CoD: Warzone | Update bringt weitere Fixes & Balancing-Anpassungen
Erst gestern ist Season 3 Reloaded gestartet und mit dem Mid-Season-Update wurden diverse Anpassungen vorgenommen. Heute hat Raven Software ein weiteres Update veröffentlicht, welches erneut Änderungen an der Waffen-Balance mit sich bringt. Darüber hinaus gibt es auch ein paar Fehlerkorrekturen, ein Update für den Kernel Treiber des Anti-Cheat-Systems und eine Anpassung am Stim Shot. Nachfolgend findet ihr die vollständigen Patch Notes des heutigen Updates für „Call of Duty: Warzone.
Patch Notes – 22. Mai 2022
- Update to the PC kernel-level driver detection systems and server-side security. Learn more about RICOCHET Anti-Cheat here.
» Tactical Equipment «
- Stim
- Effect now removed when taking damage from Weapon attacks
- Slide Speed reduced by 40%
- Max Slide Time reduced from 1.9 to 1.3 seconds
- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
- Fixed an issue causing the Fast Travel Tac Map icons to not appear correctly in certain game modes.
- Fixed the rarity label on various Blueprints, Calling Cards, and Charms.
- Fixed an issue causing the H4 Blixen (VG) Submachine Gun to appear ingame under the wrong name.
- Fixed an issue causing the “Enhanced Risk” Weapon Blueprint to not have the correct Gunsmith functionality.
- Fixed an issue causing the Axial Arms 3x Reticle Challenge to not track correctly.
- Fixed an issue causing the Swap Attachment options in the Gunsmith menu to not show the correct stat changes.
Weapon Adjustments
The following changes went live with the initial release of Season Three Reloaded on May 25th, 2022.
» Light Machine Guns «
- Whitley (VG)
- Min Damage increased to 32, up from 31
- Max Damage Range increased to 38.1 meters, up from 33 meters
- Headshot Damage Multiplier increased to 1.7, up from 1.5
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.3, up from 1.24
- .303 British 45 Round Mags
- Firerate Scaler to decreased 5%, down from 18%
- Damage Penalty removed
- Bullet Velocity increased to -8%, up from -12%
- .50 BMG 150 Round Boxes
- ADS Time Scaler increased to 0.93, up from 0.88
- Bullet Velocity increased to 25%, up from 10%
- Damage Range increased to 30%, up from 20%
- CGC R4 Stock
- ADS Time Scaler increased to 0.97, up from 0.96
- Horizontal Recoil Control Increased by 3%
- Type 11 (VG)
- Max Damage increased to 26, up from 24
- Sakura 261mm
- Velocity Penalty removed
- Sakura 487mm Shrouded
- Bullet Velocity increased to 50%, up from 40%
- Warubachi 352mm
- Damage Range now increased by 10%
- Bullet Velocity now increased by 20%

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