CoD: Vanguard | Update 1.08 | 1.008.000 mit Balancing-Anpassungen & Season 1 Inhalten | Patch Notes
Mit Update 1.08 | 1.008.000 werden die Season 1 Inhalte für „Call of Duty: Vanguard“ hinzugefügt. Darüber hinaus nimmt SHG auch einige Fehlerkorrekturen, Verbesserungen und Balancing-Anpassungen vor. Unter anderem habt ihr nun auch die Möglichkeit, eigene Waffenbaupläne in der Waffenkammer abzuspeichern. Die Downloadgröße von Update 1.08 | 1.008.000 beträgt zwischen 9.982GB und 20GB, je nach Plattform. Im Nachfolgenden haben wir für euch die Patch Notes in der Zusammenfassung.
Patch Notes zu Update 1.08 | 1.008.000 | Season 1
Mit Update 1.08 | 1.008.000 für „Call of Duty: Vanguard“ werden die beiden neuen Mehrspielerkarten „Radar“ (eine Neuauflage der Mehrspielerkarte Dome aus Modern Warfare 3″ und „Paradise“ hinzugefügt. Des Weiteren bringt das Update drei neue Waffen, zwei neue Perks, eine neue Granate und einen Operator. Sowohl die Waffen als auch die Perks und der Operator kommen gemeinsam mit weiteren kosmetischen Gegenständen über den neuen Battle Pass ins Spiel. Mehr zu den Inhalten findet ihr in unserem vorherigen Beitrag (hier klicken). Die Freischaltung erfolgt am 8. Dezember mit einem Game-Settings- | Playlist-Update.
Neben den neuen Inhalten hält der Patch auch Balancing-Anpassungen bereit. Hier wurden die Waffen M1 Grand, Typ 99, das 3-Line Rifle, die Kar98 sowie diverse Aufsätze für Scharfschützengewehre und Shotguns angepasst. Außerdem haben die Entwickler die Spawns bei Shipment weiter verbessert und eine Funktion zum Abspeichern von eigenen Loadouts hinzugefügt. Weiter wurden Fehler im Zombie Modus, der Kampagne, der Progression sowie ein Problem mit dem Auflegen von Waffen und Anzeigefehler behoben. Einzelheiten könnt ihr den vollständigen Patch Notes entnehmen.
Performance & Connectivity
- Improved stability when connecting to lobbies
- General
- Corrected loadouts using 7 Round Mags so the total ammo count is divisible by 7.
- Balancing
- M1 Garand
- Reduced Recoil.
- Type 99
- Reduced Aim Flinch.
- Reduced ADS Time.
- Retain One Shot Kill potential for chest shots when smaller caliber ammo is used.
- 3-Line Rifle
- Reduced ADS Time.
- Kar98
- Retain One Shot Kill potential for chest shots when smaller caliber ammo is used.
- Sniper Attachments
- Hollow Point
- Hollow Points now reduce range.
- Top Break
- Using lower caliber ammo now reduces range instead of damage
- Shotguns
- Buck and Slugs
- Reduced ADS speed penalty.
- Reduced headshot multiplier.
- Birdshot
- Reduced headshot multiplier.
- Mortar Barrage
- Improves visibility by reducing full screen smoke effects. As a result, players need to be closer to the barrage to be affected.
- Shipment
- Adjusted spawn logic to prevent spawn traps
Multiplayer Updates
- Mounting
- Did an overall pass on Mounting. Players reported issues regarding mount height and objects not appearing mountable.
- Gunsmith
- Custom Mods: players can save custom builds.
- Adjusted the camera position when selecting specific weapons or attachments. Players reported the weapon preview was cut off for a handful of attachments.
- In-Game
- Fixed a bug where players would load into a game with an invisible weapon.
- Fixed a bug where Combat Shields displayed the wrong skin while stowed.
- Progression and Camos
- XP
- XP rates have been increased for Snipers.
- 3-Line Rifle
- Bloodthirsty Challenges have been changed to Prone Challenges.
Field Upgrades
- Dead Drop
- Fixed a bug where players were continually awarded their top killstreak when using Dead Drop.
- Charge time has been doubled.
- Goliath
- Made it easier to determine if a deployed Goliath is friendly.
- Flamenaut
- Added damage direction indicators for players using Flamenaut.
- Fire Bombing Run
- Fixed issue where players did not see where the fire VFX started, resulting in players taking damage though they were not standing in the flames.
- Attack Dogs
- Fixed a missing VFX path when the whistling animation plays.
- UI
- Performance pass on Killstreak decals to reduce flickering.
Field Upgrades
- Dead Drop
- Fixed a bug where players were continually awarded their top killstreak when using Dead Drop.
- Charge time has been doubled.
- Goliath
- Made it easier to determine if a deployed Goliath is friendly.
- Fixed an issue with “Grizzled Veteran – Get X Eliminations in Hardcore Mode” not tracking properly.
- Fixed bug preventing some players from unlocking reticles.
- Demyansk
- Fixed an exploit where players could exit the map.
- Oasis
- Fixed exploits where players could exit the map.
- Tuscan
- Fixed a rare issue where players spawn outside of the map.
- Numa Numa
- Fixed a rare issue where players spawn outside of the map.
- Fixed a bug where player names were blank in “incoming clan requests” if the request was received while in the Clan Request menu.
- Players will see a warning when equipping 2XP tokens while a global 2XP event is running.
Performance & Connectivity
- Improved stability when connecting to lobbies.
Campaign Updates
- Stalingrad
- Fixed bug where the game would crash when Polina picked up an NPC.
- Battle of Berlin
- Fixed a bug that would cause the game to crash after cutscene.
Zombies Updates
- Addressed an issue which prevented players from unlocking the Dark Aether Completionist camo.
- Addressed an issue that prevented Pack-a-Punched Shotguns with 10 Round Drums from reloading all 10 rounds in a single reload animation.
- Addressed an issue that could incorrectly flag un-upgraded weapons as Pack-a-Punch Level 1.
- Closed various exploits including out-of-map exploits.
- Fixed a stability issue related to the Frost Blast Artifact.
- Fixed a stability issue related to multi-kills obtained via Equipment.
M.2 SSD für Playstation 5*AD

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