Modern Warfare | Warzone | Update biringt Balancing-Anpassungen und Fixes | Patch Notes
Raven Software hat in der Nacht ein Game-Settings-Update für „Call of Duty: Warzone“ bereitgestellt. Damit gibt es einige Fehlerkorrekturen und Balancing-Anpassungen. Der Patch wurde um 3 Uhr heute früh veröffentlicht. Es ist kein Download eines Titel-Updates erforderlich. Alle Anpassungen werden beim Verbinden mit den Online-Diensten vorgenommen.
Update 9. Dezember – Patch Notes
Das In-Game-Update aus dieser Nacht hat Kollisionsfehler auf der Karte behoben und die Möglichkeit entfernt, Gegenstände zu verwenden, die noch nicht verfügbar sind. Zudem wurden zahlreiche Balancing-Anpassungen an Waffen und Aufsätzen vorgenommen. Zu den Waffen zählen Waffen aus Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War und Modern Warfare. Auch gab es Änderungen an Waffen aus „Call of Duty: Vanguard“. Hier betrifft es Beschreibung, Pros, Cons und Stat Anzeigen. Die ausführlichen Details könnt ihr den Patch Notes entnehmen.
- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
- Fixed an issue allowing access to items that Players weren’t supposed to see yet!
Weapon Adjustments
Numerous changes have been made to Vanguard (VG) Weapons and Attachments. Names, Descriptions, Pros, Cons, and Stat Bars have been updated in-game to reflect these changes.
In addition to the above mentioned Vanguard changes, the following Modern Warfare (MW) and Black Ops Cold War (BOCW) Weapon adjustments have been made:
» Assault Rifle «
- AK-47 (BOCW)
- Initial Recoil Deviation increased
We do not believe the AK-47 (BOCW) is imbalanced. However, we want to stay on top of Weapons that have a consistently fast Time to Kill by ensuring their handling and behavior is consistent with other similarly effective Weapons.
- EM2 (BOCW)
- Neck Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.1, down from 1.2
- Recoil Magnitude increased
- Recoil Deviation increased
The EM2 (BOCW) has exerted an impressive level of dominance over the long-range engagement space since its debut. Generally, this can happen when a Weapon’s Time to Kill potential is not met with adequate downsides. Slow-firing Weapons like the EM2 (BOCW) naturally lend themselves to higher-skilled players, as missed shots are far more detrimental. In the case of the EM2 (BOCW), we felt its mechanical input was not equivalent to its output. We have adjusted its Recoil behavior such that it will require more active Recoil countering. We are also reducing its Neck Multiplier – which will affect some of its ‘realistic’ TTK breakpoints while leaving its actual TTK potential unchanged.
» Marksman Rifle «
- Crossbow (MW)
- Neck Damage increased to 250, up from 200
- Upper Torso Damage increased to 240, up from 200
- Lower Torso Damage increased to 220, up from 200
- Marksman Rifle Charlie (MW)
- Flinch Resistance decreased by 62%
The Marksman Rifle Charlie (MW) and the Swiss K31’s (BOCW) have benefited greatly from heavily reduced Flinch – an attribute which has been exclusive to ‘aggressive’ snipers for quite some time. A considerable reduction to their base Flinch Resistance will require some acclimation, as veteran snipers will find that they can no longer challenge Assault Rifles as consistently while sustaining fire in long-range engagements.
- R1 Shadowhunter (BOCW)
- Neck Damage increased to 250, up from 200
- Upper Torso Damage increased to 240, up from 200
- Lower Torso Damage increased to 220, up from 200
The Crossbow (MW) and the R1 Shadowhunter (BOCW) have not received much attention since they landed in the Warzone. We are aiming to optimize their effectiveness without inadvertently creating all-out arrow warfare on Caldera.
