CoD: Vanguard | Update mit weiteren Balancing-Anpassungen | 27. Mai
Das Team von SHG hat weitere Balancing-Anpassungen im Multiplayer von „Call of Duty: Vanguard“ vorgenommen. Dieses mal wurden der Vital-Schaden und die ADS Geschwindigkeit des Volkssturmgewehrs erhöht und die Sprint-Out-Time reduziert. Zudem wurde eine Anpassung des User-Interfaces vorgenommen und ein Fehler bei der Inspektion von Waffen behoben. Nachfolgend findet ihr die vollständigen Patch Notes.
Patch Notes – Update – 27. Mai 2022
- Anna (Yeti)
- Corrected Date of Birth in Operator Bio.
- Added the ability to inspect equipped Assault Rifles and Pistols.
- Look for this feature to be expanded to all Weapons in the coming weeks.
- Volkssturmgewehr (Assault Rifle)
- Increased Vital Damage.
- We expect to significantly decrease Vital Damage in an upcoming game update.
- Increased Aim-Down-Sights Time from 190ms to 200ms (+5%).
- Decreased Sprint-to-Fire Time.
- KG M40 (Assault Rifle)
- Survivalist Camo Category now references the correct Magazine Attachment requirement.
User Interface & Experience
- Added Deaths stat column to the After Action Report Scoreboard for all game modes.
- Deaths can also be found on the Scoreboard during a match in the following game modes where objective stats do not take precedence: Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Free-for-All, and Control.
Battle Pass
- Granted the Imperatrix Operator Skin for Polina to all Season Three Battle Pass owners.
- Resolved an issue that prevented inspection sound from playing when some blueprint weapons are Pack-a-Punched.
M.2 SSD für Playstation 5*AD

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