Modern Warfare 2 x Warzone 2.0 | Update 1.22 verfügbar | Season 5
Infinity Ward hat heute Update 1.22 | 1.022 für „Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 x Warzone 2.0“ veröffentlicht. Die Downloadgröße des Updates beträgt 12.5 GB auf Playstation 5 und dürfte auf anderen Systemen ähnlich Groß ausfallen. Wie üblich, startet der Preload auf Playstation einigen Stunden vorab – installierbar ist das Update um 18 Uhr. Zu dieser Zeit dürfte der Download auch für PC und Xbox Spieler verfügbar sein. Mit dem Patch werden die Season 5 Inhalte hinzugefügt. Darüber hinaus werden weitere Verbesserungen, Fehlerkorrekturen und Anpassungen vorgenommen. Nachfolgend haben wir für euch eine Zusammenfassung und die Patch Notes, sobald sie verfügbar sind.
Update 1.22 | 1.022 | Patch Notes – Warzone 2 x MW2
Zu den neuen Inhalten, die mit dem Start von Season 5 in „Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 x Warzone 2.0 verfügbar sind, zählen neue Karten für den Multiplayer, neue Waffen und Operator sowie neue Modi und mehr.
Modern Warfare 2
- Neue Karten
- 6v6
- Punta Mar (Launch): Schauplatz der Karte ist ein Touristenbezirk in Las Almas, der an einen Strand angrenzt. Der Bezirk liegt auf einer Anhöhe von der aus ihr die Geschäfte und den Strand sehen könnt. Bereitet euch auf Häuser und Dächer Kämpfe vor.
- Strike (Launch) Remake aus CoD4: Modern Warfare: Die Karte erschien damals als Teil des Resurgence Pack. Schauplatz ist ein Stadtgebiet aus der Kampagne von CoD4 Modern Warfare. Die Karte bietet ein klassisches 3 Wege Design, das euch durch kleinere Gassen und Häuser sowie Hinterhöfe führt. Im Zentrum befindet sich ein Marktplatz. Der Wohnblock im südlichen Teil der Map bietet gute Sichtlinen für Scharfschützen. Rusher können sich durch Seitengassen kämpfen.
- Feuergefecht
- Lounge (Launch)
- Canal (Gunfight, Launch)
- 6v6
- Neue Modes
- Havoc
- Feuergefecht Custom
- Capture the Flag (Groß) 20v20
Warzone 2
- Allgemein
- Neue Fahrzeuge (Dirt Bike und MRAP)
- Battle Royale
- Vondel Champions Quest
- Neue Fraktion
- Neue Missionen und dringende Missionen
- Neue Ausrüstungsgegenstände & Feldausrüstungen
- Disguise Feldausrüstung (Verkleidung als KI Soldat)
- Battle Revive (Kampfwut + Selbstwiederbelebung)
- Selbstwiederbelebungskiste
- Tauchgasmaske (Rebreather + Gasmaske)
MW2 & Warzone 2 Inhalte
- Neuer Battle Pass
- Neue Waffen
FAMAS | FR Avancer (Sturmgewehr – Launch, Battle Pass
WA 2000 | Carrack .300 (Scharfschützengewehr – Launch, Battle Pass)
- Neue Operator
- Graves, Oz, Mila, Velikan
- Prestige Herausforderungen
- Fraktion Showdown Event vom 4. bis 16. August. Im Rahmen des Events wählt ihr eine Fraktion (ihr habt die freie Wahl und es sind immer die gleichen Herausforderungen zu absolvieren). Ihr könnt außerdem jederzeit die Seiten wechseln und erhaltet dafür zusätzliche Boni. Für den erfolgreichen Abschluss gibt es Skins, Battle Pass Tier Skips und mehr.
- Neue Herausforderungen Fahrzeugtarnungen
Patch Notes
Neben den neuen Inhalten gibt es auch einige Anpassungen, diverse Fehlerkorrekturen und Verbesserungen sowie neue Funktionen. Dazu zählen Menüanpassungen, Änderungen der Waffenbalance und auch Anpassungen am Sliding. Nachfolgend findet ihr alle ausführlichen Details zu den Anpassungen in den Patch Notes.
- This update contains several fixes to reduce the number of known crashes. We continue to prioritize increased stability and crash fixes across all platforms.
