Battlefield 2042: Vorschau auf die kommenden Updates & geplante Verbesserungen, Features in der Zukunft
In einem neuen Blog-Post hat das Team von DICE eine Vorschau auf die kommenden Updates sowie geplante Verbesserungen und Features in der Zukunft gewährt. Das zweite Update wird bereits am Donnerstag, den 25. November 2021 erscheinen und Anfang Dezember folgt dann das 3. Update für den Shooter. Beide Patches werden eine Vielzahl an Problemen beheben und auch erste Anpassungen der Waffenbalance mit sich bringen. Zudem erklärte DICE, dass man das Feedback der Community im Bezug auf die Rückkehr von Features wie dem Scoreboard, einem Serverbrowser und auch dem In-Game-Voice-Chat vernommen hat und daran arbeitet, die Wünsche nach und nach umzusetzen. Der Shooter soll über die kommenden Jahre unterstützt werden und euer Feedback ist dabei sehr wichtig.
Das bringen die kommenden Updates
Die nächsten beiden Updates in dieser Woche und Anfang Dezember werden Verbesserungen in den folgenden Bereichen bringen:
Performance und Serverstabilität:
Hier werden sowohl serverseitig als auch Client-seitig Verbesserungen vorgenommen. Unter anderem sollen Hitmarker besser registriert und Loadoutfehler behoben werden. Des Weiteren wird eine Sicherheitsfunktion hinzugefügt, die dafür sorgt, dass ihr alle 30 Sekunden automatisch respawned. Auf Seite der Hardware wird an einigen Engineverbesserungen gearbeitet, um die Leistung auf High-End PCs besser auszureizen und höhere Framerates zu ermöglichen. Außerdem wurde ein Xbox Series X|S spezifischer Fehler in Zusammenarbeit mit Microsoft behoben.
Gunplay und Waffenbalance:
Am PC werden einige Maus-Einstellungen nicht wie vorgesehen angewendet, die das Zielverhalten negativ beeinflussen. Das Problem wird im Dezember mit Update #3 behoben. Auch der Aim-Assist auf den Konsolen verursacht teilweise ähnliche Probleme und auch hier wird an einer Lösung gearbeitet.
Darüber hinaus wird an der Waffenstreuung (dem sog. Bloom-Effekt) gearbeitet. Hier sind insbesondere Sturmgewehre wie die AK-24 negativ aufgefallen, da hier die Streuung tendenziell zu hoch ist, insbesondere dann, wenn man sich im Zoom (ADS) befindet. Hier hat DICE eine Reihe von Anpassungen vorgenommen, um die Streuung zu reduzieren und das Gunplay so zu verbessern.
Erste Änderungen werden mit Update #2 vorgenommen. Hierzu zählen:
- Globale Streuung reduziert, während man sich im Zoom (ADS) befindet und bewegt.
- Verbesserte stationäre Zoomgenauigkeit für viele Waffen.
- Die Streuung verringert sich nun schneller, wenn ihr schnelle kontrollierte Schüsse abgebt. Insbesondere bei kurzen Salven/ Bursts oder aufeinander folgenden Einzelschüssen.
- Erhöhter vertikaler Rückstoß für PP-29, um sicherzustellen, dass die Waffe nicht überperformed, wenn ihr damit Ziele außerhalb ihrer vorgesehenen Kampfreichweite angreift.
Mit Update #3 folgen weitere Anpassungen. Darunter:
- Streuung bei einigen Portalwaffen angepasst, die zu hoch war, wenn versucht wurde, beim Zoomen direkt nach dem Sprint zu feuern.
- Reduzierte Wirksamkeit des NTW-50 gegen Fahrzeuge.
- Und mehr…siehe Absatz zu Update #3
Nicht nur die Waffenbalance wird angepasst, sondern auch die Fahrzeuge. Hier wird unter anderem das Hovercraft ins Visier genommen, welches eigentlich als eine Alternative zum LATV4 entworfen wurde. Da es zu stark ist, wird nun mit Update #2 die Gesundheit und Rüstung angepasst und die Waffen abgeschwächt. Auch der Nightbird bekommt Balance-Anpassungen. Hier werden die 20-mm-Kanonen abgeschwächt.
