Black Ops 4: Update bringt Bodenkrieg, Requisitenjagd & mehr; Vorschau auf kommende Inhalte
Mit dem heutigen Game-Settings-Update kommen die beiden Spielmodi „Bodenkrieg“ und „Requisitenjagd“ zurück ins Spiel. Außerdem wurde auch die Barebones Moshpit Playlist hinzugefügt. Eine Vorschau auf die neuen Inhalte in der Kommenden Woche gibt es ebenfalls. Nachfolged haben wir für euch die Patch Notes und alle Infos.
Start der 2. Hälfte von Operation Apocalypse Z
Am 6. August startet die zweite Hälfte von Operation Apocalypse Z. Im Zuge dessen dürft ihr euch auf diverse neue Inhalte freuen. Darunter:
- Pandemic – Neuer Modus mit 80 Spielern, indem Teams von Überlebenden gegeneinander und gegen Horden von Untoten kämpfen. Spieler die ausscheiden kehren als Zombie zurück.
- Infected: Final Stand – Der fan-favorite Modus kehrt zurück und bringt einige Anpassungen mit sich. Zwei Teams kämpfen ums überleben.
- Blackout Updates – Neues Motorad mit Beiwagen wird für Blackout hinzugefügt. Darüber hinaus gibt es einige Zombies inspirierte Eastereggs, Wunderwaffen, Wallbuys und Gegnertypen.
- “Alpha Omega” Gauntlet – 30 neue Runden voller Herausforderungen in Camp Edward im neuesten competitive Gauntlet für Zombies fans, “Duck and Cover”.
- Mehr Contract Rewards – Die Anzahl potentieller Belohnungen wird in jedem Modus erhöht. Darüber hinaus gibt es pro Tag eine Garantie auf mindestens einen normalen Contract mit Reservekiste als Belohung.
- Neuer Schwarzmarkt Content – Neue Contraband Belohnungen kommen, inklusive einer Ultra Waffenbestechung, neuen epischen Outfits, Gesturen, Reactive Camo, Jump Pack, Rufzeichen und mehr.
Patch Notes Update 30. Juli
Prop Hunt and Ground War Are Back!
Today’s Featured Playlist update brings Prop Hunt back to MP, and Ground War comes to Blackout’s post-apocalyptic main map for the first time. Both are limited time modes, so you’ll want to jump in now while they’re featured this week. Barebones Moshpit also comes to MP on PS4 and Xbox One, combining Barebones Deathmatch Moshpit with Barebones Objective Moshpit for a more diverse back-to-basics experience.
Known Issues and Incoming Improvements
This update fixes a recent issue in Zombies where players were unable to pick up the Shield piece that could appear on the bookshelf in the Library in “Dead of the Night” – thanks to the community for the reports. We’re also tracking several issues and improvements for the future, including (not limited to):
Previously saved Paintjobs currently appearing hidden
Daemon 3XB Mastercraft not leveling up properly if the base version isn’t owned
Improved pathing for the K9-Unit to prevent Juneau from jumping up onto the tower in Summit
Damage tuning for the Reaver C86, Argus, and Locus in Zombies
Crashes that can occur when Pack-a-Punching the Ballistic Knife in Zombies
Various fixes and improvements for “Alpha Omega” in Zombies
Please continue to report any bugs you encounter with as much information included as possible (platform you’re playing on, map/weapon/attachment being used, etc.) and we’ll bring them to the team’s attention for investigation. The more info you can provide about the bug, the faster we can track down the cause.
A Note from the TeamAs a reminder, please be civil in your communications on this subreddit and on social media about individual team members. It’s fair game to criticize the studio or the game, but targeting an individual is crossing the line, especially when comments reflect unverified or inaccurate information.
We often have members of the dev team speak in public as representatives of the game and studio, but no one should confuse that with them being in charge of, or wholly responsible for, overarching decisions about the game – and under no circumstances should any individual be called out or attacked for any reason. Please keep it clean and respectful when talking about individual team members, and keep the conversation constructive.
Here’s what’s new today:
Featured Playlists (July 30-August 6)
PS4/Xbox One
Prop Hunt
Sticks and Stones
Barebones Moshpit
Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit
Bolt-Action Barebones
Deathmatch Domination
Barebones Deathmatch Moshpit
Sticks and Stones
Featured Playlists (July 30-August 6)
PS4/Xbox One
Alcatraz Horde
Ground War
Alcatraz Horde
Ground War
Dead of the Night
Addressed an issue where players were unable to pick up the Shield piece that could appear on the bookshelf in the Library.
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