Modern Warfare 2 x Warzone 2.0 | Update 1.025 | 1.25 | Season 6
Heute startet „Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 x Warzone 2.0“ mit Update 1.025 | 1.25 in Season 6. Auf Playstation ist der Preload des Updates bereits gestartet. Installierbar ist das Update ab 18 Uhr. Zu dieser Zeit wird der Download auch für Xbox und PC freigeschaltet. Die Downloadgröße beträgt 29.424 GB auf Playstation 5 und dürfte auf anderen Systemen ähnlich groß ausfallen. Mit dem Patch werden die neuen Inhalte für Season 6 hinzugefügt und einige Anpassungen und Fehlerkorrekturen vorgenommen. Nachfolgend findet ihr eine Zusammenfassung der neuen Inhalte und die Patch Notes, sobald diese verfügbar sind.
Update 1.25 | Warzone 2 x MWII
Mit Update 1.25 für „Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 x Warzone 2.0“ werden 2 neue Karten für den 6v6 Modus, 2 neue Karten für Feuergefecht und drei neue Waffen für den MW2 Mehrspielermodus hinzugefügt. Darüber hinaus werden zahlreiche neue kosmetische Inhalte als Store Bundles und als Teil des Battle Pass verfügbar sein. Zu Halloween startet zudem ein zeitlich begrenztes Event mit täglichen Login Boni und Belohnungen für die Teilnahme. Im Rahmen dieses Events werden zudem auch thematisch angepasste Map Versionen und Spielmodi in MW2 & WZ2 spielbar sein.
Season 6 Inhalte für WZ 2.0
In Warzone 2 erwartet euch in der Mid Season am 17. Oktober das Hunting Event. Passend zum bevorstehenden Feiertag „Halloween“ wird sich der Höllenschlund in Al Mazrah und Vondel öffnen und es wird in jedem Modus eine Hunting Variante auf euch warten. Rechnet mit Jump Scares beim öffnen von Kisten und Anomalien auf der Karte. Außerdem kehrt Zombie Royale in diesem Jahr zurück.
- The Haunting: Operation Nightmare (Al Mazrah)
- The Haunting: Vondead (Vondel)
- The Haunting: Zombie Royale (Limited-Time Mode, Al Mazrah, Vondel)
The Hunting Ausrüstung & Items
Im Rahmen des Events wird es zudem spezielle Ausrüstungsgegenstände und Lootbare Items geben. Hierzu zählen:
Gefangene Seelen (Al Mazrah, Vondead)
Im Rahmen des Soul Capture Events in Call of Duty: Warzone und Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (ausführlich im späteren Abschnitt „Allgemeiner Überblick“ in diesem Blog beschrieben) erhaltet ihr Seelen, indem ihr Kills erzielt und monströse Wesen besiegt. Diese Seelen werden sofort vergeben, sobald ihr sie aufnehmt; ihr könnt sie behalten oder sie nach Abschluss jeder Runde gegen verschiedene beeindruckende Belohnungen eintauschen.
Die Zombies, die in Al Mazrah und Vondead umherstreifen, lassen nicht nur ihre Eingeweide fallen. Gelegentlich lassen sie auch eine seltsam aussehende Beutekiste zurück. Diese Kisten können aber auch so verteilt auf der Map zu finden sein. Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall, danach zu suchen, da sie Panzerplatten, Munition und Ausrüstung enthält. Sie funktioniert wie eine Art mutierte Rüstungs- und Munitionskiste. Ihr solltet aber vorsichtig sein, wenn ihr diese Kisten öffnet, denn ihr könnt dabei vom „lebenden Maul“ verschlungen werden, das diese Container besessen hat!
Diese parasitäre „lebende Granate“, geformt wie eine Fledermaus, die von einem unbekannten Übel geschaffen wurde, heftet sich an Feinde und markiert sie in der Wärmebildkamera. Unter Wasser kann sie nicht an euch anhaften.