- Shadow Company’s Arthur Joins BlackCell
- One of Shadow Company’s best, Arthur is [[REDACTED]].All we know is that he is a warrior to the core. No face, only a callsign; he is apparently a legend, but no legible records were found.And the only companion he associates with his second-in-command, a K9 Unit in Merlin.
- New Tactical Pets Companion Feature
- New to Modern Warfare® II, Operators will have the option to bring companions alongside them in Multiplayer, Battle Royale, and DMZ modes. This provides the unparalleled benefit of companionship along with a devastating Finishing Move.Merlin — and other Tactical Pets— cannot be harmed in any way and play a role in Finishing Moves. . . . Just remember to equip the Finishing Move separate from the companion when editing your chosen Operator.
- New: Battle Buddy
- Another new addition to Modern Warfare II is a Battle Buddy – virtual “assistants” who act as a mini-announcer with some additional personality.“Gwen” is the first, as her Gun Screen – what she prefers as opposed to “Battle Buddy” – is packaged with Arthur and his K9 unit Merlin. Just perform well with her equipped, because she has no time to assist with anything but a successful mission.She will callout Killstreak activations, kills – including with specific weapons or equipment – and other in-game personal events, especially when you win or perform well in a match.
- Slide
- Decreased slide time and increased slide velocity, so the Player covers the same distance in a shorter amount of time
- Allowed the Player to fire slightly sooner after initiating a slide
- Jump
- Small increase to the lateral velocity boost while jumping
- Small reduction to the landing slowdown penalty while landing
Customizable Throwing Knives
- Players can now select Lethal Equipment Skins (in-match only)
Weapon Balancing
» Light Machine Guns «
- Increased semi auto Damage
- Reduced semi auto rate of fire
The following weapon changes are applicable to Warzone only. While we are generally pleased with the state of Weapon balance in Warzone, our work is never done. Internal data has shown that the Cronen Squall is still performing better than we would like–enough so that it would restrict the pool of viable Weapons. Our main focus of these changes is and always will be to broaden gameplay options at every level of play. Not all Weapons have the potential to sit atop the charts–and that is okay. As long as those Weapons enable a playstyle or have a niche in which they can thrive, that is our goal. Below you will find changes that aim to level the playing field between some of the top and bottom performers.
» Assault Rifles «
- Chimera
- Close-mid Damage increased
- M13B
- Headshot Multiplier increased
» Battle Rifles «
- Cronen Squall
- Maximum Damage decreased
- Minimum Damage increased
- Neck Damage Multiplier decreased
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier decreased
- Limb Damage Multipliers decreased
» Light Machine Guns «
- HCR 56
- Limb Damage Multipliers decreased
- Headshot Multiplier increased
» Submachine Guns «
- MX9
- Close-mid Damage increased
- Neck Multiplier increased
- Upper Torso Multiplier increased
- Lower Torso Multiplier increased
- Minibak
- Damage step added at mid-far range
- Minimum Damage decreased
- Headshot Multiplier increased
- Lachmann Sub
- Maximum Damage Range decreased
- Close-mid Damage Range decreased
- VEL-46
- Neck Multiplier increased
- Upper Torso Multiplier increased
- Lower Torso Multiplier increased
- Maximum Damage Range increased
- Neck Multiplier increased
- Upper Torso Multiplier increased
- Lower Torso Multiplier increased
- Fennec 45
- Maximum Damage increased
Lastly, we are aware of concerns surrounding the Signal 50 in Warzone. While our data does not suggest the Signal 50 is out of the normal range in performance, its experiential impact for Players is equally important to us. At this time we do not feel it is necessary to make changes to the Signal 50, but we will continue to monitor the data and your feedback closely.
- Drill Charge
- Reduced damage from drilling when a Player is stuck with a Drill Charge, providing a larger opportunity for death from explosion
- Recon Drone
- Recon Drone’s health bar now updates every time the drone is accessed
- Tactical Camera
- Removed audio distortion when failing to use a Tactical Camera
- Bomb Squad
- Bomb Squad will protect against death from explosive Equipment stuck directly to the Player when fully armored | Warzone only
- Quick Fix
- Added visual cues for attacking someone with active Quick Fix
- Entering an objective with Quick Fix equipped will now visually show when the health regeneration effect is active.
