Black Ops Cold War | Warzone: Playlist-Updates bringen Fixes & Balancing-Anpassungen | Patch Notes
Mit den heutigen Game-Settings-Updates für „Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War und Warzone“ gibt es einige Fehlerkorrekturen und Anpassungen an der Waffenbalance. Darüber hinaus wurde auch die wöchentliche Aktualisierung der Playlists vorgenommen. Nachfolgend haben wir für euch die Patch Notes für die beiden Updates.
Black Ops Cold War – Update- 23. September
Das Black Ops Update bringt euch Feuergefecht Turnier und Rapidfire. Darüber hinaus hat Treyarch im Zombie Modus Stabilitätsverbesserungen vorgenommen und ein Problem mit Waffenbauplänen behoben, dass dazu führte, dass Waffen nach dem Ausrüsten eines Bauplans nicht mehr funktionierten.
Warzone – Update – 23. September
Raven hat Verdansk Core BR 2ER und Beutegeld 4ER hinzugefügt. Darüber hinaus wurden Anpassungen am Iron Trials ’84 Modus vorgenommen. Ebenfalls hat Raven Software diverse Fehler korrigiert und an der Balance der Waffen und Aufsätze geschraubt. Im nachfolgenden haben wir die vollständigen Patch Notes für euch.
Iron Trials ’84
The following changes are exlusive to the Iron Trials ’84 mode:
Buy Stations
- The Specialist Token has been added
- Supply Run discounts are now 50% on every item except Team Redeploy (100%), Loadout Drop Marker (10%), and Specialist Token (10%)
- The Hardline Perk now gives a 25% discount to every item except Self Revive (20%), Loadout Drop Marker (10%), and Specialist Token (20%)
We suspect very few people will be able to say they’ve purchased a Specialist Token. However, we do feel there is an opportunity to provide high tier Players with additional impactful outlets for their hard earned resources. Additionally, further enabling purchasing power with Hardline is something we would like to continue to explore.
- Contract Cash rewards (per Player) have been reduced. Multiplier values are unchanged.
- Recon
- $1,300 down to $1,100
- Scavenger
- $2,500 down to $1,600
- Bounty
- $3,800 down to $2,500
- Supply Run
- $1,300 down to $1,200
We recognize that this may be a polarizing change, but we feel it is a necessary one. When we gate access to Loadouts behind a large price tag, as is the case, we force players to continue moving around the map. This works to disincentivize camping. While we do not anticipate this change will have a large impact on the most skilled Players – those who stay put and avoid engagements will find themselves resource strained and quickly falling behind. This is part of how we subtly encourage map movement and fighting. Additionally, we feel scavenging, being resourceful, and barely scraping by is part of what adds to the charm and intensity of the Trials. This dynamic makes room for, and emphasizes other facets of skill like movement, teamwork, strategy, and map knowledge. By delaying Loadout acquisition, we are further smoothing out player power such that each increase to it is much more noticeable and allows more room for those secondary skillsets to shine. We will be monitoring the mode and Player feedback closely to ensure this change is having the intended effect.
- Light Machine Guns (except the RPD (BOCW)) and all Tactical Rifles have been removed from Gulag Loadouts.
We feel an emphasis on Submachine Guns and Assault Rifles better suits this version of the Gulag.
- Weapons will no longer deal more than 120 damage per melee hit.
- Armor Satchel, Gas Mask, and Self Revive drop rates have been reduced
- Ground Loot XM4 (BOCW) attachments have been updated
- Ground Loot Bullfrog (BOCW) attachments have been updated
The XM4 (BOCW) and Bullfrog (BOCW) Attachments are now more closely aligned with popular builds.
- Fixed additional collision issues with various elements on Rebirth Island allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
- Fixed an issue with the Bullfrog (BOCW) that reduced recoil while firing.
Submachine Guns
Bullfrog (BOCW)
- ADS Speed decreased by 9%
- Movement Speed decreased by 1%
- ADS Movement Speed decreased by 2%
The Bullfrog (BOCW) is a true jack of all trades. It has great Mobility, Effective Damage Range, Handling, and base Magazine Capacity – which would often act as a free Attachment. These changes, in conjunction with a Recoil bug fix, will bring the Bullfrog (BOCW) much closer to the competition.
Shotgun Bravo (BOCW)
- Maximum Damage Range decreased from 4.5 to 3.5 meters
- Second Damage Range decreased from 8.1 to 5.5 meters
- Third Damage Range decreased from 13.2 to 9.9 meters
The Shotgun Bravo (BOCW) has been incredibly dominant due to its Effective Damage Range, Magazine Capacity, Mobility, and Rate of Fire. By reducing its Effective Damage Ranges, the Shotgun Bravo (BOCW) will begin to feel more like a Shotgun and less like a Sniper.
Krig 6 (BOCW)
- 19.7” Takedown
- Horizontal Recoil Control increased from 8% to 9%
- 19.7” Ranger
- Vertical Recoil Control increased from 8% to 9%
- 15.5” Contour
- Horizontal Recoil Control increased from 4% to 5%
- Vertical Recoil Control increased from 4% to 5%
- 15” CMV Mil-Spec
- Horizontal Recoil Control increased from 8% to 9%
- Vertical Recoil Control increased from 8% to 9%
Given the Krig 6’s (BOCW) most recent adjustments, we felt it was appropriate to increase the effectiveness of its Recoil Control Attachments slightly.
AK-47 (BOCW)
- 18.2” Takedown
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 11.1% to 10%
- 20” Liberator
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 11.1% to 10%
- 18.2” VDV Reinforced
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 5.5% to 4%
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 5.5% to 4%
- 20” Spetsnaz RPK Barrel
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 9% to 8%
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 9% to 8.5%
13.7” Takedown
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 11.3% to 10%
13.7” Ranger
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 11.3% to 10%
13.5” Reinforced Heavy
- Horizontal Recoil Recoil Control decreased from 5.5 to 4%
13.5” Task Force
Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 9% to 8%
Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 9% to 8%
M.2 SSD für Playstation 5*AD

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