Süßes oder Saures: Jump Scares
Die Beutekisten in Al Mazrah oder Vondead können auch an diesem Halloween wieder einen eindrucksvollen Jump Scare auszulösen. Ihr müsst dann die furchterregenden Halluzinationen überleben, um die Belohnungen in den Kisten zu ergattern.
Season 6 Inhalte für Modern Warfare 2
In Modern Warfare 2 erwartet euch in Season 6 ein neuer Content Drop. Für den Mehrspielermodus werden 2 neue 6v6 Karten und 2 neue Feuergefecht Karten hinzugefügt. Darüber hinaus erhalten 2 der bestehenden Karten einen Halloween Reskin mit dem Mid Season Update. Ebenfalls zur Mid Season werden einige Modi wie Herrschaft, Abschuss bestätigt, Grind, Drop Zone und Infiziert in einer speziellen Hunting Variante spielbar sein.
Bei den neuen Karten, die zum Start von Season 6 verfügbar sind, handelt es sich um
La Casa (Core, Launch): Schauplatz dieser 6v6 Map ist ein Luxusanwesen in Las Almas, Mexiko. Es ist umgeben von hohen Mauern und verfügt über einen zweiflügeligen Grundriss mit Wohnbereichen im Osten und einem riesigen Esszimmer und Büros im Westen. Die beiden Flügel sind durch eine Brücke mit Sicht auf den Kreisverkehr im Norden und dem Teich im Süden verbunden.
Koro Village (Core, Launch): Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Neuauflage der Call of Duty 2 Karte „Toujane“. Euch erwartet ein von Schnee bedecktes Stadtgebiet. Kämpft euch durch die Straße oder von Gebäude zu Gebäude. Achtet auf die gelben Leitern, die den Zugang zu den Dächern ermöglichen, wo provisorische Rampen die Gebäude miteinander verbinden. Nutzt den Aussichtspunkt, um die Feinde unterhalb ins Visier zu nehmen und achtet auf Feinde, die die obere Ebene für sich beanspruchen wollen.
King (Feuergefecht Map, Launch): Bekannt aus Modern Warfare 2019. Schauplatz ist ein Lagerhaus
Fight (Gunfight, Launch): Diese Karte bietet euch ein Schießstanderlebnis der anderen Art. Ihr bewegt euch hier durch verschiedene Schießstände, in denen extreme Nahkämpfe stattfinden. Die Schießstände drei und vier befinden sich auf der oberen Ebene, eins und zwei in der Unteren und sind auf den Nahkampf ausgelegt. Draußen gibt es etwas Spielraum für Gefechte auf mittlerer Distanz.
Die beiden Karten El Asilo und Embassy bekommen einen Halloween Reskin.
Season 6 Inhalte für beide Spiele
Wie immer gibt es auch Spielübergreifende Inhalte. Dazu zählen der Seaason 6 Battle Pass inkl. 2 neuer Waffen, sowie 2 neuen Nahkampfwaffen, eine Zum Start und eine im Mid Season. Beide können durch eine Herausforderung kostenlos oder durch den Kauf eines Bundles freigeschaltet. Außerdem gibt es wieder diverse Operator Bundles.
Bei den neuen Waffen handelt es sich um:
- TR-76 Geist: 7.62 x 39 mm Sturmgewehr mit moderater Feuerrate, vielseitig einsetzbar — verfügbar zum Launch im Battle Pass
- ISO 9mm SMG: Hohe feuerrate, sehr Mobil – verfügbar zum Launch im Battle Pass
- Dual Kamas
- Doom Kettensäge: Neue Nahkampfwaffe in Season 6 Reloaded
Außerdem gibt es einen neuen Waffenaufsatz für die Lockwood 500:
- Lockwood 300
- Maelstrom Dual Trigger
- Feuert beide Patronen gleichzeitig ab
- Maelstrom Dual Trigger
Zusätzlich wurde das Prestige angepasst und endet nun bei Level 25. Der Soldatenrang endet bei Level 1250.