- Further improved audio balance to favor some sounds over others (i.e. Airplane audio will be mixed down when using voice chat)
- Added alert sound from pets when being spotted
Audio Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where knife pickups could play an incorrect sound
- Fixed an issue where the out of bounds sound would repeat incorrectly
Updated CODHQ Landing Page
- Adds Game Mode tiles to the Games section of CODHQ, allowing Players to jump to a specific row from the CODHQ menu
Skin Carousel in the Lobby
- Added a carousel that allows Players to change the skin of their selected Operator while searching for a Match.
Combat Detail Widget
- Added a new widget that provides info upon Player death:
- Who killed you, what weapon, how many shots, etc
- Widget will list multiple Players and environmental damage when applicable
- Fixed an issue where Operator Skins and Finishing Moves could reset after suspending on consoles
- Fixed an issue where some Players were not getting awarded BlackCell items correctly (Season 04)
- Fixed an issue where the Player was unable to obtain Battle Pass rewards when on the BlackCell exclusive version of the reward (Season 04)
- Fixed an issue where tablet screens may cover part of the screen when activated
- Fixed an issue where in the progression menu UI, Prestige 6 was swapped with Prestige 10
- Fixed an issue that would occasionally prevent the ‘Reap This’ Kastov-74u Blueprint from equipping in-game
- Fixed an issue where objects could float in the air if dropped on glass that was then broken by disabling ability to drop objects on glass surfaces
- Fixed an issue where a placeholder name is displayed when completing the “Get 30 headshot Operator kills with Battle Rifles” challenge to unlock the Cronen Squall
- Fixed an issue where Battle Pass and Weapon 2XP tags could appear incorrectly on the Playlist tile
- Fixed an issue where opening, but not using, the SAE Killstreak tablet at the end of a match will show the Heartbeat Sensor UI before/during the final kill
- Fixed an exploit where Players were able to transfer Completionist camos to weapons without unlocking them
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to display incorrectly while using snap layouts on PC
- Fixed an issue where Xbox Players’ Operator Skins would reset to default after the Xbox times out and turns off
- Fixed an issue that could cause the killfeed widget to function incorrectly
Introducing “Eco Mode”
- Found in the Graphics Settings menu, with three options:
- Off: Same behavior as all previous updates with no power savings.
- Minimal (Default): Frame rate capped at 60hz and slight drop in 3D scene resolution for the Multiplayer and Warzone lobbies only. Yields an average power savings of 20%.
- Full: Frame rate capped at 30hz and larger drop in 3D scene resolution for the Multiplayer and Warzone lobbies only. Yields an average power savings of 50%.
- Fixed an issue that caused some Players to not receive Raid rewards as expected. Players who were impacted by this bug will receive the rewards correctly upon future completion(s).
- Fixed an issue that caused objective icons to not display correctly
- Fixed an issue that caused the Intel page to display an incorrect number of intel pieces
- Fixed an issue that prevented the 150-intel reward from unlocking correctly. Players are required to complete any one additional mission for it to be rewarded
- Fixed an issue where Players would lose their Assault Suit if worn while cutting a door in the Atomgrad Raid Episode 03
- Removed weapons dropping too close to players in modes with team revive active.
- Updated Gunfight weapon table to include Blueprints up through Season 05
- Players will have their sidearms removed if playing Gunfight with specified weapon categories (i.e. Snipers only)
- Updated the default score limit for Grind to 75 points in Private Matches
- Removed the “Care Package Drop Time” option in Infected Private Matches
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue preventing Radar Always On from working correctly in Private Matches
- Fixed an issue causing overlapping icons on Point A when playing Control on Vondel Waterfront
- Fixed an issue on Santa Seña Border Crossing where bots would attempt to path to invalid locations if all other Players in the match are dead
- Fixed an issue that could prevent health packs from dropping in Hardcore Private Matches
- Fixed an issue where Players would not be able to toggle NVGs after extracting a prisoner in Prisoner Rescue
- Fixed an issue in Cyber Attack where Players could lock up their view model animation by spamming melee while planting the EMP
- Fixed an issue that allowed Players to pick up the prisoner out of bound in Prisoner Rescue
- Fixed an issue in zone capture modes where the zone would flicker between unoccupied and controlled
- Fixed an issue in Prisoner Rescue where the prisoner would T-pose with no head if the carrier died while out of bounds
- Fixed an issue where explosive bullet kills would not progress the weapon ladder in Gun Game
Season 05 of MWII Ranked Play features NEW Seasonal Rewards to unlock, including the Pro Re-Issue TAQ-56, Division Weapon Camos, and much more.
