Black Ops Cold War | Warzone: Game-Settings-Update mit neuen Playlists, Bugfixes & Balancing-Anpassungen [Patch Notes]
Sowohl Raven Software als auch Treyarch haben die wöchentlichen Game-Settings-Updates für „Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War und Warzone“ veröffentlicht. Im Rahmen der Aktualisierung finden die neuen Playlists ihren Weg in die Spiele. Darüber hinaus gibt es spielspezifische Fixes und Balancing-Anpassungen. Nachfolgend haben für euch die Patch Notes für „Warzone und Black Ops Cold War“. Da es sich um ein In-Game-Update handelt, ist kein separater Download erforderlich. Die Notwendigen Änderungen erfolgend nach dem Verbinden mit den Onlinediensten der beiden Spiele.
Black Ops Cold War – Patch Notes
In Black Ops Cold War dürft ihr euch auf die neuen Playlists Nukejacked, Throwback Moshpit und Colleteral 24/7 freuen. Darüber hinaus wurden Fixes beim Skyhook Operatorskin und der Nailgun sowie Behebungen von Texturfehlern vorgenommen. Alles Weitere könnt ihr den nachfolgenden Patch Notes (englisch) entnehmen.
- (June 28) Restored the “Skyhook” Operator Skin for Park in the PlayStation® Combat Pack after addressing a related stability issue.
- Nail Gun
- Addressed an issue that prevented aim assist from working as expected on the Pack-a-Punched version of the Nail Gun.
- (June 25) Topography weapon camo challenges now properly for the Nail Gun.
- (June 25) Fixed a stability issue related to the Hellhound and Plaguehound enemy tracking.
- (June 25) Addressed an issue where the scoreboard would not appear after Exfil, Game Over, or ending the game. This also addressed a rare issue where the player could fall out of the helicopter after an Exfil.
- (June 25) New Zombies tracks unlocked by the “Unknown Signal” World Event now appear in the Music Player.
Dead Ops Arcade
- (June 25) Addressed an issue where treasure would spawn less than normal from chests and in the world.
Warzone Patch Notes
In Warzone sind nun die Playlists Beutegeld Blutgeld 3ER und BR Rückkauf 4ER verfügbar. Des Weiteren wurden diverse Anpassungen an den Waffen und Aufsätzen vorgenommen. Die Änderungen betreffen zwei Sturmgewehre und eine SMG aus BOCW sowie diverse Aufsätze aus MW und Cold War. Mehr dazu in den Patch Notes.
Assault Rifles
- C58 (BOCW)
- Recoil increased slightly
- FARA 83 (BOCW)
- Recoil increased slightly
Submachine Guns
- Nail Gun (BOCW)
- Maximum Damage range decreased by 39%
The Nail Gun (BOCW) is and was meant to be a lethal, highly-mobile, short-range dominator. However, its Maximum Damage range far exceeded the lethal range of Shotguns, which it is intended to contest. The Nail Gun’s (BOCW) generous range and mobility allowed it to consistently dispatch foes at the same speed or faster than Shotguns at almost twice their effective range. While the Nail Gun’s (BOCW) pick rate has remained relatively low, we believe it would have been much higher were it more easily accessible.
- Ranger (Assault Rifles except AK-47 (BOCW) & XM4 (BOCW))
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 15% to 10%
- Takedown (Assault Rifles except AK-47 (BOCW) & XM4 (BOCW))
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 15% to 10%
- Reinforced Heavy / Match Grade / VDV Reinforced (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns)
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 7.5% to 5%
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 7.5% to 5%
- Task Force / Spetsnaz RPK / CMV Mil-Spec (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns)
- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 15% to 10%
- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 15% to 10%
We are satisfied with the overall direction of adding Recoil Control to BOCW Barrels. However, we would like the effectiveness of a Weapon to grow with the wielder as they improve. We felt with the magnitude by which recoil was being reduced, there was hardly any room left to master the control of these Weapons. We want Weapons to reward you for learning their reload timings, recoil patterns, and bullets to kill. Your proficiency with a Weapon should be a journey that is worked toward with an equivalent payoff.
When we make Weapons too effective and too easy to control, there is no journey of mastery and we can become disinterested with these Weapons much quicker – which we feel can be a disservice. Even after these changes, we understand that there may still be incredibly effective and easy to control Weapons when enough Recoil Control is applied through attachments. We will continue to target these Weapons as they arise to ensure that they strike a satisfactory balance between upside and downside.
Die Änderungen in Warzone wurden aufgrund einiger Probleme vorübgergehend zurückgesetzt auf den Stand vor diesem Update. Sobald ein Fix verfügbar ist, werden die Balancing-Anpassungen erneut vorgenommen.
2XP und 2WXP in Warzone und Cold War
Zum Wochenende Startet ein weiteres 2XP Event. Es beginnt am 2. Juli 2021 um 19 Uhr. Ihr könnt euch darin doppelte XP für euren Soldatenfortschritt und die Waffen verdienen. Enden wird das Event dann am 6. Juli 2021 um 19 Uhr.
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