Black Ops 4: Waffen-Balancing in Zombies auf allen Plattformen, PC Update 1.17, Requeistenjagd auf PS4 & mehr
Treyarch hat ein weiteres Update für „Call of Duty: Black Ops 4“ bereitgestellt. Dieses nimmt einige Balancing Anpassungen für die Waffen im Zombie Modus vor. Darüber hinaus wurde auch dem Blackout Modus „Bounty Hunter“ weitere Verbesserungen spendiert. Auf dem PC halten zusätzlich die Änderungen von Update 1.17 (Patch Notes im vorherigen Beitrag) Einzug in den Shooter. Nachfolgend findet ihr die vollständigen Patch Notes.
Ebenfalls teilte Treyarch mit, dass die Blackout Karte „Alcatraz“ ab dem 7. Mai mit einigen Verbesserungen auf PS4 zurückkehren wird. Die Karte wurde dort wegen des Bounty Hunter Modus kurzfristig entfernt. Bislang gibt es keine Informationen dazu, ob die Map auch auf PC und Xbox One entfernt wird, wenn „Operation Spectre Rising“ in der kommenden Woche für die beiden Plattformen freigeschaltet wird.
Alcatraz is scheduled to return on Tuesday, May 7th with some new improvements! Bounty Hunter is this week's Featured Playlist until then.
— Treyarch Studios (@Treyarch) May 2, 2019
Der Modus „Requisitenjagd“ startet morgen auf Playstation 4. Darin sind die Jäger mit einer MX9 und einer Concussion Granate ausgestattet.
Patch Notes – 2. Mai 2019
Here’s what’s new since our last update:

- PC 1.17 update live today.
- Improvements to Bounty Hunter mode in Blackout.
- Addressed an issue with Perks not functioning properly in Multiplayer.
- Afterlife Camo now stays properly equipped when entering an MP match.
- Weapon tuning across multiple classes in Zombies.
- General stability improvements in Multiplayer, Blackout, and Zombies.
- Prop Hunt goes live in Multiplayer tomorrow on PS4!

- Camos
- Afterlife Camo will now stay properly equipped when entering a Multiplayer match.
- Maps
- Masquerade
- Addressed an issue that could prevent Battery’s War Machine rounds from functioning properly in certain parts of the map.
- Masquerade
- Bounty Hunter
- Spectre’s Shadow Blade will now hit enemy Spectre players more consistently.
- Bounty Mark will no longer disappear if the marked player quits the game.
- Addressed an issue with Bounty Death Stashes that landed on top of vehicles.
- General stability improvements.

- Perks
- Addressed an issue that could prevent Perks from functioning properly.
- Lobby
- Public lobbies will now display all members, not just party members.
- Stability
- General stability improvements.
- Custom Games
- Hosts of Custom Games can now assign teams.
- Weapons
- Switchblade X9
- Increased magazine size from 26 to 30 to match other game modes.
- Decreased stock ammo from 338 to 330.
- VKM 750
- Increased max damage from 190 to 205.
- Decreased magazine size from 60 to 50 to match other game modes.
- Decreased stock ammo from 420 to 400.
- Hades
- Increased stock ammo from 425 to 455.
- Decreased magazine size from 85 to 65 to match other game modes.
- ABR 223
- Increased stock ammo from 270 to 288.
- Increased magazine size from 30 to 36 to match other game modes.
- Outlaw
- Increased stock ammo from 72 to 81.
- Decreased magazine size from 12 to 9 to match other game modes.
- Paladin HB50
- Increased magazine size from 5 to 6 to match other game modes.
- Increased stock ammo from 80 to 84.
- Decreased magazine size from 16 to 12 to match other game modes.
- Koshka
- Increased stock ammo from 64 to 66.
- Decreased magazine size from 8 to 6 to match other game modes.
- MOG 12
- Decreased magazine size from 6 to 4 to match other game modes.
- Decreased stock ammo from 48 to 44.
- Decreased Pack-a-Punch stock ammo from 64 to 60.
- Decreased Pack-a-Punch magazine size from 16 to 12.
- Decreased Pack-a-Punch maximum base damage from 500 to 300.
- SG12
- Increased stock ammo from 110 to 126.
- Increased Pack-a-Punch stock ammo from 100 to 112.
- Decreased magazine size from 10 to 6 to match other game modes.
- Decreased Pack-a-Punch magazine size from 20 to 16.
- RK7 Garrison
- Increased Pack-a-Punch max damage from 260 to 320.
- Reduced Pack-a-Punch headshot multiplier from 5 to 4.
- Switchblade X9
- Maps
- Dead of the Night
- Addressed an issue that could result in a player being revived with all Perks equipped.
- Addressed an issue that could cause players to lose Mule Kick.
- Dead of the Night
- Stability
- General stability improvements.