Neue Operator
- Spawn (Battle Pass Standard)
- V4L3RIA (Black Cell)
- Lilith (Diablo IV)
- Inarius (Diablo IV)
- Ash Williams (Evil Dead 2)
- Alucard (Hellsing)
- Skeletor (Masters of the Universe) ab 17. Oktober verfügbar
Das Soul Capture Event in Warzone 2 und MWII & tägliche Login Boni
Das Soul Capture Event ist in Modern Warfare II und Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 verfügbar. Es ist eine verbesserte und furchterregende Variante des beliebten Trophäenjagd-Events aus Season 03. Es ist in allen Spielmodi verfügbar und jedes Mal, wenn ein Spieler eliminiert wird, hinterlässt er eine Seele. Ihr könnt diese Seelen sammeln und sie werden euch automatisch Gutgeschrieben (d.h. ihr müsst dieses Mal keine Kaufstation in Call of Duty: Warzone oder DMZ besuchen). Ihr könnt die gesammelten Seelen gegen Gegenstände eintauschen, die in der Registerkarte „Ereignisse“ angezeigt werden.
Neben Seelen für Kills von Gegnern erhaltet ihr auch welche für das Töten von Monstern, die auf den Karten von Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 lauern.
Season 6 in Modern Warfare 2 und Warzone 2.0 startet am 27. September um 18 Uhr. Die Freischaltung der Inhalte erfolgt dann durch ein separates Playlist Update.
Patch Notes – Update 1.25 | 1.025 | Warzone 2.0 x Modern Warfare 2
Zusätzlich zu den neuen Inhalten wurden mit Update 1.25 | 1.025 Anpassungen an der Waffenbalance und einige Fehlerkorrekturen vorgenommen. Die Details dazu könnt ihr den Patch Notes unterhalb entnehmen.
Weapon Balancing
» Submachine Guns «
- Lachmann Shroud
- Reduced upper torso damage | MWII Only
- Reduced mid-far distance damage | MWII Only
- Minor increase in close-mid distance damage | MWII Only
- Minibak
- Increased close distance damage | MWII Only
- Increased damage range | MWII Only
» Assault Rifles «
- Kastov 762
- Reduced close distance damage | MWII Only
- Reduced close damage range | MWII Only
- Increased mid damage range | MWII Only
- FR Avancer
- Increased damage range | MWII Only
» Battle Rifles «
- Cronen Squall
- Increased damage range | MWII Only
- Lachmann-762
- Increased damage range | MWII Only
- SO-14
- Increased damage range | MWII Only
- Increased damage range | MWII Only
» Shotguns «
- Bryson 800
- Reduced far damage range | MWII Only
- Expedite 12
- Increased mid damage range | MWII Only
- MX Guardian
- Reduced close damage range | MWII Only
» Marksman Rifles «
- Tempus Torrent
- Reduced close damage range | MWII Only
- Reduced close distance damage | MWII Only
- Reduced damage to legs | MWII Only
- Lockwood MK2
- Increased mid damage range | MWII Only
- Increased close distance damage | MWII Only
- Increased damage to upper arm | MWII Only
- Improved sprint out time
- Increased hip movement speed
- SA-B 50
- Improved sprint out time
- Improved ADS time
- Reduced moving hip spread
- Increased far damage range | MWII Only
- SP-R 208
- Increase to mid damage range | MWII Only
The following weapon changes are applicable to Warzone only.
