Modern Warfare: Übersicht aller Operator im Spiel; Koalition & Allegiance Fraktion; Stand März 2020
Nachfolgend findet ihr eine Übersicht aller Operator in „Call of Duty: Modern Warfare“. Aufgeteilt ist die Übersicht in die beiden Fraktionen Allegiance und Koalition. Im laufe der kommenden Seasons werden weitere Operatoren hinzugefügt.
Allegiance Faction
Faction: Jackals
Citizenship: United States
First Language: English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Unlock by purchasing the “Mace Operator Bundle” in the Store
Background: Ex U.S. Ranger turned gun for hire. Joined Jackals cutting his teeth in the slums of Soweto, South Africa. Marked with traditional scars to honor his heritage. Has earned a reputation for being a vicious Operator.

Faction: Jackals
Citizenship: Unknown
First Language: Arabic/English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Complete the Old Comrades Campaign mission
Background: Known arms-dealer. Deals with Al Qatala rivals discovered by “The Butcher.” Storehouses were raided. Family was killed. Used connections to expand North Africa network. Partnered with Jackals to destroy AQ and feed ambition.

Faction: Jackals
Citizenship: Unknown
First Language:English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Get 100 Headshots in Multiplayer
Background: Origin unknown. Found by the Jackals, alone in an abandoned village in the Congo (DRC.) Killed 3 Jackals before Zane made contact and brokered a deal: Services in exchange for wire transfer to anonymous off-shore account.

Faction: Jackals
Citizenship: Federal Republic of Nigeria
First Language: Hausa/English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Complete all launch day Special Ops – Operations
Background: Former Nigerian Army. Witnessed atrocities committed by Al Qatala. Defected after accusing govt of keeping funds meant to fight AQ. Formed the Jackals to defend Africa, funded by black market oil. Classified as terrorist.

Faction: Chimera
Citizenship: Ukraine
First Language: Ukrainian
Status: Active
Unlock By: Complete the Proxy War Campaign mission
Background: Mercenary and professional fixer. A man of the cities, night-life, and excess. Known as more gangster than PMC, but reliable when called upon. Serves Nikolai under exclusive contract with Chimera. Ulterior agenda suspected.

Faction: Chimera
Citizenship: Austria
First Language: Austro-Bavarian
Status: Active
Unlock By: Perform 25 Finishing Moves in Multiplayer
Background: Austrian-born, fled to Germany to evade murder charges. Served with KSK under false ID until mission gone-wrong. Civilians died. Identity discovered, escaped custody before court-martial. Maintains innocence.

Faction: Chimera
Citizenship: United States
First Language: English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Kill 5 Juggernauts in any Special Ops experience
Background: Born in Washington DC to family of wealthy politicians. Joined US Army at 18. Family had her stationed in Bulgaria. Served full enlistment. Traveled 5 years off-grid, fighting in conflict zones from Eastern Europe to Africa.

Faction: Spetsnaz
Citizenship: Russian
First Language: Russia
Status: Active
Unlock By: Get 300 Assault Rifle Kills in Multiplayer
Background: Saved countless lives during a hospital siege in 2nd Chechen War. Placed on extended psychiatric leave. Accrued several arrest warrants across SE Asia. Called back into service by Cpt Bale to expel Al Qatala from Verdansk.

Faction: Spetsnaz
Citizenship: Russian
First Language: Russia
Status: Active
Unlock By: Complete the Into the Furnace Campaign mission
Background: A legend among Spetsnaz. Wounded in 2ndChechen War, removed from active duty. Re-learned how to walk, passed requirements to re-enlist. Served under Gen. Barkov until filing complaint with Moscow, citing civilian deaths.

Faction: Spetsnaz
Citizenship: Russian
First Language: Russia
Status: Active
Unlock By: Complete Special Ops -Operation: Paladin
Background: Spetsnaz, Special Weapons Company, selected for technological skill and familiarity with Western culture (Hollywood action movies.) Though top of the charts in performance, Verdansk is his first active combat deployment.

