CoD: Vanguard | Update mit Balancing-Anpassungen & Fixes | Patch Notes
SHG hat heute ein neues Game-Settings-Update für „Call of Duty: Vanguard“ veröffentlicht. Die Aktualisierung erfolgt beim Verbinden mit den Onlinediensten. Es ist kein separater Download eines Titel-Updates erforderlich. Mit dem heutigen Patch werden weitere Balancing-Anpassungen und Fehlerkorrekturen vorgenommen. Im nachfolgenden findet ihr die vollständigen Patch Notes.
Patch Notes – 22. Februar 2022
Das heutige Update bringt Balancing Anpassungen im Multiplayer und Zombie-Modus sowie Bugfixes. Unter anderem behebt Fehler mit den Waffen MP40, Welgun und der Gorenko Sniper. Zu den Balancing-Anpassungen im Multiplayer zählen eine Reduzierung der Schadensreichweite der MP40. Darüber hinaus werden Streaks angepasst. Das Spionageflugzeug ist nun weniger verwundbar, da es sich schneller über das Zielgebiet bewegt, Hunde in der Nähe können dank einer neuen Audiospur leichter wahrgenommen werden und bei der Bombardierung wurde die Flugwegbestimmungslogik verbessert, damit die Spieler, die eine Bombardierung anfordern, weniger Schaden nehmen. Zusätzlich wurde noch der Schaden und auch der Schadensradius von Bomben reduziert. Im Zombie Modus wurde die RayGun und das Dezimator Schild angepasst. Alle Details entnehmt ihr den Patch Notes.
- Bug Fixes
- MP-40 (Submachine Gun)
- Rune Blueprint will now fire Shadow Tracer Rounds as intended.
- Welgun (Submachine Gun)
- Addressed an issue which prevented weapon unlock progression in Multiplayer and Zombies.
- Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle (Sniper Rifle)
- Fixed a bug that resulted in the Atomic (Completionist) camo from being equipped.
- Balance Adjustments
- MP-40 (Submachine Gun)
- Decreased damage range.
- Bug Fixes
- Proficiency (Sniper Rifles)
- Addressed an issue that sometimes resulted in game disconnect while aiming down sights with the Quickscope Proficiency and the Hardscope Proficiency.
- Bug Fixes
- Counter-Spy Plane (4 Killstreak)
- No longer prevents the V-2 Rocket (25 Killstreak) from being used.
- Mortar Strike (5 Killstreak)
- Addressed a graphical issue which caused smoke and fire effects to populate more than once.
- Bombing Run (7 Killstreak)
- Server Snapshot Error should no longer occur when using Bombing Run
- Balance Adjustments
- Spy Plane (4 Killstreak)
- Enters and exits the play space significantly faster, making it more vulnerable to being destroyed.
- Counter-Spy Plane (4 Killstreak)
- Enters and exits the play space significantly faster, making it more vulnerable to being destroyed.
- Bombing Run (7 Killstreak)
- Improvements to the flight path determination logic to further avoid damaging the player who called it in.
- Decreased damage and damage radius of bombs.
- Attack Dogs (10 Killstreak)
- Added an audio cue to further communicate the position of a nearby Attack Dog.
- Bug Fixes
- Incendiary Grenade
- Addressed a graphical issue which caused smoke and fire effects to populate more than once.
- Bug Fixes
- Addressed a typo in Anna’s biography to reflect setting accuracy.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Field Specialist challenge from progressing.
- Addressed an issue which prevented “… kills while moving” challenges from progressing under certain circumstances.
- Combat Pacing is now available for Hardcore modes in Quick Play.
- Bug Fixes
- Motherland
- The correct Calling Card “Food Ration” has been granted to players who purchased this Bundle.
- Bayou Bruiser
- The correct Padmavati Calling Card has been granted to players who purchased this Bundle.
- Addressed an issue where zombies could move at slower speeds than intended in „Terra Maledicta.“
- Super sprinters will now show up by Round 12 as intended.
Wonder Weapons
- Ray Gun
- Increased base damage, Pack-a-Punch damage, splash damage radius, ammo count, and ammo pickups per community feedback.
- Base damage increased from 300 to 400.
- Pack-a-Punch Tier I damage increased from 600 to 900.
- Pack-a-Punch Tier II damage increased from 1200 to 1800.
- Pack-a-Punch Tier III damage increased from 2400 to 3600.
- Decimator Shield
- Drastically increased base melee damage per community feedback.
- Standard melee attack now kills normal zombies in one hit through Round 12.
M.2 SSD für Playstation 5*AD

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1 comment
Wann kommt endlich eine Pause Funktion im Zombi Modus damit man nicht immer nach 4 Minuten rausfliegt