Fortschritt in Solo-/Koop- und benutzerdefinierten Portal-Erfahrungen
DICE möchte für Battlefield 2042 ein einheitliches Fortschrittssystem bieten, das euch in allen Modi ermöglicht, Waffen und Soldatenfortschritt zu erlangen. Zu Beginn traten allerdings einige Fehler mit dem System auf, die es ermöglichten, XP-Farming-Server zu erstellen. Daher hat das Team den Fortschritt in Portal vorübergehend deaktiviert. Durch die Einführung intelligenter EP- und Fortschrittsobergrenzen konnte der Fortschritt für Portal wieder aktiviert werden. Die Entwickler werden weiterhin ein Auge auf die Serverpools haben und unerwünschte XP Farming Server entfernen.
Zusammenfassung Update #2 Patch Notes
- Verbesserte Wiederbelebungsfunktion
- Respawn Schutzsystem zur Vermeidung von Problemen, die dazu führen können, dass Spieler nach Ablauf des Timers noch auf dem Schlachtfeld liegen. Sie werden dann nach 30 Sekunden automatisch respawnen.
- Reaktivierung der UAV-1-Interaktion in Battlefield-Portal, welche in Bad Company 2 Karten möglich ist.
- Fahrzeugbalancing für das oben erwähnte LCAA Hovercraft und den MD540 Nightbird.
- Angepasste Streuung aller Waffen, mit Ausnahme von Schrotflinten.
Vorschau auf Update #3 Patch Notes
Mit Update #3, welches Anfang Dezember veröffentlicht wird, nimmt DICE diverse Fixes und Verbesserungen an der Benutzeroberfläche, dem Matchmaking und der Interaktion mit Freunden vor. Außerdem werden erste wöchentliche Missionen zum Start der Pre-Season hinzugefügt, das XP und Rang-Tracking verbessert und das Rendering optimiert. Der Patch bringt außerdem mehr als 150 individuelle Fixes für Maps, verbesserte Level-Geometrie, eine Korrektur für Spawnfehler und visuelle Glitches sowie Audioverbesserungen. Außerdem gibt es zahlreiche Verbesserungen und Fehlerkorrekturen für Portal, All-Out-Warfare Modi (Durchbruch, Eroberung) und für Hazard Zone sowie bei Spezialisten, Bots, dynamische Weltereignisse und vieles mehr. Im nachfolgenden könnt ihr einen Blick auf die vollständigen Patch Notes werfen.
User Interface:
- Improved the collection screens making them easier to use and clear as to what you’re interacting with
- Improved the ways in which you’re able to manage your attachments via the collection screen to reduce the number of interactions you need to have when building your loadouts
- Enhancements to our Player Card screen and End of Round (EOR) to provide additional polish
- Added new markers to make your newly unlocked items easier to find
- Improved screen transitions when entering and returning to the Main Menu
- Improved Report a Player flows, specifically around toxicity and cheating reports
Matchmaking & Friends:
- Improved the experience between EOR and the Main Menu
- Improved Matchmaking reliability and reduced instances of Matchmaking failed
- Improved Crossplay invite flows
- Fixed Rich presence update issues, ensuring that your friends are better able to track where you are in Game
- Addressed servers getting stuck in unresponsive game states, where rounds fail to properly start
- Fixes to Friend Invitations for players on PC
Progression and Unlocks:
- Introduction of weekly missions, providing set challenges that reward cosmetic unlocks.
