Modern Warfare | Warzone: Update 1.38 mit 120Hz Support auf PS5, Balancing-Anpassungen, Season 4 Inhalten für Warzone, Fixes & mehr [Patch Notes]
Heute ist Update 1.38 für „Call of Duty: Modern Warfare und Warzone“ erschienen. Der Patch bringt euch neue Locations auf der Karte Verdansk, Balancing-Anpassungen für Waffen und Bugfixes. Darüber hinaus unterstützt die PS5 Version nun endlich 120Hz. Um das Ganze zu nutzen, müsst ihr den Leistungsmodus aktivieren. Die neuen Playlists sind auch aktiv und endlich ist der Rooze Skin richtig deutlich sichtbar. Nachfolgend haben wir für euch eine Zusammenfassung der Neuerungen sowie die vollständigen Patch Notes (englisch) zu Update 1.38 für „Call of Duty: Modern Warfare und Warzone“. Neue Inhalte für den MW Multiplayer scheinen auf den ersten Blick nicht dabei zu sein.
Des Weiteren hat Raven Software für eines der kommenden Updates zusätzliche Anpassungen an der Time to Kill (TTK) aller Waffen angekündigt. Die Downloadgrößen des Updates betragen auf allen Plattformen knapp 11GB.
Warzone Update Größe
- PlayStation 5: 11 GB
- PlayStation 4: 11 GB
- Xbox Series X / Xbox Series S: 11.2 GB
- Xbox One: 11.2 GB
- PC: 12.3 GB (Nur Warzone) / 13.5 GB (Warzone und Modern Warfare)
PC-Spieler müssen für den Kopiervorgang zusätzliche 27.1-28.3 GB auf ihrer Platte frei haben.
Mit dem Start von Season 4 gibt es auf den Konsolen außerdem wieder neue Highres-Texture Packs, die ihr optional herunterladen könnt.
- PlayStation 5: 7.6 GB
- PlayStation 4: 7.6 GB
- Xbox Series X / Xbox Series S: 7.2 GB
- Xbox One: 7.2 GB
Zusammenfassung von Update 1.38 Neuerungen
In Season 4 startet das zeitlich begrenzte Event „Groundfall“ und Verdansk erhält neue POI. Darunter ein neues Gulag, eine Satellitenabsturzstelle und ein Schnellreisesystem. Darüber hinaus können über den Battle Pass neue Waffen und Belohnungen freigespielt werden. Der Premiumpass bringt zudem den neuen Operator Jackal.
Das neue Event Groundfall beginnt mit dem Start von Season 4
In diesem zeitlich begrenzten Event zum Start von Season 4 geht es darum, SAT-Links zu finden und zu sichern, um exklusive Belohnungen für euer globales Profil in Black Ops Cold War und Warzone zu erhalten.
Für dieses Event müsst ihr Ziele in Bezug auf die neuen Modi, Karten und Waffen in Black Ops Cold War und den neuen Warzone Points of Interest in Angriff nehmen. Durch das Erfüllen dieser Ziele erhaltet ihr diverse Belohnungen. Dazu zählen Gegenstände wie Embleme, Visitenkarten und ein Satellitenwaffen-Amulett sowie einigen XP belohnen. Schließt jede Herausforderung ab und ihr erhaltet einen epischen Sekundärwaffen-Bauplan, der wirklich nicht von dieser Welt ist.
Weitere Details zu diesem Event finden ihr später im Spiel unter dem dafür vorgesehenen Menüpunkt.
In Warzone werden neue Locations (ein sog. Point of Interesst), ein neues Fahrzeug und neue Modi und der Baseballschläger hinzugefügt. Hier findet ihr eine Liste der neuen Locations sowie Modi und könnt einen Blick auf das neue Crossbike werfen:
Satellite Crash Sites (zum Start)
The Red Doors (zum Start)
Hijacked Gulag (zum Start)
Neues Fahrzeug — Dirt Bike (zum Start)
Downtown Tower: Unnter neuem Management (zum Start)
Neuer Modus in Playlist
In Season 4 dürft ihr euch zum Start auch auf den neuen Spielmodus Verdansk Wiederbelebung Mini 3ER freuen.
