The Division 2: Titel-Update 14 mit diversen Bugfixes veröffentlicht | Patch Notes
Massive hat heute Titel-Update 14 für „Tom Clancy’s The Division 2“ veröffentlicht. Der Patch bringt euch zum Jahresende passende Belohnungen. Außerdem werden auch diverse Fehlerkorrekturen und Balancing-Anpassungen vorgenommen. Darunter ein Fix für einen DirectX 12 Fehler am PC, einen Gear Set Rework für Striker’s Battlegear sowie Fixes für weitere Talente und Fertigkeiten und mehr. Im Zuge des Updates kommt es ebenfalls zu einer Serverwartung am 14. Dezember um 9:30. Die voraussichtliche Downtime beträgt 3 Stunden. Nachfolgend findet ihr die vollständigen Patch Notes des heutigen Updates.
Februar 2022 Update wird verschoben
Außerdem hat Massive in einem Statement angekündigt, dass das geplante Content Update im Februar 2022 auf einen späteren Termin verschoben wird. Der DLC bringt eine Überarbeitung der Spezialisierungen, ein neues Progressionsfeature, einen neuen Modus und vieles mehr. Erste Details dazu findet ihr in unserer Themenübersicht (hier klicken). Die zusätzliche Zeit soll in die Ausarbeitung der neuen Inhalte fließen, um so das bestmögliche Spielerlebnis zu bringen. Der Patch soll den Grundstein für die Zukunft von Division 2 legen und daher möchte man sicher stellen, dass alles richtig läuft.
Patch Notes Update 14
Winter Rewards
- The end of year themed Hoarder is back in the Summit and the Open World. Killing them will drop the „Sleigher“ weapon as well as the new „Chill Out“ gear mask.
- The Santa Hunter is back on the prowl in the Summit penthouse, killing them will drop the „Santa Mask“!.
Performance & Stability
- Fixed an issue where the game will crash on a regular basis when DirectX 12 is enabled on PC.
Talents & Skills
- (Gear set rework) The „Striker’s Battlegear“ will no longer lose stacks for missed shots. Stack loss per second has been increased to 2.
- Fixed and issue where the Technician Specialization ammo would get refilled when equipping the 4th piece of the „Tip of the Spear“ gear set.
- Fixed an issue where the „Outsider“ Talent duration did not match it’s description.The in-game duration has been reduced to 10s, compared to 20s previously.
- Fixed an issue where „Adrenaline Rush“ would be triggered by enemy’s skills and traps.
Summit Balancing
- Fixed an issue where the top floor of The Summit provided significantly more XP than intended (previously awarding more than 10 times the expected amount).
Audio & Narrative
- The missing Echo from Camp White Oak and the Fay Lau Manhunt mission is added to „Mission Rewards“.
- Fixed an issue where the introduction music would not play.
Text & Localisation
- Fixed an issue where the Dark Hours Raid portrait was not showing the player’s names correctly.
- Fixed an issue where right stick description in the German mentions „left“ instead of „right“.
- Fixed an issue where the Ubisoft Connect reward condition for the „Impromptu Weapon Skin“ was incorrect in Japanese.
Visual Glitches
- Fixed an issue where players could remain stuck on background „Inspect Menu“ when inspecting Weapon/ skill from a group member while being in a downed state.
- Fixed an issue where players would experience brightness changing from very dark to very bright at certain angles in the final garage door at Space Administration HQ.
- Fixed a stuck NPC’s in a spawn room whilst players would attempt a resource convoy mission at Judiciary Square (Bakery & Cafe).
- Fixed a bunch of „WEIRD textures“ & floating objects.
- Fixed some floating graffiti of the word „Checkpoint“ at Washington Circle NW.
- Fixed floating trash at East Executive Ave NW.
- Fixed an issue with flickering posters in the Botanic Garden.
- Fixed an issue with a missing wall texture next to stairs on the house of the corner H St NW and 16th ST NW.
- Fixed a floating plant in Downtown West.
- Fixed an issue with flickering texture on ramp east of L’Enfant Promenade.
Level Design gaps
- Fixed a gap present between the building and the ground in Downtown West.
- Fixed a gap between the wall and the ground on the corner East Executive Ave NW and H street NW.
- Fixed a gap between the door and the ground at a building located near „National Bond Armory“.
M.2 SSD für Playstation 5*AD

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