- Added 1st match bonus of 1000 HZC for HZ
- Fixed an issue that was not properly awarding XP for Angel resupplies
- Improved overall XP/Rank tracking and reliability
- Improved Mastery rank tracking
- Improved reliability of Player card tracking
- Addressed a variety of visual flickering and stuttering issues
- Improvements to water rendering when Aiming Down Sight (ADS)
- Addressed multiple graphical issues affecting water reflections
- Fixed reflections in Kaleidoscope for late-joining players
- Addressed issue with character rendering for late joiners
- Improvements to artifacts affecting DLSS implementation
- Over 150 individual fixes, small changes, and improvements across all of our Maps
- Improved level geometry issues across all levels addressing issues such players getting snagged or trapped
- Resolved multiple spawning issues
- Visual glitches such as lens flare, visible seams in skydome
- Resolved a large number of collision and placement issues
- Addressed issues affecting local audio placement in multiple Maps
Battlefield Portal:
- Builder additions
- Rush game mode layouts for all 2042 All-Out Warfare maps (through Portal)
- New official Vehicle Team Deathmatch template
- New official Team & FFA Gun Master templates
- New official Infection template
- Rules Editor – Added the ability to detect what players were killed with in order to apply additional logic
- UX Improvements
- Added Server Info for the Pause screen
- Added support for server admins to write periodic server messages
- Added support for reporting a server from the pause menu
- A series of visual, audio, and gameplay improvements to weapons, vehicles, and gadgets
Battlefield Hazard Zone:
- Improvements to visual presentation of Hazard Zone currency system in Front End
- Added an animation and audio cue when the player’s Remaining Balance changes in the Hazard Zone lobby
- Modified Squad and Player Screen in Hazard Zone to only show your squad
- Modified Scoreboard to no longer show players connected in Hazard Zone to elevate tension experienced
- Improved extraction zone smoke visibility
- Added additional flares to extraction point offering players better visibility of extraction area, as well as providing additional cover
- Added variation in Hazard Zone to preplaced intel locations. Initial Data Capsules now have a chance to contain several data drives
- Resolved an issue with persistent scoring in Hazard Zone
- Improvements to the Intel Scanner’s accuracy and enemy identification
- Resolved an issue where two teams could extract simultaneously in Hazard Zone
- Resolved inconsistency in warning to alert players that they’re being scanned in Hazard Zone
- Resolved capacity issues with intel collection in Hazard Zone
- Made it easier to interact with intel pick-ups
- Added distance read-out for next extraction point in Hazard Zone
- Improved Hazard Zone end-of-round camera placement
- Tuned information spamming in Conquest, reducing the amount of messages that appear in the world log. In particular we reduced messages about flag state changes so that they’re not as distracting
- Tuned capture times for Breakthrough
- Improved out of bounds defender spawning in Breakthrough to ensure that you’re able to more consistently spawn in safety
- Improvements to Breakthrough’s UI to enable you to better track round progress in the form of a Game Mode Widget.
- The Game Mode Widget is also visible inside the Scoreboard (displaying only when playing Breakthrough, and also on Rush) to put emphasis on sectors and attackers reinforcements
- Elapsed time is now added and trackable in both the Scoreboard & Deploy Screen.
- Added a pulsating effect on the Team 1 (attacker) score and progress bar when their tickets are =< 25% of their initial tickets. This is also present in the GMW in the HUD, Scoreboard and Deploy Screen for both Rush and Breakthrough
- A fix for missing loadouts, sometimes seen when first loading into a server and seeing blank boxes on the deploy screen
- Modified Recent Players screen to include everyone from previous match to allow for easier user reporting
- Improved interaction point system. Switched the default „INTERACT“ text on multiple interactions to reflect the action you are about to do, i.e. „OPEN CONTAINER“, „CALL ELEVATOR“ etc.
