Black Ops Cold War [Beta Wochenende #2]: Update mit weiteren Anpassungen an Scorestreaks, Bugfixes & mehr [Patch Notes]
Treyarch hat heute ein weiteres Update für die Beta von „Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War“ veröffentlicht. Mit diesem werden weitere Anpassungen an den Scorestreaks vorgenommen. Darunter an der Cooldownzeit für das Spionageflugzeug sowie den Belohnungen für 6,7,8 und 9 Kills. Außerdem bringt der Patch auch weitere Fehlerkorrekturen und Stabilitätsverbesserungen. Nachfolgend findet ihr die vollständigen Patch Notes. Die 2XP für Waffen und den Soldaten bleiben bis zum Ende der Beta aktiviert,
BETA PATCH NOTES – Beta-Wochenende #2 – Tag #2
Score Tuning/Rewards
- Adjusted score tuning to deliver a more consistent earn rate across all game modes.
- We’ve noticed a disparity of Scorestreak earn potential across game modes. Domination saw a high volume of Scorestreaks, while TDM saw less. This new adjustment now sits between where Domination and TDM were during the PS4 Beta.
- Increased score rewards for streaks of 6, 7, 8, and 9 kills to better reward players.
- We agree with feedback that players who go on killstreaks in the 6-9 range were not rewarded enough by the Scorestreak system, and had to go on too high of a streak to earn powerful Scorestreaks compared to past games. This update increases those score values to better reward players for going on higher streaks.
Scorestreak Costs
- Adjusted costs for all Beta Scorestreaks.
- The process of dialing in the exact Scorestreak earn rate that feels good for the majority of players will take a few rounds of feedback, and this is the next step. Our process here will allow us to better evaluate feedback after the Crossplay Open Beta to have Scorestreaks in a solid place for launch.
- Increased the cooldown on Spy Planes to help limit their numbers in the sky at one time.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when joining a match in progress where items were not properly spawned.
- Fixed a crash on PC that could occur on boot if Windows was set to certain languages with the “DD.MM.YYYY” date format (for example, Finnish and German).
- Additional general stability improvements on all platforms.
- Addressed an issue where a player could spawn outside of the map in Cartel at the start of a match.
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