel
- Increased sprint to fire time penalty to 30%, up from 8%.
- Haymaker (MWIII)
- 12 Gauge Dragon’s Breath
- Max Damage Range decreased to 2.9m, down from 3.5m.
- Near-Mid Damage Range decreased to 4.1m, down from 4.8m.
- Riveter (MWIII)
- Near-Mid Mid Damage Range reduced to 5.5m, down from 6.3m.
- .410 Gauge Incendiary
- Max Damage Range decreased to 2.5, down from 3.0m.
- Near-Mid Damage Range decreased to 3.3, down from 3.8m.
- Bryson 890 (MWII)
- Mid Damage Range reduced to 10.4m, down from 13.2m.
- KV Broadside (MWII)
- Decreased sprint to fire time to 189ms, down from 210ms.
- Decreased aim down sight time to 240ms, down from 330ms.
- Lockwood 300 (MWII)
- 12 Gauge Dragon’s Breath
- Max Damage Range decreased to 2.6m , down from 3.3m.
- Near-Mid Damage Range decreased to 5.3m, down from 7.1m.
- MX Guardian (MWII)
- 12 Gauge Dragon’s Breath
- Max Damage Range decreased to 2.9m, down from 3.5m.
- Near-Mid Damage Range decreased to 4.8m, down from 5.5m.
» LMGs «
- Pulemyot 762 (MWIII)
- Jak Annihilator Bullpup Kit
- Near-Mid Damage set to 32. New Variable
- Near-Mid Damage Range set to 38.1m. New Variable
- Min Damage reduced to 30, down from 34.
- TAQ Evolvere (MWIII)
- Max Damage increased to 34, up from 26.
- Max Damage Range reduced to 30.5m, down from 45.8m.
- Near-Mid Damage 29. New Variable
- Near-Mid Damage Range 45.8m. New Variable
- Min Damage increased to 26, up from 20.
- TAQ Eradicator (MWIII)
- Increased sprint to fire time to 252ms, up from 210ms.
- Increased sprint to fire time to 340ms, up from 330ms.
- 556 Icarus (MWII)
- Decreased sprint to fire time to 235ms, down from 250ms.
- Decreased sprint to fire time to 199ms, down from 216ms.
- Decreased aim down sight time to 330ms, down from 390ms.
- Decreased aim down sight time to 380ms, down from 410ms.
» Marksman Rifles «
- KVD Enforcer (MWIII)
- Decreased headshot multiplier to 1.4x, down from 1.8x.
- MTZ Interceptor (MWIII)
- Increased sprint to fire time to 262ms, up from 252ms.
- Increased aim down sight time to 280ms, up from 265ms.
- Decreased neck multiplier to 1.0x, down from 1.62x.
- MCW 6.8 (MWIII)
- Decreased aim down sight time to 245ms, down from 271ms.
- Decreased hipfire spread minimum to 4.1deg/s, down from 5deg/s.
- Decreased hipfire spread maximum to 10deg/s, down from 12.1deg/s.
- Decreased bullet velocity to 930m/s, down from 1,016m/s.
- Reduced intensity of aim down sight idle sway.
- Crossbow (MWII)
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 3x, up from 1.2x.
- Lower limb Damage Multipliers increased to 1x, up from 0.9x.
We’ve standardized the hit locations on the Crossbow, by making the profile more even and widening the one-shot location of the head to include the neck.
» Sniper Rifles «
- XRK Stalker (MWIII)
- Now one-shot downs to the head within its Max Damage Range
- Max damage range increased to 50.8 meters.
- Longbow (MWIII)
- Min Damage reduced to 73, down from 75.
- Decreased aim down sight time to 520ms, down from 550ms.
- Signal 50 (MWII)
- Near-Mid Damage Range reduced to 62.3m, down from 67.4m.
- SP-X 80 (MWII)
- Increased aim down sight time to 545ms, up from 521ms.
» Handguns «
- Renetti (MWIII)
- JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit
- Reduced movement speed penalties by 50%.
- WSP Stinger (MWIII)
- Max Damage increased to 24, up from 20.
- Near-Mid Damage increased to 22, up from 16.
- Min Damage increased to 20, up from 14.
- .50 GS (MWII)
- Max Damage increased to 78, up from 72.
- Basilisk (MWII)
- Lower Torso Damage Modifier increased to 1.2x, up from 1.0x.
» Melee «
- Gutter Knife (MWIII)
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
- Karambit (MWIII)
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
- Combat Knife (MWII)
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
- Dual Kodachis (MWII)
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
- Dual Kamas (MWII)
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
- Pickaxe (MWII)
- Decreased melee lunge distance by 30%.
Adjusted Attachments
- JAK BFB Muzzle
- Decreased gun kick control benefit to 55%, down from 60%.
- Decreased vertical recoil control benefit to 35%, down from 40%.
- Increased aim down sight time penalty to 15%, up from 12%.
- Increased sprint to fire time penalty to 14%, up from 11%.
- Increased aim walking speed penalty to 17%, up from 14%.
- Added 18% bullet velocity penalty.
General Adjustments
- Several perk descriptions have been updated for clarity.
- The spacing of perks located on the HUD has been increased for more separation between them and the tac stance indicator.
