Modern Warfare | Warzone | Download von Update 1.48 auf Playstation verfügbar, Xbox & PC folgen
Der Preload von Update 1.48 für „Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | Warzone“ ist auf Playstation bereits am 7. Dezember 2021 gestartet. Der Patch bringt die neuen Inhalte für „Call of Duty: Warzone“. Hierzu zählen die neue Pazifik-Karte „Caldera“ sowie alle Waffen und Operator von „Call of Duty: Vanguard“. Die Downloadgröße beträgt je nach Version und Plattform zwischen 39GB und 44.749GB. Wie üblich findet der Preload des Updates in Wellen statt. Der Patch kann am 8. Dezember 2021 ab 6 Uhr installiert werden. Zu dieser Zeit wird das Update auch für Xbox und PC bereitgestellt. Nachfolgend haben wir für euch eine erste Zusammenfassung der Patch Notes. Den vollständigen Changelog werden wir für euch ergänzen, sobald Raven Software die Patch Notes bereitstellt.
Die neuen Playlists
Mit dem Start von Season 1 werden folgende Playlists ab dem 8. Dezember um 19 Uhr verfügbar sein:
- Vanguard Royale
- In dieser Battle Royale Version spielt ihr mit dem WWII Loadout von „Call of Duty: Vanguard“. Es gibt drei neue Fahrzeuge und zufällige Bombadierungen durch Kampfflugzeuge. Außerdem könnt ihr auch selbst Kampfflugzeuge steuern. Zusätzlich wurden für den Modus auch Gameplay-Anpassungen vorgenommen. Mehr dazu hier (Vanguard Royale)
- Vanguard Wiederbelebung
- Dieser Modus wird ebenfalls mit dem WWII Loadout von Vanguard auf der Map „Caldera“ gespielt und unterliegt den Regelanpassungen von Vanguard Royale, allerdings mit Wiedereinstieg wie bei Rebirth-Wiederbelebung. Außerdem ist die Spielerzahl auf 48 begrenzt und ihr spielt in ausgewählten Bereichen (POI)
- Battle Royale
- Hier erwartet euch ein Sandbox Modus auf Caldera mit den Battle Royale Regeln aber mit dem gesamten Arsenal von Vanguard, Modern Warfare und Black Ops Cold War sowie allen Fahrzeugen und Operatoren. Erfolgt den typischen Regeln, lediglich die Kreissdauer und die Zeit zwischen dem Kreiskollaps wurde angepasst.
- Beutegeld
- Entspricht den Regeln von Verdansk Beutegeld, aber auf der Karte Caldera und mit allen Fahrzeugen, Waffen, Operatoren und Loadouts aus Modern Warfare, Black Ops Cold War und Vanguard.
HINWEIS: Beachtet, dass ihr als Spieler der Free-to-Play Version erst am 9. Dezember 2021 ab 19 Uhr Zugriff auf die neue Karte haben. In der zwischenzeit könnt ihr nur auf Rebirth-Island spielen. Weiter sind im Zeitraum des Updates die Server am 8. Dezember 2021 zwischen 6 Uhr früh und 18 Uhr Abends nicht erreichbar.
Patch Notes – Update 1.48
Mit Update 1.48 wird nicht nur die neue Battle Royale Karte „Caldera“ hinzugefügt, sondern auch mehr als 40 neue Waffen, drei neue Fahrzeuge und alle S.O.T.F. Operatoren aus Call of Duty: Vangzard hinzugefügt. Darüber hinaus wird das neue Anti-Cheat-System „RICOCHET“ für den PC integriert. Es basiert auf einem neuen Kernel-Treiber und bringt zudem zusätzliche Backend-Updates und eine Funktion für maschinelles Lernen mit sich. Mehr zu RICOCHET findet ihr in den vorherigen News (hier klicken).
Die neue Karte Caldera ist in 15 Bereiche unterteilt und bietet mehr als 200 POI, die ihr erkunden könnt. Zu den Bereichen von Caldera zählen zählen Arsenal, Docks, Rundway, Ruins, Mines, Peak, Breahhead, Village, Lagoon, Airfield, Sub Pen, Power Plant, Capital und Resort. Mehr zu den POI von Caldera findet ihr in unserem vorherigen Beitrag (hier klicken).