» Assault Rifles «
- Chimera
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- FR Avancer
- Limb Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- ISO Hemlock
- Neck Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- Kastov 762
- Close Damage decreased | Warzone Only
- Close Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Head Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- Neck Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- M13B
- Close Damage decreased | Warzone Only
- Close Damage Range decreased | Warzone Only
- Close-mid Damage decreased | Warzone Only
- Mid Damage decreased | Warzone Only
- M13C
- Close Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Lower Limb Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- M16
- Close Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Lower Torso Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- Limb Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
» Battle Rifles «
- Cronen Squall
- Mid Damage Range decreased | Warzone Only
- FTAC Recon
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Torso Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- Limb Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- Lachmann-762
- Close Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Torso Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- Limb Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- SO-14
- Close Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Close-Mid Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Mid Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Far Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Close Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Close Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Close-mid Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
» Handguns «
- Basilisk
- Close-mid Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Mid Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Mid-far Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Far Damage increased | Warzone Only
- FTAC Siege
- Head Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- GS Magna
- Close Damage decreased | Warzone Only
- Close-mid Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- Limb Damage Multipliers decreased | Warzone Only
- P890
- Mid Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Far Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Limb Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- X12
- Close-mid Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Torso Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- Lower Limb Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- 9mm Daemon
- Neck Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- Torso Damage Multipliers decreased | Warzone Only
- Arm Damage Multipliers decreased | Warzone Only
- .50 GS
- Close Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Mid Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Far Damage increased | Warzone Only
» Shotguns «
- Bryson 800
- Close-mid Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Bryson 890
- Close Damage Range decreased | Warzone Only
- Close-Mid Damage Range decreased | Warzone Only
- Mid Damage Range decreased | Warzone Only
- Mid-Far Damage Range decreased | Warzone Only
- Lockwood 300
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Limb Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- MX Guardian
- Close Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Close-mid Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Mid Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Mid-Far Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Far Damage increased | Warzone Only
» Sniper Rifles «
- Carrack .300
- Close-mid Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Far Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Limb Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- Signal 50
- Neck Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- SP-X 80
- Close Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Close-mid Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Mid Damage Range increased | Warzone Only
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
» Submachine Guns «
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Torso Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- Limb Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- Fennec 45
- Close Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Close-mid Damage increased | Warzone Only
- Head Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Neck Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased | Warzone Only
- Lachmann Shroud
- Semi-auto Damage decreased | Warzone Only
- Burst-fire Head Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Burst-fire Neck Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Burst-fire Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Minibak
- Mid Damage increased | Warzone Only
- MX9
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased | Warzone Only
- Torso Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
- Limb Damage Multipliers increased | Warzone Only
Weapons Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing the stat bars to occasionally display incorrect information when comparing Weapons or Attachments
- Fixed an issue with the Lockwood 300 that would cause it to deal inconsistent Headshot Damage
- Fixed an issue with some KV Broadside and MX Guardian Barrel Attachments where they were not offering the correct stat
- Fixed an issue where helicopters were taking higher damage than intended when stuck with a Shock Stick
- Fixed an issue where the Player could be teleported outside of the Heavy Chopper while it was moving in rare circumstances
- Fixed an issue allowing Dirt Bikes collision with water to not function as intended
- Fixed an issue causing some Operators to clip when in the MRAP
- Fixed an issue where menu titles can appear incorrectly when using the quick menu
- Fixed an issue affecting the appearance of the 9mm Daemon when previewing the weapon
- Fixed an issue where spending multiple Battle Pass tokens in a row could cause the Player to receive an error message
- Fixed an issue where camera position was inconsistent when viewing weapons and Blueprints in the Battle Pass
- Fixed an issue causing the 9mm Daemon unlock requirements to function incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where the Calling Card and Emblem reward images for Polyatomic and Orion Masteries were swapped on the Carrack .300
- Fixed an issue preventing the ‘Report Player’ function from working correctly from the in-game Scoreboard
- Fixed an issue preventing vehicle skin changes from displaying correctly when equipping a new skin
- Fixed an exploit that allowed Weapon Blueprint duplication
- Fixed an issue preventing Players from navigating the Play Again options using the left thumb stick on controller
- Fixed an issue where some Bonus Challenges were not rewarding XP correctly upon completion
- Fixed an issue where an Operator’s image can be greyed out after selecting them
- Fixed an issue where the Manage Files menu could kick the Player back to the main menu
- Fixed an issue where the Screen Refresh Rate setting would not adjust correctly
- Fixed an issue where the Drill Charge would not play a sound when a Player was stuck
- Fixed an issue where some sounds would unintentionally delay over distance
- Fixed an issue where music was fading out unintentionally between Gunfight rounds
- Fixed an issue where War Tracks were not mixing correctly according to UI settings
- Fixed an issue where the detach sound wouldn’t play when exiting an ascender
- Fixed an issue where AI Gun Screens would not function correctly on secondary weapons
- Fixed an issue where Players who found all 150 intel fragments would not be awarded the exclusive Calling Card
- Fixed an issue where the “No Respawns” message was not displaying in the Atomgrad Raid Episode 04
- Fixed an issue that could cause Faction Showdown vehicle challenges to track incorrectly
- Fixed an issue where the Snoop Dogg Operator didn’t appear correctly in in some Private Matches
- Fixed an issue where an ISO 45 stock could display a placeholder image when customizing Loadouts in Private Matches
- Fixed an issue where the UAV Killstreak pings enemy locations in-between scans on some Multiplayer Maps
Season 06 of MWII Ranked Play features NEW Seasonal Rewards to unlock, including the Pro Issue SP-X 80 Weapon Blueprint, Seasonal Division Large Weapon Decals, and much more.
