Black Ops 4: Weitere Waffen & Bodenkrieg für Blackout angekündigt
Treyarch hat für „Call of Duty: Black Ops 4“ die Integration weiterer Waffen angekündigt. Diese sollen noch im Rahmen von Operation Spectre Rising ihren Weg ins Spiel finden. Um welche es sich dabei genau handelt, wollte man noch nicht verraten. Es hieß lediglich das es sich hierbei um Waffen handelt, die wir nicht erwarten. Darüber hinaus soll auch Bodenkrieg für Blackout hinzugefügt werden. Das Ganze soll in der zweiten Hälfte von Operation Spectre Rising stattfinden. Diese wird voraussichtlich am 4. Juni 2019 zusammen mit dem Days of Summer Event starten. Nachfolgend haben wir noch die Patch Notes des gestrigen Game-Settings Update für euch.
Game Settings Update – 14. Mai 2019
Ambush Returns, Hot Pursuit to Follow
Now live this week on PS4, Xbox One, and PC: Ambush is back in Blackout! Get up close and personal to surprise your enemies, or pick them off from a distance before they even know you’re there. The rules have been updated in this new-and-improved version:
Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, and Bowie Knife only.
Final Collapse will always end in an open location.
SDM removed.
Concussion Grenade and Cluster Grenade removed.
ATV and ARAV removed.
We’re excited to bring back this sniper-friendly mode for Operation Spectre Rising before Hot Pursuit makes its way back into rotation later this month, so let us know what you think of the new Ambush throughout the week!
Barebones Deathmatch Moshpit Begins May 17
The community’s response to our Barebones game mode has been fantastic since it launched with TDM and DOM, and starting this Friday, we’re expanding on the old-school formula with Barebones Deathmatch Moshpit to introduce Kill Confirmed into the mix along with TDM. The same rules apply: no Specialist Weapons, no Special Issue Equipment, no Gear, and no Operator Mods allowed. Watch for this new Barebones variant in Multiplayer on Friday the 17th at 10AM PT.
We’ve also added time frames for our playlist rotations in Multiplayer and Blackout below for all platforms, to give a clearer view of when to expect playlist updates. As a reminder, playlist refreshes typically occur on Tuesdays and/or Fridays. Read on to see what’s new with today’s update:
Ambush returns to Blackout for a limited time with updated rules:
Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, and Bowie Knife only.
Final Collapse will always end in an open location.
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