Diese Version ist eine noch akuratere Variante von Rebirth Island Wiederbelebung. Zusätzlich zu den Standardregeln – kein Gulag, extreme Klarheit über feindliche Positionen nach der Eliminierung eines Truppmitglieds, ein Wiederbelebungstimer und spezielle Versorgungsboxen – bietet die Verdansk Variante kleinere Lobbygrößen von maximal 44 bis 45 Operatoren.
Die Spiele beginnen in einer kompakten DZ mit zufälligen Zonenpositionen. Der erste Kreis wird übersprungen, um einen kleinen, dichten und actionreichen Startbereich zu schaffen. Die Gegenstände, die ihr hier finden könnt, sind im Vergleich zu einem traditionellen Battle Royale-Modus häufiger und von höherer Qualität. Außerdem sind die Runden kürzer, um ein wirklich passendes Ego-Shooter-Überlebenserlebnis zu bieten.
Dieser Spielmodus wird in allen gängigen Versionen spielbar sein – EINZEL, 2ER, 3ER und 4ER. Raven plant wöchentliche Rotationen der Playlists.
Waffen- & Aufsätze
Der Patch nimmt Balancing-Anpassungen an diversen Waffen und Aufsätzen vor. Darunter Waffen aus Modern Warfare und Black Ops Cold War wie CR-56 AMAX, Groza, Sturmgewehr Golf, XM4, AMP63, das ballistische Messer, Straßenfeger, Scharfschützengewehr Charlie, Swiss K31, SMG Alpha, Bullfrog, KSP45, Milano, SMG Echo, DMR14. Die nachfolgenden Patch Notes geben euch eine Übersicht aller Änderungen.
Patch Notes – Update 1.38
- Added 120hz support for PS5
- Requires HDMI 2.1
- Downed Players who disconnect now provide kill credit and drop loot. This includes Players who disconnect during a Finishing Move.
- Progression Challenges – Font size for Challenges and their descriptions has been increased.
- Addition of 8 new LGBTQIA+ Pride flag Calling Cards.
- Awarded to all Players for free! These cards will automatically show up in your Barracks.
- These 8 cards are available in addition to the existing 6 Pride Calling Cards for a total of 14 Pride flags represented in-game Happy Pride month! As a part of our celebration, we have added 8 new flags for free for all Players! Diversity and inclusion are important, and we are excited to expand our in-game representation of LGBTQIA+ identities in honor of Pride month.
- New Vehicle: Dirt Bike
- Terror on two wheels arrives in Warzone. Ramp up your off-road antics with this extremely maneuverable scrambler, scattered across Verdansk and ready to use at the start of a match.
- Speed – Faster than all vehicles, including the ATV.
- Handling – Drifts at high speeds. Offers finer control at lower speeds. Mastery is key.
- Durability – Low; same health as the ATV.
- Capacity – Two Operators: one driver and one passenger. Next to no room to “stack” Operators atop it, such as with the two-passenger ATV.
- Trophy System Placement – Must stand atop the bike to place a Trophy System; can fit one on the saddle or on front/rear fenders.
- Loot that spawns across Verdansk has been adjusted as follows…
- The C58 (BOCW) and MG 82 (BOCW) can be found in the loot pool
- Combat Bow Killstreak has been added to the loot pool
- Self-Revive spawn rate has been reduced
- 1911 (BOCW) starter Handgun now requires three hits to gain bonus Finisher damage instead of two.
- This change will increase the number of melee hits needed for this Weapon to down an enemy at 200hp by 1.
- Snapshot Grenade
- Reveal duration increased from 1.25 to 2 seconds.
- Hit enemies are now also revealed to your squad.
- Custom Mods
- Custom Mods have been enabled for BOCW Weapons. This will allow you to name and save up to five custom Weapon builds as Blueprints.