Weitere neue Inhalte
Zu den weiteren Inhalten zählen die S.O.T.F Operatoren Polina, Wade, Daniel, Halima, Solange, Shigenori, Roland, Lucas, Beatice, Arthur, Constanze, Padmavati und der Season 1 Operator Francis “Kai” Lanakila. Im Laufe der Saison werden dann die Operatoren Lewis Howard und Isabella Rosario Dulnuan Reyes noch über Bundles hinzugefügt. Bei den Fahrzeugen handelt es sich um das Kampfflugzeug, den Cargo Truck und den Jeep (Squad Vehicle). Das neue Waffenarsenal besteht aus:
- STG44
- Roboter
- Itra Burst – Fernschussgewehr mit vier Schuss
- Bar
- AS44
- NZ-41
- Volkssturmgewehr
- Cooper Carbine (Season 1 Launch)
- Mp40
- Sten
- M1928
- Oven-Maschinenpistole
- Tpy 100
- PPSH-41
- Welgun (In Season 1)
- Einhorn mit Drehzylinder
- Kampfflinte
- Gracey Automatisch
- Doppellauf
- MG42
- DP27
- Typ 11
- Bren
- M1 Grand
- SVT40
- G-43
- Typ 99
- Dreilinengewehr
- Kar98k
- Gorenko (Season 1 Launch)
- Kampfschild
- Ratt
- Kipplauf
- 1911
- Klauser
- Maschinenpistole
- M1 Bazooka
- Panzerschreck
- Panzerfaust
- MK11-Werfer
- FS-Kampfmesser
- Sawtooth (Season 1 Launch)
- Katana (In Season 1)
- MK2-Splittergranate
- Gammon-Bombe
- Wurfmesser
- Thermit
- Sprengladung
- Molotow-Cocktail
- Betäubungsgranate Nr. 69
- Rauchgranate
- Stim
- MK V-Gas
- S-Mine 44
- Täuschgranate
Detailiierte Patch Notes zu Update 1.48
New Contracts
Three new types of Contract will spawn in Caldera including:
- A Contract is selected at random but with significantly increased rewards. Who knows what you’re gonna get?
- Big Game Bounty
- Time to hunt down an enemy Operator with an impressive elimination count – assuming you’re confident enough to risk it!
- Rules:
- Will only show on the Tac Map at the end of the 1st Circle.
- Will not select the same target multiple times in a row.
- Supply Drop
- A valuable Supply Drop crate will drop into the map that only your squad has the coordinates to… but be careful, other teams can see the green smoke and try to steal it!
New Public Events
- Restock
- All supply boxes on the map will close again and refresh their loot.
- Resurgence
- For a short duration, the Resurgence effect will allow Players to respawn so long as a teammate is boots on the ground.
- Cash Drop
- The well known Plunder Cash Drops will begin to spawn.
- Heavy Weapons Crate
- New and highly desirable Weapons can be obtained from these crates.
New Tac Map

- We’ve brought you a new look to compliment the beauty of a 1940s Caldera!
- Players are now able to ping on the Tac Map after being eliminated or while in the Gulag.
New Mechanics
- Flying
- Players are now able to operate the Fighter Plane. Take to the skies! But don’t get too comfortable.
- Anti-Aircraft Gun
- Fixed to the ground or mounted on the back of a Utility Truck, use this heavy duty Weaponry to clear the skies of those pesky planes.
- Gasoline Can
- Pick them up, ignite them, throw them, send them up an ascender, set up a trap, shoot at them on the ground or in someone’s hands (you decide). These new little toys will explode, causing damage and releasing a non-toxic smoke to blind your enemies.
- Shallow Water
- Molotov Cocktails and Thermites that are thrown into water will now behave similarly to Smoke Grenades.
- The Tracer Perk effect will be enabled for Players in water that reaches their ankles.
- The Cold Blooded Perk effect will be enabled for Players in water that reaches their knees.
- Players are unable to lie prone in knee-deep water.
Gameplay Adjustments
- The Stopping Power Field Upgrade has been removed from loot.
- The Gulag will now allow the victor to redeploy with the Weapon(s) and equipment that remain at the end of the duel.
- Buy Station
- UAVs now cost $6,000, up from $4,000 when available.
- Loadout Drop Markers
- These can only be purchased at Buy Stations after the first free Loadout Drop Public Event has taken place.
- This change only affects Vanguard Royale and Battle Royale.
- Dead Silence
- This Field Upgrade will now refresh on the first kill only, with reduced drop rates found in loot.
We will continue to monitor the strength of this Field Upgrade over the season.
- Melee Damage
- Melee and non-Melee Weapons will now require at least three hits to achieve Melee Finisher damage.
- Lethal Equipment
- Claymore
- Damage increased to 200, up from 150
- Frag Grenade
- Damage increased to 112/225, up from 70/140
- Molotov Cocktail
- Damage per tick increased to 21|36|43, up from 15|25|30
- Duration increased to ~12.5 seconds, up from ~6.5 seconds
- Proximity Mine
- Damage increased to 225, up from 200
- Semtex
- Damage increased to 74/150, up from 70/140
- Throwing Knife
- Damage increased to 250, up from 200, on hits to Upper Torso and Headshots
- Claymore
Lethal Equipment has been revised to pack a heavier punch. This balance pass should provide more versatility and provide more impactful hits for Players not at max plates. With this change if a lethal did not down a player with full plates it still will not. However, it will now be a critical hit to players with little or no plates (the exception being the throwing knife).