Faction: Spetsnaz
Citizenship: Russia
First Language: Unknown
Status: Active
Unlock By: Purchase “Nikto Operator” Bundle in Store.
Background: Former FSB deep cover agent; captured and tortured at the hands of “Mr. Z.” Face disfigured, diagnosed with acute dissociative disorder. Remains a methodical, calculating soldier. Reassigned to Spetsnaz to utilize skill-set.
Coalition Faction

Faction: SAS
Citzenship: United Kingdom
First Language: English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Purchasing the Season Two Battle Pass
Background: An expert in clandestine tradecraft, sabotage and infilitration. He lives with a redacted past and an undercover present, marked by a concealed appearance to hide his identity and maintain anonymity in the field.

Faction: Warcom
Citizenship: Venezuela
First Language: Spanish
Status: Active
Unlock By: Purchasing the Season One Battle Pass
Background: Venezuelan national turned CIA asset at 15; provided intel for US to launch in-country covert ops against Al-Qatala sleeper cells. Volunteered for US SOF training. Conducted clandestine ops for CIA until invited to join WARCOM in 2017.

Faction: Warcom
Citizenship: France
First Language: French
Status: Active
Unlock By: Win 5 Matches of Gunfight
Background: 4th generation Korean-French. Trained to represent France as an Olympic sprinter until Al Qatala attacked Paris. Joined French Army, chosen for Special Forces. Extremely competitive. Maintains few personal relationships.

Faction: Warcom
Citizenship: Germany
First Language: German
Status: Active
Unlock By: Completing Special Ops – Operation: Kuvalda
Background: Joined KSK, following family tradition of elite soldiers. Master bow hunter and wilderness tracker. Hunts the enemies of the EU in the harshest conditions on Earth. Enjoys reputation as an excellent cook and storyteller.

Faction: Warcom
Citizenship: Australia (Tasmania)
First Language: English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Completing the Wolf’s Den Campaign mission
Background: Born in rural Tasmania, grew up on long-distance 4×4 expeditions into the bush. Described as “fearless” by friends and family, enlisted with Australian Army “for the challenge.” Proficient in navigating chaotic hot zones.

Faction: SAS
Citizenship: United Kingdom
First Language: English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Completing the Piccadilly Campaign Mission
Background: Known as “Union Jack” to his peers. Served with distinction under Captain Price for three years until transfer for “ethical disagreements.” Chose officer track, achieved rank of Lieutenant. Hand-picked by SAS for the Coalition.

Faction: SAS
Citizenship: United Kingdom
First Language: English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Play 25 Public Matches
Background: Raised on trips to Africa with her father, hunting poachers in Kenya and Tanzania. Expert tracker. Joined British Army, passed selection for the SRR. Helped liberate a besieged CIA safehouse, earning a friend in Kate Laswell.

Faction: SAS
Citizenship: United Kingdom
First Language: English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Complete Special Ops – Operation: Paladin
Background: Orphaned as a child, raised in and out of foster care. Earned a criminal record in London punk scene. At 18, intervened in public stabbing (Al Qatala,) gaining local fame. Joined British Commandos, later passed SAS selection.

Faction: Demon Dogs
Citizenship: United States
First Language: English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Completing the Hunting Party Campaign mission
Background: West Texas native. Served with Army Rangers in Afghanistan, pre/post Iraq War. Discharged (Section 8) after failed rescue attempt of a teammate. Returned to Afghanistan as a PMC. Recruited by Alice to join the Demon Dogs.

Faction: Demon Dogs
Citizenship: United States
First Language: English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Complete Special Ops – Operation: Headhunter
Background: Born a US citizen after mother immigrated from Sinaloa under asylum. Joined Army at 18. Despite “disciplinary issues,” passed selection for Task Force Orange. Served in Afghanistan, adept in combat and indigenous relations.

Faction: Demon Dogs
Citizenship: United States
First Language: English
Status: Active
Unlock By: Get 500 LMG Kills in Multiplayer
Background: Chicago born and raised. Expelled from high school after defending another student. Self-taught student of history. Joined Marine Corps to qualify for GI Bill, went career instead. Served in Iraq and Afghanistan as a Marine Raider.