Below are the Season 05 specific details to keep in mind for new and returning competitors.
Season 05 Highlight Changes
Competitive Game Settings
- New Season 05 Restrictions
- Assault Rifles
- FR Avancer
- Sniper Rifles
- Carrack .300
- Returning Restrictions in addition to the CDL Competitive Settings
- Assault Rifles
- Tempus Razorback
- SMGs
- ISO 45
- Shotguns
- MX Guardian
- Melee
- Tonfa
- Attachments
- Corvus Torch Underbarrel
SR (Skill Rating) & Divisions
- End of Season Skill Setback
- At the end of each Season, your ending Skill Division will determine where you start the following season:
- Bronze through Crimson I Players are set back three Tiers below where they finished in the previous season.
- Example: A Player ending Season 04 in Gold III will begin Season 05 in Silver III.
- Players Crimson II and above will start Season 05 in Diamond I.
MWII Ranked Play Season 05 Rewards
Season 05 Win Rewards
- Throughout the Season 05, Players can earn the following rewards:
- 5 Wins: ‘Season 05 Competitor’ Weapon Sticker
- 10 Wins: Pro Re-Issue TAQ-56 Weapon Blueprint
- 25 Wins: ‘Big Brain Plays’ Weapon Charm
- 50 Wins: ‘Heating Up’ Large Weapon Decal
- 75 Wins: ‘MWII Ranked Play Season 05’ Loading Screen
- 100 Wins: ‘MWII Season 05 Ranked Veteran’ Weapon Camo
End of Season Division Rewards
- At the end of each Season, Players will be awarded Skill Division rewards that represent their highest attained Division that Season.
- Skill Division Skins:
- Earn a Skill Division Skin for use with both CDL Male & Female Operators on both Factions to represent your highest Skill Division. Once the Skins from one Skill Division have been unlocked they can be permanently used in following Seasons and anywhere you play:
- Top 250: Unlock the ‘Top 250 Competitor’ Skin by finishing a Season in the Top 250 Skill Division. Players must be in the Division at the end of the Season to qualify for this reward.
- Gold – Iridescent: Earn the applicable ‘Gold Competitor’, ‘Platinum Competitor’, ‘Diamond Competitor’, ‘Crimson Competitor’, or ‘Iridescent Competitor’ Skin based on your highest Skill Division reached over the course of the Season.
- Seasonal Division Rewards
- Each Ranked Play Season features a unique set of Division Rewards awarded at the end of the Season to celebrate the Player’s highest Skill Division reached that Season.
- Rewards Update
- Starting in Season 05, players will continue to earn Emblems associated with their highest attained Division. Those who climb into Gold and above will obtain a new reward each season where we previously offered a Weapon Charm. For Season 05, we’re kicking off this new reward rotation with Season Division Camos.
- The Season 05 rewards are as follows:
- Top 250: ‘Season 05 Top 250’ Animated Weapon Camo, Emblem, and Calling Card
- Players must be in the Top 250 Division at the end of the Season to qualify for these rewards.
- Iridescent: ‘Season 05 Iridescent’ Weapon Camo, Emblem, and Calling Card
- Crimson: ‘Season 05 Crimson’ Weapon Camo and Emblem
- Diamond: ‘Season 05 Diamond’ Weapon Camo and Emblem
- Platinum: ‘Season 05 Platinum’ Weapon Camo and Emblem
- Gold: ‘Season 05 Gold’ Weapon Camo and Emblem
- Silver: Emblem
- Bronze: Emblem
- Ranked Play First Place: The Player who finishes Season 05 in the #1 position on the Top 250 Leaderboard will receive a unique, one-of-a-kind Calling Card and Emblem for the ultimate bragging rights.
The patch notes detailed in the section below apply to the entirety of Warzone including but not limited to Battle Royale variants and DMZ.
- Improved Pings Quality of Life
- Ping priority for stacked icons
- Better visibility for Contracts & Vehicles on Tac Map
The patch notes detailed in the section below are exclusive to Battle Royale, which includes but is not limited to standard Battle Royale, Resurgence, Plunder, and more.
All Maps | All Modes
- Play Again Matchmaking Status Quality of Life
- Players will now see their matchmaking status during the Play Again Loading Screen.
- Champion’s Quest
- Players now need to hold all available elements to progress the timer while locating the next one.