- Kaleidoscope server room lighting issue resolved
- Resolved an issue related to the velocity / trajectory while spawning in jets
- Improved helicopter animation in level fly-bys during insertion
- Improvements to address an issue where players killed in vehicles would fall beneath level geometry
- Improvements to streaming assets in deploy screen presentation
Dynamic World Improvements:
- Addressed issues for VFX affecting late-joiners
- Made improvements to correctly align the bridge behavior on Kaleidoscope for late joiners to the match
- Made improvements to correctly align the destructive silos state for late joiners in Renewal and Orbital
- Improved interaction of SG-36 Sentry Gun and elevators
- Quality of Life fixes and improvements to interact prompts
- Tornado and smoke visual effect improvements
- Resolved a large number of collision issues with large scale animation events
- Improved location-based sandstorm audio experience
- Improvements to destruction audio
- Adjusted the timing for automatic doors
- Fixed issue where missile countermeasures sometimes didn’t work, causing missiles to not blow up and instead reacquire the same target
- Made exit position from vehicles more consistent
- Made improvements to controller vibration for vehicles
- Fixed an issue where the Nightbird’s rockets hitting the ground can appear frozen
- Fixed an issue where a player driving the Hovercraft can not be shot through the front window
- Added an option to have vehicle boost as toggle or hold
- Fixed an issue where vehicles took double damage when getting hit through glass
- Improved TOW Missile Projectiles flying behavior
- Balanced Nightbird minigun spread buildup and convergence
- Removed blast impulse on Attack Helicopters Anti Vehicle Rocket which caused nudging of vehicles on hit
- Fixed the F-35E Panther repair system ability missing from customisation
- Fixed instances where vehicles sometimes would become stuck on world geometry
- Gadgets no longer pause their cooldown when the player enters a vehicle
- Fixed an issue when a player dies in a vehicle which allowed for the camera to go underground
- Reduced spread globally when zoomed and moving
- Improved stationary zoomed accuracy for many weapons
- Spread now decreases faster and earlier when pacing shots. This means more success with single-fire or short bursts
- Increased PP-29 vertical recoil to ensure that the weapon does not overperform when engaging outside of its intended combat range
- Fixed an issue where spread would be too high when trying to fire while zoomed right after sprinting for some Portal weapons
- Reduced effectiveness of the NTW-50 against vehicles
- Fixed the 8X Scope having a faster ADS time than the others
- Fixed M44 revolver chambering an extra bullet
- Reduced effectiveness of the NTW-50 against vehicles
- Fixed an issue where soldier is unable to shoot after getting hacked while in a vehicle
- Reduced switch back to weapon delay after throwing grenade
- Added a UI list that shows nearby players that can revive you within 50m when downed
- Added a UI list that shows incoming revivers when downed and pinged by a player that intends to revive you
- When low on ammo or health, nearby friendly players within 50m will now show a resource icon above their head indicating that they can provide you with health or ammo
- Increased Big Map Resolution for improved navigation
- Added health bars on enemy vehicles and enemy soldiers when looked at
- All player world icons now scale over distance, making them smaller when far away in an effort to reduce icons cluttering the screen
- Time before revive completion is now visible for the downed player when being revived
- Fixed an issue where friendly player icons would sometimes not be hidden when behind walls causing a lot of icons to be constantly visible on screen.
- Fixed an issue where friendly soldiers are missing their blue UI icons when a player is in a downed state
- Fixed an issue where some player names don’t show when looking at multiple Soldiers/Vehicles that are next to each other
- Changed the visibility behavior of the fire mode icon in the HUD. By default, the fire mode icon is now visible if it is currently possible to change fire-mode. The behavior can be changed to allow the fire mode icon to always be visible (even if it’s not possible to change fire mode) or turned off. The option is called “Fire Mode Indicator” under “HUD” Options
- Added an option that allows for the disabling of the button prompts visible in the HUD
- Added message about which player healed you when getting healed by other players
- Added message about which player shared ammo when getting ammo from other players
- Fixed an issue where IFF markers on Squad Members do not change with colorblind option
- Improved visibility of IFF marks over distances
- Fixed an issue where IFF markers would not be visible when using low video settings
- Fixed issue where Bots sometimes didn’t revive players
- Improved Bots helicopter handling
- Improved Bots combat behaviors
- Improved Bots gamemode behaviors
- Improved reliability of various ability sounds when offscreen, such as reiving, SOB-8 Ballistic Shield, flares, wingsuit, vehicle smoke discharges and system repairs
- Switched lock-on warning sound with incoming missile warning sound
- Improved weapon mix for enemies firing at the player
- Generally tweaked content and mix for distant weapons, improving audibility at range
- Preventing warning sounds and transmission sounds from continuing when a vehicle has low health
Sundance: Grenade Belt
- Fixed an issue where the Sundance’s Anti-Armor grenade could get stuck circling in air after the targeted vehicle deploys counter-measures or attempt to target another vehicle instead
- Adjusted the behavior of Sundance’s splitter fragment grenades to bounce once before detonating
Angel: Loadout Crate
- Players that require armor and can receive it now have a white outline around them to indicate that the magnetism will throw the armor to the outlined player.
