Call of Duty: Warzone | Neues Game-Settings-Update mit Balancing-Anpassungen & Fixes verfügbar
Raven Software hat heute ein neues Game-Settings-Update für „Call of Duty: Warzone“ veröffentlicht. Es nimmt zahlreiche Fehlerkorrekturen und Balancing-Anpassungen vor. Nachfolgend haben wir für euch eine kurze Zusammenfassung sowie die vollständigen Patch Notes. Die Aktualisierung erfolgt beim Verbinden mit dem Onlinedienst, ein separater Download eines Titel-Updates ist nicht erforderlich. In dieser Woche findet am Donnerstag, den 19. August 2021 um 19:30 Uhr deutscher Zeit auch die Enthüllung von „Call of Duty: Vanguard“ im Rahmen eines In-Game-Events in „Call of Duty: Warzone“ statt. Zu erwarten ist eine zeitlich begrenzt verfügbare Playlist, wie es auch bei dem Cold War Reveal der Fall war.
Patch Notes – 16. August 2021
Zu den Fehlerkorrekturen zählt die Behebung eines Problems, welches es mehreren Trupps ermöglichte, durch das gleiche Red Door zu gehen. Zudem wurde ein Battle Pass Fehler behoben, der dazu führte, dass der Stufenaufstieg nicht wie gewünscht erfolgte. Ebenfalls wurde ein Bug bei der BOCW Waffe PPSH behoben.
Auf Seite der Balance Anpassungen wurden die Modern Warfare Waffen AS Val, Fennec, SMG Charlie sowie M19 und Sykov angepasst und die Cold War Waffen OTs 9 und AMP 63. Die Änderungen betreffen Schaden, Kugelgeschwindigkeit und mehr. Die Einzelheiten zu den Anpassungen könnt ihr den Patch Notes entnehmen.
- Fixed an issue allowing multiple Squads to enter the same Red Door.
- This addresses other related issues such as dying to Gas in the Red Door hallway.
- Fixed an issue where Battle Pass Tiers were not unlocked correctly when the Battle Pass or the Battle Pass Bundle were received as a gift.
- Fixed an issue with the PPSh-41 (BOCW) where the KGB Eliminator and GRU Suppressor Attachment icons were appearing as white boxes
We are generally pleased with the state of balance and we do not think anything needs to be immediately addressed. However, we do feel there are some outliers in the Assault Rifle category that have been top tier long enough that it is now appropriate to reduce their power level to give other Weapons some time in the spotlight. Those changes will be coming very soon.
Assault Rifles
- Maximum Damage decreased from 30 to 27
The AS VAL (MW), following our balance overhaul, retained one of the fastest, easily achieved TTKs in the game. While its magazine capacity does hold it back, its TTK potential has remained well outside of the range we have been targeting.
Submachine Guns
- Fennec (MW)
- Bullet Velocity increased by 13.4%
The Fennec (MW) has struggled to gain footing due to some glaring weaknesses. This change will make the Fennec (MW) viable at slightly further distances.
- Submachine Gun Charlie (MW)
- Maximum Damage decreased from 34 to 31
- Maximum Damage Range decreased by 5.4%
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1
This change is intended to place some of the power of the Submachine Gun Charlie (MW) behind a mechanical requirement – making it a little less forgiving.
- OTs 9 (BOCW)
- ADS Weapon Sway decreased
When making large, sweeping motions while aiming down sights with the OTs 9 (BOCW), players could find most of their front iron sights obstructed by the rear iron sights. This type of sightline obstruction can be frustrating when attempting to effectively track enemies.
- AMP 63 (BOCW)
- Maximum Damage decreased from 33 to 31
- Mid Damage now 28
- Minimum Damage decreased from 28 to 23
- M19 (MW)
- This change only applies while using Akimbo
- Maximum Damage decreased from 33 to 29
- Mid Damage decreased from 28 to 25
- Minimum Damage decreased from 23 to 20
- Sykov (MW)
- This change only applies while using the Sorokin 140mm Auto
- Maximum Damage decreased from 27 to 24
- Mid Damage decreased from 23 to 20
- Minimum Damage decreased from 19 to 17
Handguns were fortunate enough to evade the initial balance overhaul. These changes aim to place some of the most powerful Secondary Weapons at a power level that is more in line with other Weapons of their class.
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