Perk Adjustments
- Flex Perk
- Revised audio levels while equipped.
- Irradiated
- Will now reduce gas damage by 20%, up from 10%.
- Allows players to replace armor plates while in the gas.
With this change we aim to allow for an adjacent benefit while using Irradiated. Being able to plate in the gas will open rotation opportunities. To accompany the fact that plates will still degrade in the gas we increased the damage reduction slightly. This also helps to align the damage amount to be a smoother calculation for other systems.
- Battle Hardened
- Will now show the “resist” icon for the killstreak owner when a player resists the Guardian.
- Quick Fix
- Quick fix will now correctly begin regenerating health when the player inserts an armor plate.
- Shrouded
- The deployed smoke grenade has a slight randomized offset so that it is not deployed directly on top of the player.
This minor change makes it slightly less predictable where the downed player is within the smoke.
Adjusted Equipment
- Claymore
- Following a related bug fix, players can expect the following damage values from claymores:
- Close damage 170.
- Far Damage 100.
- C4
- Throw velocity increased to 425m/s, up from 392m/s.
- The charge can now be thrown between 5m to 15m based on the type of throw.
- Breacher Drone
- Close Damage decreased to 175, down from 200.
- Frag Grenade
- Close Damage increased to 275, up from 250
- Mid Damage increased to 200, up from 150
- Far Damage increased to 175, up from 105
At launch, the Frag Grenade was incorrectly dealing very high damage across MWIII and Warzone. This created some problematic engagements in Battle Royale and was temporarily fixed in Season 1. With this update, we’ve properly branched the damage values so that Warzone uses its own tuning and we have increased its damage back up to a position that allows it to be effective. We will continue to adjust damage values across equipment to create more identity and desire to utilize them for different reasons.
- Gas Mask
- Gas Mask health reduced to 100, down from 120.
- Durable Gas Mask health reduced to 200, down from 240.
This changes gas mask time to 10, and 20 seconds respectively. Ultimately increasing the threat of the gas, the value of the Irradiated Perk and also opens the door to some very useful interactions with the Decontamination Station coming in Season 2 Reloaded.
- Fixed an issue causing a fourth melee hit to instantly down a second target.
- Fixed several geography issues throughout Urzikstan.
- Yes, that includes doing some excavating near the historic Urzikstan Plateau.
- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Urzikstan allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
- Fixed an issue causing the Battle Hardened hitmarker not to appear when a player with Battle Hardened is hit by an enemy Guardian.
- Fixed an issue where vehicles were not taking the intended amount of damage from lethal equipment.
- Fixed an issue where ultimate perks were not being correctly removed and reset when switching perk packages.
- Fixed an issue when hovering over an active mosquito drone on the tac map did not have any name.
- Fixed several issues that prevented a Players death icon from appearing.
- Fixed an issue preventing a Player from seeing their death icon if they did not fight anyone in the Gulag.
- Fixed an issue causing the Ammo Caches on Plunder to have lower cooldowns.
- Fixed an issue allowing a Player to respawn after the Resurgence countdown ended.
- Fixed an issue causing the Loot Crate icon from the Scavenger Contract to not appear.
- Fixed an issue causing multiple of the same Field Upgrade to spawn next to one another in ground loot.
- Fixed a collision issue with the Cash Drop Crate.
- Fixed an issue that would cause performance issues when opening the Tac-Map.
- Fixed an issue that would cause a ping on the enemy to appear as a Loadout Crate icon.
- Fixed an issue where a mushroom cloud would be visible in the victory cinematic even though the nuke was defused.
- Fixed an issue causing the Nuke icon to be visible to Players in the Gulag.
- Fixed an issue preventing Players from joining a Private Match after receiving an invite.
- Fixed an issue causing the Riot Shield to clip through the Player during the Exfil scene.
- Fixed an issue causing Champion’s Quest element icons to disappear after returning from the Gulag.
- Fixed a UI issue with the Resurgence timer in the Player Squad widget.
- Fixed an issue causing an Operator to appear invisible in the Exfil scene.
- Fixed an issue with the “Go Again” Gulag event that allowed Players to spectate an enemy instead of their alive teammate.
- Fixed an issue preventing Players from going down fire station tower stairs.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect accolades appearing during the Exfil scene.
- Fixed an issue that incorrectly details how much money a Redeploy Pack and a Gulag Token rewards Players.
- Fixed an issue causing the rarity of Mortar Strikes to be displayed incorrectly in the backpack.
- Fixed an issue where the red skull icon would overlap with the money in the Squad Widget.
- Fixed an issue preventing a cooldown on “request” pings from teammates.
- Fixed an issue preventing ATVs and PWCs from automatically exploding after receiving maximum damage.
- Fixed an issue that caused Gas Masks to be damaged when bought from a Buy Station.
- Fixed an issue in Plunder, causing the Cash Deposit Balloon to display the incorrect amount of money being deposited.
- Fixed an issue preventing the favorite icon from appearing on a favorited loadout.
- Fixed an issue that caused the EMP Killstreak to be displayed incorrectly in the backpack.
- Fixed an issue causing Black Site Keys to spawn when there is no Black Site available.

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