Black Ops Cold War: Hochauflösende Inhaltspakete ab sofort verfügbar | High Resolution Texture Packs (PlayStation 5)
Treyarch hat heute die hochauflösenden Inhaltspakete (High Resolution Texture Packs für „Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War“ veröffentlicht. Insgesamt stehen auf Playstation 5 drei Pakete zum Download bereit. Wenn ihr den Shooter das erste Mal auf euerer Playstation 5 startet, erhaltet ihr eine Pop-Up-Meldung, die euch darüber informiert, dass die Pakete nun verfügbar sind. Folgt den Anweisungen den Download zu starten. Nachfolgend findet ihr eine Übersicht der neuen Pakte.
Übersicht zu den High Resolution Texture Packs
Wenn ihr eine vollständige Installation von Black Ops Cold War inkl. aller Kampagnen, Mehrspieler, Zombies und Deadops Inhalts- sowie Texturepakete vornehmt, hat der Titel eine Gesamtgröße von 265+ GB auf Playstation 5. Die einzelnen Pakete haben eine Downloadgröße von:
- Mehrspieler – Hochauflösendes Paket 17.78 GB
- Zombies – Hochauflösendes Paket 8.05 GB
- Dead Ops Arcade – Hochauflösendes Paket 3.76 GB
Update – 20-07-2021
Zusätzlich wurde ein Game-Settings-Update veröffentlicht. Es bringt weitere Verbesserungen für den Zombie Modus und den Mehrspielermodus. Hierzu zählen verschiedene Stabilitätsverbesserungen, Main Quest-Fehlerkorrekturen sowie Anpassungen des K.I Verhaltens von Klaus’ und mehr. Außerdem wurde die Karte Rush zur Rotation verschiedener Core Modi hinzugefügt und aufgeputscht Stellung aus der Nukejacked Liste entfernt. Mehr Einzelheiten gibt es in den vollständigen Patch Notes.
- Addressed an issue where the Social button could disappear if the player kicked another player from their party, which could cause the Social tab from functioning properly.
- Moved the Nail Gun to the correct location in the Special Weapons category.
High Resolution Texture Packs (PlayStation 5)
- PlayStation 5 players will have high resolution textures moved to opt-in downloadable packs for Multiplayer, Zombies, and Dead Ops Arcade 3. These will no longer be installed by default, and players will need to download these packs for the best visual experience going forward.
- Upon boot-up, players will be prompted to install the packs or cancel the download. If the player cancels, these packs will be available for download via the in-game Store.
- Added Rush to the following modes: Team Deathmatch, Domination, Hardpoint, Control, Kill Confirmed, Search and Destroy, Free-For-All, VIP Escort, and Snipers Only Moshpit.
- Removed Cranked Hardpoint from NukeJacked 24/7.
“Mauer der Toten”
- Stability
- Added various stability fixes related to the Main Quest, Boss Battle, and CRBR-S Wonder Weapon.
- Gameplay
- Reduced the number of Krasny Soldat spawns at higher rounds.
- Addressed an issue that caused Klaus to sometimes attack a friendly Brain-Rotted zombie.
- Addressed a rare issue that could cause zombies to use their ranged attack despite the player being in an accessible location.
- Wonder Weapons
- The CRBR-S Wonder Weapon will no longer time out if it is not taken from the opened safe after a period of time.
- Main Quest
- Addressed an issue that caused players to become stuck when remaining on a ladder during a Boss Battle teleport.
- Addressed an issue that prevented a Special Round from triggering immediately when entering the Lab if the match was currently between rounds.
- Addressed an issue that caused a carried quest item to appear on screen and sometimes block weapon fire while the player was walking backwards.
- Addressed an issue that could show Klaus as visibly holding his weapon and a quest item at the same time.
- UI
- Addressed an issue that could cause players to receive an erroneous „Not Enough Essence“ message when approaching the Arsenal.
- Fixed a crash related to transitioning between Regions in Outbreak.
Field Upgrades
- Addressed an issue that caused Shatter Blast to deal more damage than intended.
- Fixed a crash related to Tombstone Soda.
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