Al Mazrah | Battle Royale
- Player Count
- All Squad Sizes on Al Mazrah Battle Royale have had their Player counts reduced to 100, down from 150.
- Ranked will remain at 150 Players until further notice.
Thus far, we’ve reintroduced several second-chance mechanics and included new ones, albeit scarcely due to concerns of making the mid-game feel claustrophobic and dragging out the climax of a match. In Season 05, we’re dialing up these second-chance mechanics (Gulag Kit, Redeploy Pack, Reinforcement Flare and Reduced buy-back prices) so that players will be able to return to the Warzone more often. At the same time, we’re reducing the number of players across our core Battle Royale modes which will prevent the match feeling too chaotic but provide improved matchmaking times, faster pre-game lobbies, and a better quality of match overall. These changes paired with faster circle movement will elevate the pace of a Battle Royale match with more gameplay uptime!
As always, we will be carefully reviewing sentiment and data to make sure that the engagement pacing remains healthy, and that Players can still pursue new personal records. These modifications will not be made to Warzone Ranked Play at this time due to second life mechanics being restricted in the mode.
New Features
Al Mazrah, Ashika Island | Battle Royale, Resurgence
- Favorite Supply Box Loot
- Reinforcement Flare Field Upgrade
- Portable Redeploy Drone (P.R.D.) Field Upgrade
- Signals Intelligence Contract
- Occupation Scan Public Event
- High Stakes Public Event
- TAV Vehicle
We’re eager to bring over the exciting new gameplay additions that debuted with Vondel to the other maps. From finding personalized loadout crates, the mobility granting P.R.D and more – These additions are sure to bring new ways to approach familiar territory.
Al Mazrah | Battle Royale
- MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) Vehicle | In-Season
- A vehicle roughly the size and shape of the Cargo Truck, the MRAP is equipped for heavy combat with additional armor plating and turrets, making it a slower, yet effective, vehicle for attack or defense.
- MRAP Keys are available at Buy Stations for $50,000 that will enable the ability to start and drive one of three vehicles located on the map. .
- The key must be used from the Player’s Backpack.
- This vehicle is disabled in Solos and Ranked Play.
- Dirt Bike Vehicle
- A nimble and rapid form of transportation that can perform hairpin turns on a dime and can technically fit up to two Players.
- Buy Station
- Locations on Al Mazrah have been refreshed to provide new combat scenarios and strategies.
- The Limited Stock row now contains new items:
- Reinforcement Flare
- Count: 1
- Price: $5,000
- P.R.D.
- Count: 2
- Price: $2,000
- Self-Revive Kit
- Count: 2
- Price: $4,000
- Durable Gas Mask
- Count: 2
- Price: $3,500
Vondel | Battle Royale
- Champion’s Quest
- Champion’s Quest has arrived in Vondel – similar to Al Mazrah the goal is to collect 3 elements, plant them and defend them!
- The twist? The elements have new effects:
- Gallium: Reveals all nearby team members who held it previously as if a Snapshot Grenade affected you.
- Deuterium: Fatigues its carrier, causing the Player to cough when they exert too much effort.
- Neptunium: Periodically electrocutes everything within close proximity including Players and Vehicles.
- Vondel’s Champions Quest offers unique rewards including a Weapon Blueprint, Charm, and more.
All Maps | All Modes
- Bomb Squad
- The Bomb Squad Perk will protect against death from explosive Equipment stuck directly to the Player when fully armored.
- Buy Back Price
- Price reduced to $3,000, down from $4,000
- This change does not apply to Ranked Play.
- P.R.D. Behavior
- Increased deployment speed
- Improved airborne mobility
- Increased velocity when ascending
With the P.R.D now dropping on all maps, we’ve decreased the time it takes to lift off, sending you much higher than before, while allowing you to be more agile than before.
Al Mazrah | Battle Royale
- Circle Timing
- The “Delay Time” before the first movement of the gas is now 90 seconds, down from 220 seconds.
- The “Close Time” of how long the gas takes to collapse to the next size is now 215 seconds, down from 270 seconds.
- This change does not apply to Ranked Play.
We’re shaving off around 3 minutes of the first circle’s logic with a combination of reducing the wait time before movement, and collapsing faster. The initial circle is displayed and in-play earlier which will more clearly highlight the safe (or not so safe areas) before you infil. With the remainder of the matches circle pacing playing out as it did previously. .