- When using the Loadout Crate, players can now scroll if more than 4 loadouts are available
- Visual effects and polish on destruction and despawning of Loadout Crate
- The cooldown for the resupply action on the Loadout Crate is now shared between Loadout Crates
- Added a unique sound when picking up armor
- Player can hold down the specialist ability button to self-apply armour
- Loadout Crate can now no longer be called-in when underneath tall buildings
- Added a hand gesture animation when placing the Loadout Crate
Irish: DCS Deployable Cover
- Fixed an issue where the DCS Deployable Cover Minimap Icon was not displayed correctly
- Improved reliability of the DCS Deployable Cover’s deployable placement allowing placement on more angled surfaces
Dozer: SOB-8 Ballistic Shield
- Fixed an issue where the SOB-8 Ballistic Shield didn’t block bullets when inside an elevator.
- Fixed an issue where Dozer would not be targeted by Boris’s SG-36 Sentry Gun and AI ignoring the user while having a SOB-8 Ballistic Shield equipped.
- Fixed an issue where players couldn’t enter vehicles while the SOB-8 Ballistic Shield was equipped
- Fixed an issue where reviving is hard to perform while having the SOB-8 Ballistic Shield equipped
- Fixed an issue where killing a player with the SOB-8 Ballistic Shield would also take the victim’s dogtag.
- Fixed an issue where players were flung up in the air after being melee’d by Dozers with his shield equipped
Rao: Cyber Warfare Suite
- Added a short grace period for Rao’s Cyber Warfare Suite when something occludes the target being hacked. This will help most frequently when trying to hack vehicles that may be driving in front of trees
Paik: EMG-X Scanner
- Added a sound effect for the victims being scanned by the EMG-X Scanner
- The EMG-X Scanner should now be able to spot targets above or below Paik.
- Disabled the usage of EMG-X Scanner while inside vehicles
- Fixed the EMG-X Scanner’s “target found” audio effect not working for targets beyond 20m
Casper: OV-P Recon Drone
- Fixed an issue where user is unable to deploy the OV-P Recon Drone while in a prone position
- Improved the visibility of Enemy Recon Drones; they now have lights making them easier to see
- Players now switch back to their previous weapon after exiting the OV-P Recon Drone
- Updated OV-P Recon Drone EMP hint message to clarify that firing requires a lock on
- Increased the range of the EMP on the OV-P Recon Drone
- Fixed an issue where Casper’s OV-P Recon Drone is sometimes unable to lock onto enemy targets
- Increased the OV-P Recon Drone’s movement speed
- Increased the OV-P Recon Drone’s hitbox size to make it easier to hit.
- Adjusted the “near drone” spotting distance
- Adjusted size of the spotting area when controlling the drone’s camera view.
Boris: SG-36 Sentry Gun
- The SG-36 Sentry Gun will now be destroyed when the owner dies instead of when the owner is downed
- Fixed an issue where Boris’ SG-36 Sentry Gun would not be able to acquire targets that are near a vehicle
Sundance: Wingsuit
- Fixed an issue where the repair tool crosshair was visible in the wingsuit when you entered the wingsuit whilst having the repair tool equipped
- Fixed an issue when undeploying and then deploying the Wingsuit can cause 1p view while flying
Falck: S21 Syrette Pistol
- Added Lock On and Lock Off sounds for S21 Syrette Pistol for when a target is designated by the magnetism of the S21 Syrette Pistol
- Players that require health and can receive it now have a white outline around them to indicate that the magnetism will fire at the outlined target.
- Added healing VFX for when you’re being healed by the S21 Syrette Pistol
- Added sound feedback for when being healed by the S21 Syrette Pistol
Mackay: Grappling Hook
- Fixed an issue where the Grappling Hook rope got misaligned in front of the gadget after changing FOV settings
- Fixed the vault after the Grappling Hook animation where it could cause camera jerks or provide no animation at all
CG Recoilless M5
- Fixed a bug where the CG Recoilless M5 would not lose its lock on to enemy air vehicles when locked on via SOFLAM Designator and the target deployed countermeasures
C5 Explosive
- Fixed a bug where the C5 Explosive blast damage was sometimes inconsistent when trying to detonate the C5 Explosive on a moving vehicle
- Fixed an issue where the C5 Explosive server and client positions were not correctly synced
- Adjusted the deploy time of the C5 Explosive and reduced the delay before allowing it to be detonated to improve responsiveness.