Below are the Season 06 specific details to keep in mind for new and returning competitors. Need a refresher? The Call of Duty Blog has you covered right here and the CDL Competitive Settings V 1.4.1 will help inform.
Season 06 Highlight Changes
Competitive Game Settings
- New Season 06 Restrictions
- Assault Rifles
- TR-76 Geist
- SMGs
- ISO 9mm
- Melee
- Dual Kamas
- Returning Restrictions in addition to the CDL Competitive Settings
- Assault Rifles
- Tempus Razorback
- FR Avancer
- M13C
- SMGs
- ISO 45
- Lachmann Shroud
- Shotguns
- MX Guardian
- Sniper Rifles
- Carrack .300
- Melee
- Tonfa
- Pickaxe
- Attachments
- Corvus Torch Underbarrel
SR (Skill Rating) & Divisions
- End of Season Skill Setback
- At the end of each Season, your ending Skill Division will determine where you start the following season:
- Bronze through Crimson I Players are set back three Tiers below where they finished in the previous season.
- Example: A Player ending Season 05 in Gold III will begin Season 06 in Silver III.
- Players Crimson II and above will start Season 05 in Diamond I.
MWII Ranked Play Season 06 Rewards
- Season 06 Win Rewards
- Throughout the Season 06, Players can earn the following rewards:
- 5 Wins: ’MWII Season 06 Competitor’ Weapon Sticker
- 10 Wins: Pro Issue SP-X 80 Weapon Blueprint
- 25 Wins: ‚Taking Out The Trash” Weapon Charm
- 50 Wins: ‚1v1 Me’ Large Weapon Decal
- 75 Wins: ’MWII Ranked Play Season 06’ Loading Screen
- 100 Wins: ’MWII Season 06 Ranked Veteran’ Weapon Camo
End of Season Division Rewards
- At the end of each Season, Players will be awarded Skill Division rewards that represent their highest attained Division that Season.
- Skill Division Skins:
- Earn a Skill Division Skin for use with both CDL Male & Female Operators on both Factions to represent your highest Skill Division. Once the Skins from one Skill Division have been unlocked they can be permanently used in following Seasons and anywhere you play:
- Top 250: Unlock the ‘Top 250 Competitor’ Skin by finishing a Season in the Top 250 Skill Division. Players must be in the Division at the end of the Season to qualify for this reward.
- Gold – Iridescent: Earn the applicable ‘Gold Competitor’, ‘Platinum Competitor’, ‘Diamond Competitor’, ‘Crimson Competitor’, or ‘Iridescent Competitor’ Skin based on your highest Skill Division reached over the course of the Season.
- Seasonal Division Rewards
- Each Ranked Play Season features a unique set of Division Rewards awarded at the end of the Season to celebrate the Player’s highest Skill Division reached that Season.
- Seasonal Division Rewards Update
- Players who climb into Gold and above will obtain a new reward each season where we previously offered a Weapon Charm. For Season 06, we’re offering Seasonal Division Large Weapon Decals.