- Tactical Equipment
- Decoy Grenade
- Will now fire rubber bullets with a chance to hit nearby enemies dealing 1 point of damage
- Heartbeat Sensor
- Pulse time increased to 6 seconds, up from 3 seconds
- Snapshot Grenade
- Detection radius increased to 28 meters, up from 14 meters
- Stim
- Will additionally apply a 3 second boost that increases movement, slide, and sprint speed
- Stun Grenade
- Stun duration decreased to 2.5/4.5 seconds, down from 4.7/5.5 seconds
- Decoy Grenade
With these changes, our goal is to provide Players with a range of viable Tactical Equipment to choose from, rather than feeling disadvantaged for exploring outside of the commonly accepted choices – notably Stuns, Heartbeat Sensor, and Flash Grenades.
- Gas Mask
- The Gas Mask animation will now wait for reloading, Armor Plate insertion, or Grenade throwing animations to complete.
We know that the Gas Mask is a crucial tool for survival but at times it can also be detrimental. This change is intended to maintain Player agency and provide more control around the mask, while still giving players already inside the circle the tactical edge.
We’re introducing a revamped Settings menu layout inspired by Vanguard, including the following updates:
- Reordering of the available Options
- A new Interface tab that now hosts the preexisting Accessibility and HUD options
- Graphics options have been split into two tabs:
- Display
- Quality
- Addition of the following options:
- Min/Max Input Deadzone per Stick
- Left Stick Min Input Deadzone
- Right Stick Min Input Deadzone
- Left Stick Max Input Deadzone
- Right Stick Max Input Deadzone
- Min/Max Input Deadzone per Stick
- Walk Keybind & Speed Setting
- Player can assign a key to the new Walk option
- Customize the speed at which the Walk key makes you move
- Custom Sensitivity Per Zoom
- Players can now customize their sensitivity per ADS Sens. Multiplier type
New Unlock Challenge Missions (BOCW)
- Grav: Assault Rifle (BOCW)
- Using Assault Rifles, kill 3 enemies who are at a lower elevation in 15 different completed matches.
- .410 Ironhide: Shotgun (BOCW)
- Using Shotguns, get 2 Point Blank kills in 15 different completed matches.
Weapon Adjustments
Please be aware that a balance update will be released shortly after launch that will include considerable changes across Weapons from all 3 Chapters (MW/BOCW/VG). More information about this update will be made available via our social channels and Trello board.
» Melee «
- Ballistic Knife (BOCW)
- Melee damage decreased to 90, down from 135
- Battle Axe (BOCW)
- Damage decreased to 135, down from 175
- Cane (BOCW)
- Damage decreased to 135, down from 150
- Kali Sticks (MW)
- Damage decreased to 65, down from 90
- Lunge Distance decreased by 7.7%
- Melee Finisher now requires 4 hits, up from 2
- Note: These changes also affect MW Multiplayer
- Mace (BOCW)
- Damage decreased to 135, down from 150
- Sai (BOCW)
- Damage decreased to 70, down from 135
- Lunge Distance decreased 7.7%
- Melee Finisher now requires 4 hits, up from 2

At the start of Season One, your Season Level will refresh to Level 1 and your progress will resume from the highest Prestige Level you achieved previously — three, if you reached the top level during the pre-season.
Starting with Season One, every 10 levels within Prestige offers a new Zombies and a Multiplayer / Warzone Pacific Challenge to complete for XP and a Calling Card. Complete all 20 within a seasonal set for that game mode to unlock an incredible animated Calling Card that shows off your elite abilities.
This season offers four additional Prestiges to achieve across the first 200 levels, as well as a new Weapon Blueprint:
- Level 50
- New Prestige
- Emblem
- Weapon Blueprint
- Battle Pass Tier Skip
- Level 100
- New Prestige
- Emblem
- Battle Pass Tier Skip
- Level 150
- New Prestige
- Emblem
- Battle Pass Tier Skip
- Level 190
- All Season Challenges Available
- Level 200
- New Prestige
- Emblem
- Battle Pass Tier Skip
- Master Prestige Calling Card
- Levels 250–1,000
- Ability to earn additional Prestige Levels, if they were not reached during the pre-season.
NOTE: Your Prestige-leveling journey is synchronized between Vanguard and Warzone Pacific, meaning you can progress through Season Levels and increase your Prestige Level by earning XP in either game!
M.2 SSD für Playstation 5*AD

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