» Melee «
- Ballistic Knife (BOCW)
- Upper Torso Damage increased to 248, up from 246
- Lower Torso Damage increased to 225, up from 195
- Upper Arm Damage increased to 200, up from 180
- Lower Arm Damage increased to 190, up from 180
- Upper Leg Damage increased to 200, up from 160
- Lower Leg Damage increased to 190, up from 160
Similar to the Crossbow (MW) and the R1 Shadowhunter (BOCW), we are increasing the effectiveness of the Ballistic Knife (BOCW). A single, well-aimed piece of Tactical Equipment can put an enemy within one-shot range to the Upper Torso, creating a surprising one-two punch.
- Baseball Bat (BOCW)
- Lunge Distance decreased by 47%
- Battle Axe (BOCW)
- Lunge Distance decreased by 38%
- Cane (BOCW)
- Lunge Distance decreased by 46%
- Mace (BOCW)
- Lunge Distance decreased by 42%
Dying to Melee Weapons can often feel unfair (and unfun). Lunge distances could push some Melee Weapons over the edge when combined with the ability to achieve Melee Finisher damage in only two hits – giving Players only a few hundred milliseconds to react. As a result, even fully kitted Players could feel out-muscled in close quarters, which simply should not happen. Players wielding Melee Weapons will now be much less threatening granted there is not an overabundance of missed shots.
» Shotgun «
- Shotgun Bravo (BOCW)
- Movement Speed decreased by 1.2%
- ADS Movement Speed decreased by 8.6%
With its inherent BOCW mobility, and generous magazine sizes, the Shotgun Bravo (BOCW) has remained a force to be reckoned with despite receiving several balance changes. Reducing the Shotgun Bravo’s (BOCW) mobility will make it more susceptible to the downsides one would expect from Weapons in its class. Without that mobility to quickly close the gap into its deadly Maximum Damage Range, the Shotgun Bravo (BOCW) will become a more equitable selection.
» Sniper Rifle «
- Swiss K31 (BOCW)
- Flinch Resistance decreased by 62%
» Submachine Gun «
- OTs 9 (BOCW)
- Maximum Damage decreased to 30, down from 31
- Headshot Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.33, down from 1.52
- Submachine Gun Alpha (BOCW)
- Maximum Damage decreased to 29, down from 31
- Headshot Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.41, down from 1.45
- Submachine Gun Charlie (MW)
- Fire Rate decreased to .08, down from .075
- Sprint to Fire Speed decreased by 2.6%
- Note: These changes only affect Warzone.
The OTs 9 (BOCW) has ruled over the short-range space for some time and changes to it will surely come as no surprise. As a preemptive measure, we will also be adjusting several Weapons that have been waiting in the wings to take its place once dethroned. While it is sad to see our favorite Weapons take a hit to their effectiveness, we feel the pool of viable short-range Weapons will benefit from this anticipatory adjustment.
NOTE: An imminent update will further address Bloom and include adjustments to Weapons including the PPSh-41 (VG).
Attachment Adjustments
» Optic «
- G16 2.5x (VG)
- Assault Rifles
- Eye position shifted forward
The G16 2.5x has become the preferred Optic across Caldera. By shifting the eye position forward, we are creating a greater area of magnification which will better assist in carving out its identity.
» Stock «
- Raider Stock (BOCW)
- Movement Speed modifiers decreased by 25%
- SAS Combat Stock (BOCW)
- Movement Speed modifiers decreased by 25%
Warzone is a living, breathing, ever-evolving game. This demands that we not only regularly reflect on precise Weapon details but that we also, at times, take great pause to assess the state of the game holistically. Games that progressively introduce content, like Warzone, run the risk of experiencing ‘power creep’. It is important that intermittently, we compress the power level of certain aspects in the game that may be at risk of endangering the greater balance. We believe that the influx of a considerable amount of content is a most opportune time – during which we feel it is appropriate to adjust the most powerful mobility Attachments in Warzone. The sheer existence of these Attachments significantly warps not just this Attachment category for BOCW Weapons, but also requires that any future Weapon that intends to identify as ‘highly mobile’ must contest these values as a baseline. This dynamic forces the power level to slowly rise over time, which in turn must elicit a correction. This change will not be the last in addressing Weapon attributes that reach a peak in power that must be compressed to preserve our delicate ecosystem.
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