- Some thoughts on the Specialist Token…
We want exciting items like the Specialist Token in Warzone. However, the ease and consistency of its acquisition was problematic. Ideally drop locations are allowed to be chosen dynamically based on several factors like circle location, infil route, and Player preference. When we introduce an exclusive, powerful item that can only be obtained at one location, it may have a warping effect on gameplay that can diminish early game strategy. We would also like to ensure there is excitement surrounding opening caches or completing Contracts no matter where you are on the map. In order to achieve that, we need to have items that are exceedingly rare but do not have targeted methods of acquisition. We may see the Specialist Token again, perhaps sooner than you might think—but it will be rebalanced in such a way that it offers neither Weapon perks nor drops on death.
- Fixed some instances of Dev Error 5573 related to using the CARV.2 (BOCW).
- Updating Challenges that referred to the Quarry to correctly indicate the Salt Mine.
- Fixed an issue where a Player’s downed movement speed would remain at a slowed state after being partially revived by a teammate.
- Fixed issue with the Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW) causing some Operators to have their heads disappear when using tactical equipment.
- Fixed an issue where the „Gas closing in“ voiceover was playing on infill for Resurgence Trios playlists.
- Fixed an issue where Scavenger Contracts would sometimes spawn inside the bridge near Stadium.
- Fixed an issue where Plunder Contracts were not properly showing Contract instructions and rewards.
- Fixed an issue where muzzles on the FARA 83 (BOCW) Weapon icon were misaligned.
- Fixed an issue where Players could survive a Finishing Move if they had just started using an ascender.
- Fixed an issue where pings on enemies would disappear and no audio would play.
- Fixed an issue with the lighting during the infiltration sequence of Rebirth Island.
- Fixed an issue in the corners of one of the buildings in Rebirth Island that caused a sun glare effect when GPUs run at high temperatures.
- Fixed several missing collision map exploit issues in Rebirth Island.
UI/UX, Social, & More
- Friends List now has improved responsiveness.
- Added the ability for Players to favorite up to 14 Operators.
- Added the ability to filter Operators by favorites and sort according to faction.
- Added the ability for Players to preview skins from the customization menu (accessible only for unlocked Operators).
- Added the ability to allow Players to Play Again with Team, allowing them to stay connected with Players who aren’t in their party.
- New Weapons (BOCW)
- MG 82: Light Machine Gun (Launch Week)
- Obtain the MG 82 for free and ready to use in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone at Tier 15 of the Season Four Battle Pass.
- C58: Assault Rifle (Launch Week)
- Obtain the C58 for free and ready to use in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone at Tier 31 of the Season Four Battle Pass.
- Nail Gun: Submachine Gun (Launch Week)
- Obtain via unlock Challenge or via Blueprint in the Store.
- Baseball Bat: Melee (Launch Week)
- Obtain via unlock Challenge or via Blueprint in the Store.
- OTs 9: Submachine Gun (In-Season)
- Obtain via unlock Challenge or via Blueprint in the Store.
- Mace: Melee (In-Season)
- Obtain via unlock Challenge or via Blueprint in the Store.
In a future patch, we will be making sweeping balance changes to Weapons. Let us take a moment to discuss the philosophy behind that decision. At a high level, Warzone is a game about engagements. The more time we allot to mechanical and strategic expression within engagements, the higher the ‘skill ceiling’ and the longer our personal journey of mastery. We believe the frequency of those engagements and how we navigate them heavily contributes to the overall level of fun. We want to enable more escapes from impossible situations, moments of finesse, epic outplays, and opportunities to flex exquisite marksmanship. Due to some Weapons being far more lethal than others in their class, we feel a reduction in the efficacy of those outliers is necessary. We expect these changes will bring the average Time to Kill up by approximately 60 to 100 milliseconds. These changes will not only increase the overall capacity for skill expression, but should also introduce some Weapons into viability that have not yet had a chance to shine.
We will begin laying the groundwork for the upcoming balance overhaul with the following adjustments:
Assault Rifles
- CR-56 AMAX (MW)
- Upper Torso Damage multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1.1
- The real strength of the CR-56 AMAX (MW) layed in its long-range viability and the consistency of its Time to Kill. While we have made several moves to reduce its power level, the third time is in fact, the charm. We love the CR-56 AMAX (MW) and we will likely see it return in the future when the massive balance overhaul takes place. Though for now, we would like to shake up the long-range space and see what rises to the top.