SOFLAM Designator
- Fixed an issue where the visual SOFLAM Designator UI elements are still present on the screen when switching to other gadgets while zoomed
- Fixed the SOFLAM Designator’s tooltip text being misaligned
Anti-Tank Mine
- Fixed an issue that caused Mines and other deployables to not trigger sound effects when deployed from inside a vehicle
Medical Crate and Supply Crate
- Fixed issue where the Medical Crate healing cooldown was triggered when at Full HP.
- Adjusted Medical and Supply crates‘ trajectory to align with the animation of the throw and address jitter
- Improved responsiveness of Medical and Supply crates deployment. It is now possible to throw them a lot quicker after selecting them
- Fixed an issue where the resupply animation would not play when resupplying gadgets from the Supply Crate
Smoke Grenade
- Changed the detonation behavior of the Smoke Grenade; it will now bounce once before detonating
- Fixed an issue where Smoke Grenades could be destroyed by bullets or explosions
- Fixed an issue where the VO was not triggering when an enemy Specialists’ Smoke Grenade has been thrown
Frag Grenade
- Ensured that the grenade warning icon does not draw under certain elements of the HUD like the minimap
Repair Tool
- Fixed an issue where the Repair Tool can repair vehicles while not facing the vehicle.
- Improved the Repair Tool so that it is quicker to equip and put away
Insertion Beacon
- Fixed an issue where picking up an Insertion Beacon would not make any sounds.
- EMP now blocks spawning on Insertion Beacons
- Reduced the delay before the Insertion Beacon is placed after throwing it
FXM-33 AA Missile
- The FXM-33 AA Missile reload sound effect will now appropriately fit the animation of reloading
- Extended the animation of the FXM-33 AA Missile reload
- Fixed an issue where attempting to traversal sprint while swimming resulted in a broken swimming animation.
- Fixed missing weapon deploy animation when transitioning from water to land.
- Adjusted soldier animations when swimming.
- Various visual adjustments and fixes for Specialists
- Fixed issues where the soldier would sometimes not properly follow the ground when sliding
- Fixed an issue where jumping would be buffered if holding jump when trying to stand up from crouch or prone pose
- Reduced occurrences where Specialists can be seen with low quality animations in the distance
- Adjusted the pose of the legs when falling to avoid legs blocking the view
- Addressed issues where players prone on thin surfaces could be seen floating in the air. They will now tend to fall if the surface is not large enough.
- Fixed an issue where it is not possible to look up and down enough while prone on a slope
- Fixed an issue where character hands were not in contact with ladders when FOV was higher than default
- Fixed an issue where you could turn and see your own headless 1P body while on ladders
- Fixed an issue where the user was able to gain velocity by hopping on and off a ladder and hit melee
- Fixed an issue where setting the “Always Traversal Sprint” Option would sometimes not allow the player to traversal sprint with the intended speed
Adjusted the timing of sound of takedowns on enemies being prone
Improved the speed in which the weapon switches when watching another player melee attack
Decreased the range in which you can melee a player
Fixed visual glitch when blending between ragdoll and settled state in a takedown animation
Fixed an issue where players sometimes got thrown up in the air while using melee
You can no longer perform a takedown on a soldier climbing a ladder
Added a fix that should allow the melee to nudge vehicles to get them to be unstuck.
Fix for takedowns on enemies lying prone not working from all angles
Fixed issue where the animation was misaligned while taking down an enemy that is prone on stairs
Fixed a camera bug for meleeing players while standing on a moving platform
M.2 SSD für Playstation 5*AD

Battlefield 2042 ist erhältlich auf Xbox One, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox Series X|S und dem PC. Der Titel wird in folgenden Editionen erscheinen:
Editionen‘ ad
- Standard Edition für 59,99€ (PC) sowie 69,99 € (Xbox One, PS4) und 79,99 € (Xbox Series X|S und PS5) ‚ad
- Gold Edition für 89,99€ (PC) und 99,99 € (Konsolen)
- Ultimate 109,99€ (PC) und 119,99€ (Konsolen)
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