CoD: Vanguard | Patch Notes zu Update 1.20 | 1.020.000 | Season 4 Reloaded
SHG hat heute Update 1.20 | 1.020.000 für „Call of Duty: Vanguard“ auf allen Plattformen veröffentlicht. Mit dem Patch werden die neuen Inhalte von Season 4 Reloaded hinzugefügt und einige Fehlerkorrekturen und Anpassungen vorgenommen. Nachfolgend findet ihr eine Zusammenfassung der neuen Inhalte sowie die vollständigen Patch Notes von Update 1.20. Die Inhalte werden morgen mit einem Playlist-Update freigeschaltet.
Patch Notes – Update 1.20 | 1.020.000 – Vanguard – 26. Juli 2022
Mit Update 1.20 für „Call of Duty: Vanguard“ findet die neue Mehrspielerkarte „Desolation“ Ihren Weg ins Spiel. Schauplatz dieser kleinen bis mittelgroßen Karte ist ein Dorf im Pazifik, welches vom Krieg zerstört wurde. Hohe Berge und eine weite Landschaft verschlingen die Umgebung, während ihr um das zentrale Gebäude und entlang seiner Befestigungen am Bach kämpft. Darüber hinaus bringt das Update neue Waffen, Operator und Bundles. Hierzu zählen:
- Neues Sturmgewehr Vargo-S: mit hoher Feuerrate, schneller Nachladefunktion und guter Stabilität
- Neuer Operator Ikenna Olowe
- T800 und T1000 Operator Bundles (im August mit dem Warzone Modus Titanium Trials: Endurance verfügbar)
Außerdem werden mit dem Update alle Waffen aus Season 1, Season 2 und Season 3 freigeschaltet. Darunter das Katana, die Welgun, Gorenko, Cooper, Sawtooth, Axe, Ice Pick, Armaguerra, Sledgehammer, KG M40, Whitley, Blixen, Nikita und M1916. Weiter gibt es diverse Anpassungen und Fehlerkorrekturen. Dazu zählen unter anderem Fixes für den Bug mit den Wachhunden und Gameplayanpassungen für den Zombie Modus. Mehr dazu könnt ihr den Patch Notes entnehmen.
- Enemy nameplates can no longer be seen through various surfaces across multiple maps.
- NEW: Desolation
- In a listening post near the Pacific mountainside, Desolation is littered with destructible aspects to create intriguing gameplay scenarios.
- Look for the Desolation 24/7 Featured Playlist at the launch of Season Four Reloaded.
- Gondola
- Addressed an exploit that allowed bullets to penetrate unintended surfaces near the East Bridge.
- Paradise
- Bullets will no longer penetrate the truck near the Flak Gun to prevent undesirable spawn conditions.
- USS Texas 1945
- In Search and Destroy, Bombs planted near the destructible floor of the Upper Deck will no longer fall to the Mid Deck.
- Bullets will no longer penetrate the vents near the Lower Deck (Bow) to provide viable cover.
- Addressed an exploit that allowed players to shoot through the floor of the Upper Deck from the Mid Deck.
- Players can no longer become stuck while climbing crates near the Lower Deck (Stern).
- Blueprint Gun Game
- Added several new Blueprints to the pool of available Weapons.
- Search and Destroy
- Addressed an issue that caused inaccurate Deaths stat on the scoreboard.
Ranked Play
- Restrictions
- Weapons
- The Vargo-S is now restricted in Ranked Play.
- Perks
- Serpentine is now restricted in Ranked Play.
- NEW: Ikenna Olowe (Immortal)
- Ikenna Olowe understood strategy from a young age. As a child in Nigeria, he excelled at chess, quickly surpassing his teachers. He grew strong studying Gidigbo, a martial battle of wits. Balanced in body and mind, Ikenna joined the war effort as a battlefield engineer. His work established critical supplies lines across the globe. Ikenna became a grand planner, knowing when to build and when to demolish.
- Available to purchase via Bundle.
- Added Inspect animations for the M1916 Marksman Rifle, Skål Crusher, Ice Pick, and Sawtooth Melee Weapons.
- Increased grace period for slide kills challenges from 0.15s to 0.5s after sliding.
- NEW: Vargo-S (Assault Rifle)
- Trading firepower for improved accuracy and fire rate, this rifle excels in medium and long range engagements.
- Complete an unlock challenge or purchase a Bundle to earn this Weapon.
- Get 15 Close Range Kills.
- Piercing Vision (Intel)
- Corrected inconsistent highlight behavior in Free-for-All game modes.
- Guard Dog (6 Kills)
- Addressed an issue that caused erratic behavior when two Guard Dogs were called in simultaneously.
User Interface & Experience
- Players will no longer receive a Notice prompt with unreadable text after game updates.
- Rarity Sort Filter in the Armory will no longer reset after previewing a Bundle.
- Battle Pass items that are Free for Clans will no longer incorrectly display as Unlocked for players who are in an inactive Clan.
- Corrected the behavior of the Clear Weapons New button after switching tabs in the UI.
Bundles & Cosmetics
- Improved image quality for Bundle logos in the Store.
- Breath of Godzilla Blueprint will no longer cease to glow under certain conditions.
- Flame VFX will no longer transfer from Roland’s War Operator Skin to other Operators.
- „Shi No Numa“
- Addressed an issue where Wonder Weapon parts were not appearing on the map in Offline mode.
- Addressed issues related to zombies pathing on Shi No Numa.
- Addressed various visual issues on Shi No Numa.
- Wonder Weapon
- Wunderwaffe DG-2
- Increased reload speed of the weapon.
- Addressed an issue where zombies were sometimes not being killed after being hit with the weapon.
- Addressed an issue where zombies were not being electrocuted with the weapon if they were previously under the effects of a stun grenade.
- Unlock Challenges
- NEW: Vargo-S (Assault Rifle)
- Trading firepower for improved accuracy and fire rate, this rifle excels in medium and long range engagements.
- Complete an unlock challenge or purchase a Bundle to earn this Weapon.
- In Zombies, use Assault Rifles to kill 20 or more enemies without getting hit 50 times.
- Round-Based Adjustments
- Crafting Table
- Reduced cost for crafting Armor in Round Based Zombies mode only.
- Level 1 – 500
- Level 2 – 1000
- Level 3 – 2000
- Zaballa the Deceiver
- Increased the Zaballa round spawn cooldown in Shi No Numa.
- Zaballa will no longer enter an immune state.
- Addressed various stability issues.
M.2 SSD für Playstation 5*AD

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