- The Season 05 rewards are as follows:
- Top 250: ‘Season 06 Top 250’ Large Weapon Decal, Emblem, and Calling Card
- Players must be in the Top 250 Division at the end of the Season to qualify for these rewards.
- Iridescent: ‘Season 06 Iridescent’ Large Weapon Decal, Emblem, and Calling Card
- Crimson: ‘Season 06 Crimson’ Large Weapon Decal and Emblem
- Diamond: ‘Season 06 Diamond’ Large Weapon Decal and Emblem
- Platinum: ‘Season 06 Platinum’ Large Weapon Decal and Emblem
- Gold: ‘Season 06 Gold’ Large Weapon Decal and Emblem
- Silver: Emblem
- Bronze: Emblem
- Ranked Play First Place: The Player who finishes Season 06 in the #1 position on the Top 250 Leaderboard will receive a unique, one-of-a-kind Calling Card and Emblem for the ultimate bragging rights.
- Al Mazrah Champion’s Quest Reward
- A new Assault Rifle Weapon Blueprint called “Flow Thru” is now available for Players to earn via a Champion’s Quest Victory on Al Mazrah.
- Want to see what it looks like? Drop in and earn it!
- Signals Intelligence Contract
- This Contract has been re-enabled.
- Reduced the number of Contracts to hack to 2, down from 3.
- Supply Box Loot Behavior | Quality of Life
- We’ve improved the behavior and visibility of additional loot that drops on the ground out of Supply Boxes.
- Buy Station Limited Row
- P.R.D. has been replaced with a Medic Plate Carrier which costs $4,000.
- Reinforcement Flare price has been increased to $7,000, up from $5,000.
- Fixed issue that prevented the Player who called in a Deployable Buy Station from being properly shown on the UI.
- Fixed an issue related to Assimilation requests not behaving properly that were accepted after the Player initiating the request was eliminated.
- Fixed an issue where Field Upgrades used on the train would sometimes become unusable.
- Fixed an audio issue with Supply Boxes.
Season 06 brings new rewards to Warzone Ranked Play for including the Pro Issue Signal 50 Weapon Blueprint, Seasonal Division Vehicle Skins, and much more.
Below are the Season 06 specific details to keep in mind for new and returning competitors. Need a refresher? The Call of Duty Blog has you covered right here.
Season 06 Highlight Changes and Fixes
Global Battle Royale Changes
- Check out the Gameplay section above for some important updates to Battle Royale and Al Mazrah.
Ranked Battle Royale Changes
- Ranked Spectator Icon
- Removed the Spectator Icon in the top right of the interface that indicates how many eliminated Players are spectating the active Player.
Match Ruleset Updates
- Restricted Weapons and Equipment
- Weapons
- RPG-7
- Strela-P
SR (Skill Rating) & Divisions
- Deployment Fee Updates
- Iridescent: -110 SR + 10 SR every 300 SR (previously 500 SR) above 10,000, up to a NEW max Deployment Fee of -280 SR.
- Max Fee increased from -230 to -280
End of Season Skill Setback
- At the end of each Season, your ending Skill Division will determine where you start the following season:
- Bronze through Crimson I Players are set back three Tiers below where they finished in the previous season.
- Example: A Player ending Season 04 in Gold III will begin Season 05 in Silver III.
- Players Crimson II and above will start Season 05 in Diamond I.
WZ Ranked Play Season 05 Rewards
- Season 05 Challenge Rewards
- Throughout the Season 06, Players can earn the following rewards:
- Placement Challenges
- Finish “Top 15” 25 Times: ‚Full Send’ Large Weapon Decal
- Finish “Top 5” 10 Times: Pro Issue Signal 50 Weapon Blueprint
- Finish 1st Place: ‚Rat Around and Find Out’ Weapon Charm
- Kill & Assist Challenges
- Get 25 Kills or Assists: ‚WZ Season 06 Competitor” Weapon Sticker
- Get 100 Kills or Assists: ‚WZ Ranked Play Season 06’ Loading Screen
- Get 500 Kills or Assists: ‚WZ Season 06 Ranked Veteran’ Weapon Camo
- End of Season Division Rewards
- At the end of each Season, Players will be awarded Skill Division rewards that represent their highest attained Division that Season.