- Groza (BOCW)
- Minimum Damage increased from 18 to 23
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1.1 to 1.2
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1
- Maximum Damage range decreased by 12%
- As a relatively slow-firing, low damage Assault Rifle, it is no surprise that the Groza (BOCW) has underperformed since its preemptive balance adjustment at the beginning of Season Three. This tune up should put it in a solid position in short to mid-range mobility based AR builds.
- Assault Rifle Golf (MW)
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.5
- Upper Torso damage multiplier increased from 1 to 1.2
- We would like to avoid increasing the power level of a Weapon to a point where we would need to reduce it shortly after in the following balance overhaul. With that being said, the Assault Rifle Golf (MW) may soon see another power increase in the near future, but we think an improvement to its average Time to Kill is a good place to start.
- XM4 (BOCW)
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.5
- We consider increases to Neck Damage Multipliers a small buff realistically, as they make landing headshots only slightly more likely. We feel the XM4 (BOCW) is close to being in a great spot and we are aiming for this change to get it there.
- AMP63 (BOCW)
- Maximum Damage increased from 30 to 33
- Second Damage range increased by 14.3%
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1
- Extremities Damage Multipliers increased from .9 to 1
- Head Damage Multiplier decreased from 1.4 to 1.3
- The AMP63 (BOCW) did not have its fastest Time to Kill improved by these changes. Rather, its TTK breakpoints were shifted around and its Second Damage range was pushed out. A move we felt was necessary to help offset its limited magazine capacity and rate of fire. These changes should provide another compelling Secondary Weapon option alongside the Sykov (MW) to complement non-Overkill loadouts.
- Ballistic Knife (BOCW)
- Projectile Velocity increased by 25%
- Neck Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.3
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.23
- Move Speed increased by 1.3%
- The Ballistic Knife will become a desirable selection for melee aficionados following these changes. With additional mobility, improved Projectile Velocity, and more generous locational multipliers—letting someone wielding the Ballistic Knife get too close is a mistake you will only make once… or twice per game.
- Streetsweeper (BOCW)
- Maximum Damage range decreased by 24%
- Second Damage range decreased by 18%
- Third Damage range decreased by 7%
- Move Speed decreased by 1%
- The Streetsweeper (BOCW) has one of the best short-range kill death ratios of any Weapon in Warzone. The issue is with the right Attachments that lethal range could be stretched out further than we would like. The Streetsweeper (BOCW) will still be very deadly, but will now require you to be a few steps closer to your target to maximize its effectiveness.
Sniper Rifles
- Sniper Rifle Charlie (BOCW)
- Bullet Velocity increased by 7.7%
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1.1 to 1.25
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.15
- In a previous patch, the Sniper Rifle Charlie (BOCW) underwent a change to its identity. Now, as a slower firing Sniper Rifle, we feel it is necessary to increase its Damage and Bullet Velocity to compensate more adequately. We will be keeping a close eye on it to ensure it occupies this role successfully.
- Swiss K31 (BOCW)
- Base Optic functionality improved
- Base Reticle updated
Submachine Guns
- Submachine Gun Alpha (MW)
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1
- Maximum Damage range increased by 10%
- The Submachine Gun Alpha (MW) has a ludicrously fast Time to Kill when landing all headshots within its Maximum Damage range. However, outside of those two conditions, it performed far less reliably than its peers. While we do not expect this change to jettison the Submachine Gun Alpha (MW) to the top of SMG viability, we are positioning it to excel in our upcoming balance overhaul.
- Bullfrog (BOCW)
- Ironsights ADS position adjusted
- These changes should allow for better ADS visibility without optics.
- KSP 45 (BOCW)
- Maximum damage range increased by 16.6%
- Extremities multipliers increased from .9 to 1
- The KSP 45 (BOCW) has a fast Time to Kill potential. Insomuch that when considering how to increase its effectiveness, we were concerned not to push it too hard, for fear of making it dominant. It is understandable why one would steer clear of a short to mid-range burst-fire Weapon considering how low the margin for error is in that engagement range. However, two well placed bursts with the KSP 45 (BOCW) will put someone out of commission faster than you might expect.