- Circle Size
- Decreased the size of the initial circle.
- This change does not apply to Ranked Play.
- Loot
- Increased spawn rate of the following items:
- Gulag Tokens
- Redeploy Packs
- Reinforcement Flares
Vondel | Battle Royale, Resurgence
- Circle Placement
- The first circle is now more centered in BR & Resurgence
Vondel | Resurgence
- Reinforcement Flare Improvements Quality of Life
- Players will now get their Reinforcement Flare refunded if it fails to deploy.
- The Reinforcement Flare now prioritizes players who are still connected to the match.
- Battle Royale Win Streak Tracker
- There is now a Win Streak Tracker on the menu and in-game to display your progress towards a Champion’s Quest.
- Total Ammunition Count Quality of Life
- Shows total amount of ammunition in both backpack and player loadout in the currently equipped weapon.
- Total Squad Cash Quality of Life
- In the Squad Widget, the total squad cash will be displayed.
Season 05 brings new rewards to Warzone Ranked Play for its second full season of competition under the Al-Mazrah sun, including the Pro Issue Hemlock, Division Weapon Camos, and much more.
Below are the Season 05 specific details to keep in mind for new and returning competitors.
Season 05 Highlight Changes and Fixes
Global Battle Royale Changes
- Check out the Gameplay section above for some important updates to Battle Royale and Al Mazrah.
Match Ruleset Updates
- New Vehicles and Gameplay Elements
- Vehicles
- Tactical Amphibious Vehicle (TAV)
- Dirt Bike
- Contracts
- Signals Intelligence
- Gameplay Elements
- P.R.D (Personal Redeploy Drone)
- Reinforcement Flare
- Disabled Vehicles, Events, and Gameplay Elements
- Vehicles
- Events
- Occupation Scan Public Event
- High Stakes Public Event
- Gameplay Elements
- Favorite Supply Box
- Restricted Weapons and Equipment
- Weapons
- X13 Auto
- Basilisk
- MX Guardian
- KV Broadside
- Attachments
- Explosive Ammo (Sniper Rifles)
- Dragon’s Breath Ammo (Shotguns)
SR (Skill Rating) & Divisions
- Final Placement SR
- SR earned for Placement Milestones has been increased.
- Updated Placement SR:
- Top 40: 15 (Up from 10)
- Top 30: 30 (Up from 20)
- Top 20: 45 (Up from 30)
- Top 10: 60 (Up from 40)
- Top 5: 80 (Up from 50)
- Top 3: 100 (Up from 60)
- Top 2: 125 (Up from 80)
- Victory: 150 (Up from 100)
This adjustment will help Placement Milestone SR feel more impactful throughout the match. Players will still need to earn high Kills and Assists in addition to high Placements to reach the highest Skill Divisions.
- End of Season Skill Setback
- At the end of each Season, your ending Skill Division will determine where you start the following season:
- Bronze through Crimson I Players are set back three Tiers below where they finished in the previous season.
- Example: A Player ending Season 04 in Gold III will begin Season 05 in Silver III.
- Players Crimson II and above will start Season 05 in Diamond I.
WZ Ranked Play Season 05 Rewards
Season 05 Challenge Rewards
- Throughout the Season 05, Players can earn the following rewards:
- Placement Challenges
- Finish ‘Top 15’ 25 Times: ‘Popped Off’ Large Decal
- Finish ‘Top 5’ 25 Times: Pro Issue ISO Hemlock Weapon Blueprint
- Finish 1st Place: ‘Straight Dubs’ Weapon Charm
- Kill & Assist Challenges
- Get 25 Kills or Assists: ‘WZ Season 05 Competitor’ Sticker
- Get 250 Kills or Assists: ‘WZ Ranked Play Season 05’ Loading Screen
- Get 1000 Kills or Assists: ‘WZ Season 05 Ranked Veteran’ Camo
End of Season Division Rewards
- At the end of each Season, Players will be awarded Skill Division rewards that represent their highest attained Division that Season.
- Rewards Update
- Starting in Season 05, players will continue to earn Emblems associated with their highest attained Division. Those who climb into Gold and above will obtain a new reward each season where we previously offered a Weapon Charm. For Season 05, we’re kicking off this new reward rotation with Season Division Camos.
- Seasonal Division Rewards
- Each Ranked Play Season will have a unique set of Division Rewards awarded at the end of the Season to celebrate the Player’s highest Skill Division reached that Season.