- Seasonal Division Rewards Update
- Players who climb into Gold and above will obtain a new reward each season where we previously offered a Weapon Charm associated with their highest attained Division. For Season 06, we’re offering Seasonal Division Vehicle Skins.
- Seasonal Division Rewards
- Each Ranked Play Season will have a unique set of Division Rewards awarded at the end of the Season to celebrate the Player’s highest Skill Division reached that Season.
- The Season 06 rewards are as follows:
- Top 250: ‘WZ Season 06 Top 250’ Vehicle Skin, Emblem, and Calling Card
- Players must be in the Top 250 Division at the end of the Season to qualify for these rewards.
- Iridescent: ‘WZ Season 06 Iridescent’ Vehicle Skin, Emblem, and Calling Card
- Crimson: ‘WZ Season 06 Crimson’ Vehicle Skin and Emblem
- Diamond: ‘WZ Season 06 Diamond’ Vehicle Skin and Emblem
- Platinum: ‘WZ Season 06 Platinum’ Vehicle Skin and Emblem
- Gold: ‘WZ Season 06 Gold’ Vehicle Skin and Emblem
- Silver: Emblem
- Bronze: Emblem
- Ranked Play First Place: The Player who finishes Season 06 in the #1 position on the Top 250 Leaderboard will receive a unique, one-of-a-kind Calling Card and Emblem for the ultimate bragging rights.
The patch notes detailed in the section below are exclusive to DMZ.
Prepare for The Haunting to Come to DMZ
The Haunting is just a few weeks away, and that means DMZ will also be plunged into darkness.
Everything featured in The Haunting for Battle Royale will be available to experience in DMZ too, including “Operation Nightmare,” where you’ll have to face down the horrors of the Hellmouth that has opened in Al Mazrah and more.
Infil now and get some practice in with your squad – you’ll need it when The Haunting comes to DMZ on October 17th.
- Adjusted a number of DMZ Buy Station prices:
- Munitions Box – From $1,000 to $5,000
- Gas Mask – From $2,000 to $3,500
- Medium Backpack – From $5,000 to $6,500
- Large Backpack – From $30,000 to $50,000
- 3 Plate Carriers – From $35,000 to $65,000
- JLTV Airdrops – From $18,000 to $75,000
- UAV – From $12,000 to $100,000
- AUAV – From $12,000 to $200,000
- Precision Airstrike – From $12,000 to $30,000
- Cluster Strike – From $12,000 to $30,000
- Revive Pistol – From $7,500 to $10,000
- Players can now use their own Dog Tags to Barter in DMZ
- Hostages can no longer be dropped on dirt bikes
- Hostages can now be extracted in drivable exfil helicopters
- Reduced the frequency of Killstreaks found in loot
- Surviving a Hunt Squad contract now grants a UAV immediately to the hunted squad
Fixed an issue that could cause the Player to not receive event credit for running over enemies with the LTV
Fixed an issue causing an incorrect Crown Faction unlock requirement
Fixed an issue that showed unobtainable notes in the notes menu
Fixed an issue that allowed Players to set a custom weapon to Contraband in certain situations
Fixed an issue where helicopters chasing the train could spawn in empty under rare circumstances
Fixed a number of mission descriptions
Fixed an issue where the Signal Intelligence contract could target phones in locked spaces
Fixed an issue where pinging hostages would activate an incorrect voice line
Fixed an issue where some Phalanx missions were not properly allowing Players to progress other squadmate’s missions
Fixed an issue that allowed Players to carry a primary weapon while holding a hostage
Fixed a number of inconsistent Buy Station prices

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