- Milano 821 (BOCW)
- Maximum Damage increased from 34 to 36
- Minimum Damage increased from 25 to 30
- Maximum Damage range increased by 23%
- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.2
- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1
- Extremities Damage Multipliers increased from .9 to 1
- The Milano 821 (BOCW) needed a lot of love for it to reach a semi-viable state. We will see how it shapes up over the first half of Season Four and make any necessary changes at that time.
- Submachine Gun Echo (MW)
- Maximum Damage increased from 34 to 35
- Extremities Damage Multipliers increased from .9 to 1
- Much like its BOCW counterpart, the Submachine Gun Echo (MW) relies heavily on well-placed shots. These changes should make it a tad more forgiving.
Tactical Rifles
- DMR 14 (BOCW)
- Recoil magnitude decreased
- Even after its falling out, the DMR 14 (BOCW) is still a respectable choice with the right Attachments. A little bump to help stay on target at a distance should help the DMR 14 (BOCW) hold its own in the face of fierce mid to long-range competition.
- Combat Recon (Snipers)
- Pelington 703 (BOCW)
- Bullet Velocity increased from 42.5% to 47.5%
- Sniper Rifle Charlie (BOCW)
- Bullet Velocity increased from 42.5% to 50%
- Swiss K31 (BOCW)
- Bullet Velocity increased from 43% to 50%
- LW3 – Tundra (BOCW)
- Bullet Velocity increased from 42.5% to 44%
- ZRG 20mm (BOCW)
- Bullet Velocity increased from 42.5% to 43%
- These changes will bring the longest BOCW Sniper barrels much closer to parity with Modern Warfare equivalents.
- Ranger (Assault Rifles)
- Now increases Bullet Velocity by 50%
- Now increases Vertical Recoil Control by 15%
- Now increases Hip Spread by 20%
- Takedown (Assault Rifles)
- Now increases Effective Damage Range by 35%
- Now increases Horizontal Recoil Control by 15%
- Now increases Hip Spread by 20%
- Reinforced Heavy/Match Grade (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns)
- Now increases Bullet Velocity by 25%
- Now increases Effective Damage Range by 17.5%
- Now increases Horizontal Recoil Control by 7.5%
- Now increases Vertical Recoil Control by 7.5%
- Now decreases ADS Move Speed by 10%
- Now decreases Sprint Speed by 2.5%
- Now decreases ADS Speed by 3%
- Now increases Hip Spread by 25%
- Task Force/Spetsnaz RPK/CMV Mil-Spec (Assault Rifle, Light Machine Guns)
- Now increases Bullet Velocity by 50%
- Now increases Effective Damage Range by 35%
- Now increases Horizontal Recoil Control by 15%
- Now increases Vertical Recoil Control by 15%
- Now decreases ADS Move Speed by 20%
- Now decreases Sprint Speed by 5%
- Now decreases ADS Speed by 6%
- Now increases Hip Spread by 30%
- Recoil Control has long been a detractor to the long-range viability of BOCW Weapons. These changes will help alleviate that and provide a more diverse selection of Weapons in that engagement space.
- Most BOCW Reticles have been updated.
- Axial Arms 3x
- Optic position shifted
- Royal & Kross 4x
- Optic position shifted
- Bruiser Grip (Snipers)
- Aiming Stability increased from 10% to 19%
Roze’s Rook skin has received material updates to increase visibility.
New Operators
Jackal: Warsaw Pact (Launch Week)
- Get access to Jackal for use in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone at Tier 0 in the Season Four Battle Pass and unlock an additional Ultra-Rarity Jackal Operator Skin at Tier 100.
Salah: NATO (In-Season)
- Get access to Salah as part of the new Season Four Store Bundle offerings.
Weaver: NATO (In-Season)
Get access to Weaver as part of the new Season Four Store Bundle offerings.
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