- The Season 05 rewards are as follows:
- Top 250: ‘WZ Season 05 Top 250’ Animated Weapon Camo, Emblem, and Calling Card
- Players must be in the Top 250 Division at the end of the Season to qualify for these rewards.
- Iridescent: ‘WZ Season 05 Iridescent’ Weapon Camo, Emblem, and Calling Card
- Crimson: ‘WZ Season 05 Crimson’ Weapon Camo and Emblem
- Diamond: ‘WZ Season 05 Diamond’ Weapon Camo and Emblem
- Platinum: ‘WZ Season 05 Platinum’ Weapon Camo and Emblem
- Gold: ‘WZ Season 05 Gold’ Weapon Camo and Emblem
- Silver: Emblem
- Bronze: Emblem
- Ranked Play First Place: The Player who finishes Season 05 in the #1 position on the Top 250 Leaderboard will receive a unique, one-of-a-kind Calling Card and Emblem for the ultimate bragging rights.
- Fixed a number of issues that may have caused momentary hitching for some players in Battle Royale matches.
- Fixed an issue in Battle Royale game modes that prevented the application of Lethal Equipment Skins.
- Fixed an issue in Battle Royale Private Match that caused the squad details button to display incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that caused Perk Package icons to load with significant delay in Buy Stations.
- Fixed an issue that caused Train sounds to be silent or cut off around the map.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Most Wanted Flag to not appear on the Player who has a Most Wanted Contract.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from joining a Private Match lobby.
The patch notes detailed in the section below are exclusive to DMZ.
Al Mazrah, Ashika Island, and Vondel are all under attack.
Battles rage between the existing factions and a new threat, Konni.
Both sides will be fighting with everything they’ve got, calling in Killstreaks in what is known as Active Combat Zones. Intel suggests that higher-quality supplies and gear are more present in Active Combat Zones compared to single-faction areas.
In Al Mazrah, all Cartel are KIA within the Koschei Complex. Konni found it, completely gutted it, and found some additional hidden tunnels under the city.
We have also lost Building 21 to the Konni Group. With your help, we can get it back.
To all Operators: Shadow Company are your family now. We will not take the first shot on any Operator in any DMZ Exclusion Zone, and fight arm-in-arm with you in our battle against Konni.
New Field Upgrades
- Built for pure stealth engagements, the Disguised Field Upgrade allows you to appear as a member of a DMZ Combatant (AI) Faction. Equip the Disguise and DMZ Combatants of the same faction will not attack unless you blow your cover and act aggressively towards them.
Battle Revive
- An experimental stimulant offering an adrenaline rush as you complete a self-revive: A Self-Revive mixed with pure Battle Rage! After using it to get up from Last Stand, it immediately activates Battle Rage’s effects, allowing you to heal more quickly. The Tactical Sprint is also constantly refreshed for a short period of time.
Self-Revive Box
- Much like an Armor Box, this Field Upgrade holds multiple Self-Revive Kits. Perfect for squad-based infiltrations.
New Equipment
Scuba Gas Mask
- This is a Gas Mask that also acts as a Rebreather, providing protection from radioactive winds, gas, and allows for underwater breathing for an extended period of time.
New Missions and Urgents
- New Missions and new Urgent Missions (if unlocked) will become available in Season 05.
Friendly Fire
- Due to recent developments in Al Mazrah, Shadow Company is now allied with Operators across the Exclusion Zones. However, friendly fire will not be tolerated and this group WILL become hostile if provoked.
- Improved clarity on some Mission descriptions
- Adjusted infil locations across some Exclusion Zones
- Fixed an issue causing an incorrect Assimilation icon
- Fixed an issue where Blueprints didn’t count for certain ‘acquire weapon’ Missions
- Fixed an issue where the Notes menu could malfunction when navigating to Co-Op before DMZ
- Fixed an issue where certain items would be revoked from DMZ inventory
- Fixed a number of collision issues with the SAM sites across Exclusion Zones
- Fixed an issue where the smoke for the Quid Pro Quo mission was disappearing
- Fixed an issue causing the Signal Intelligence contract to have missing sounds
- Fixed an issue where IR Beacon placement actions were missing sounds
- Fixed an issue causing enemy weapon Blueprints to sometimes appear incorrectly after stowing into a Backpack slot
- Fixed an issue causing some Players to encounter Dev Errors in Building 21

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