- Weapons
- Increased 5-shot range from 5 meters to 7.5 meters.
- MX-9
- Increased 5-shot range from 7 meters to 7.5 meters.
- Slightly increased 5-shot range damage.
- Daemon 3XB
- Created a 5-shot range out to 7.5 meters.
- Increased 6-shot range from 11.5 meters to 19 meters.
- Increased 7-shot range from 19 meters to 25 meters.
- Increased 8-shot range from 25 meters to 32 meters.
- Switchblade X9
- Increased 5-shot range from 2.5 meters to 7.5 meters.
- Increased 6-shot range from 16.5 meters to 19 meters.
- Increased 7-shot range from 19 meters to 25 meters.
- Increased 8-shot range from 24 meters to 32 meters.
- Saug 9mm
- Stock II: Slightly reduced move speed during ADS.
- Miscellaneous
- Closed an exploit where players could fire faster than intended from sprint by starting a slide, then immediately firing.
- Specialists
- Nomad
- Increased cooldown time for Mesh Mine.
- Ajax
- Increased cooldown time for 9-Bang.
- Torque
- Increased cooldown time for Razor Wire.
- Ruin
- Grav Slam’s kills no longer feed its ability meter, to be consistent with other Specialist Weapons.
- Firebreak
- Reactor Core kill notifications now take up less screen space.
- Nomad
- Scorestreaks
- Duration increased to 30 seconds.
- Counter-UAV
- Duration increased to 30 seconds.
- Drone Squad
- Damage increased for lead and buddy drones.
- Minimum and maximum burst fire times increased for lead and buddy drones.
- Drone clip size increased.
- Mantis
- Reduced the amount of time the Mantis can be temporarily disabled.
- Increased the damage threshold for temporarily disabling the Mantis.
- Game Modes
- Search & Destroy
- Addressed an issue where players would see teammates as enemies if the last player died to a bomb detonation.
- Addressed an issue where the briefcase bomb could reduce bullet damage.
- Search & Destroy
- Stability
- Fixed a potential crash that could occur on Hacienda.
- Weapons
- Melee weapons have been restricted.
- Scorestreaks
- Attack Chopper
- Rockets required to destroy the Attack Chopper reduced to 2 including the flare.
- Gunship
- Rockets required to destroy the Gunship reduced to 2 including the flare.
- Attack Chopper
- Miscellaneous
- Addressed an issue that allowed 6 players in a 5-player party.
- Addressed an issue in the Event End notification that displayed Top 10 when players finished in the Top 5.
- Weapons
- VKM 750
- Reduced recoil.
- Additional recoil reduction during the first 4 shots.
- Replaced 4x Scope with 3x Scope (Gold version).
- Hades
- Reduced hits to kill from 6 to 5.
- Increased maximum damage range.
- Replaced 4x Scope with 2x Scope (Gold version).
- Mozu
- Increased close range damage.
- Increased headshot multiplier.
- Hellion Salvo
- Limited the maximum number of Rockets a Blackout player can carry to 10.
- VKM 750
- Maps
- Alcatraz
- Made visual improvements to various models throughout the map.
- Various environmental updates and mantling improvements added to aid player traversal.
- Lighthouse foghorn sound effect added at the end of each wave spawn delay timer.
- Addressed an exploitable area in the Alcatraz map.
- Alcatraz
- Equipment
- Mesh Mines
- Increased visibility of visual FX to make Mesh Mines easier to spot.
- Mesh Mines
- Personalization
- Character personalization and selection will now be shared between Blackout lobby and Blackout Custom Games.
- Classic Elixir Restock
- Empty Elixir slots will now be filled with a randomly-chosen Classic Elixir during a match.
- Classic Elixirs will be placed into any empty slots at the start of a match.
- Team-friendly Elixirs like “Nowhere But There!” have a greater chance of being chosen when playing in co-op matches.
- Gameplay
- Dead of the Night
- Werewolves now spawn less frequently and take more damage when weak points are hit.
- Adjusted the base health of the Nosferatu and reduced the maximum and minimum number of Nosferatu spawns per round.
- The Crimson Nosferatu now spawns less frequently, summons reinforcements less frequently, and has lower base health.
- Removed zombie speed increase that occurs when the Sentinel Key is acquired.
- Mystery Box
- Removed some of the Wall Buy weapons from the Mystery Box.
- Prevented duplicates occurring in consecutive Mystery Box weapon pulls.
- Reorganized Mystery Box probabilities by weapon tier.
- Dead of the Night
- Perks
- Winter’s Wail
- Now fully recharges with Max Ammo and at every round completion.
- Will only proc if the player is not at full health in order to reduce the number of times it activates.
- On Realistic difficulty, Winter’s Wail will still activate on contact since players will rarely survive more than one hit.
- Players will now gain one charge every 60 seconds.
- Increased base maximum charges to 3. Modifier charges increased to 4.
- Winter’s Wail
- Camo Requirements
- Halved Camo kill requirements for weapons only obtainable through the Mystery Box to make them more attainable.
- Server Pause
- Addressed an issue where, if a player left a match during a Server Pause, their character model would remain in-game for an extended time.
- Addressed an issue where players could move during a Server Pause.
- Addressed an issue where initiating Server Pause could cause players to lose connections to the host.
- Host Migration
- Addressed an issue where, if a Host Migration occurred at the beginning of a public match, the wave would unintentionally proceed after the migration ended.
- Addressed an issue where, if the host used Quacknarok and left, the effect would remain after the Host Migration.
- After Action Report
- Addressed an issue where the Rewards section of the Custom Mutations After Action Report would show rewards earned from the previous public or private match.
- Addressed an issue where incorrect information could display in the After Action Report after a player left after a Host Migration.
- Visuals
- Ancient Evil
- Addressed various visual issues that could occur during natural gameplay, the Main Quest, and the Outro Cutscene.
- Pack-a-Punch Runes are now correctly aligned for the Wonder Weapon Pack-a-Punch Quest.
- Addressed an issue where the Pegasus Strike did not appear correctly in third-person when the player was holding the Equipment button.
- Ancient Evil
- Custom Mutations
- Global
- Fixed multiple issues related to the Enhanced Only setting in Custom Mutations.
- Ancient Evil
- Addressed an issue where players could be prevented from progressing past the first round in Custom Mutations.
- Addressed multiple issues related to the Equipment and Regen Speed settings in Custom Mutations.
- Global
- Weapons
- Saug 9mm
- Stock II: Slightly reduced move speed during ADS.
- Saug 9mm
- Stability
- Ancient Evil
- Fixed a crash that could occur if players killed a Blightfather during the initiation for a Wonder Weapon.
- Fixed a crash that could occur after players destroyed the final statue while inside the Charon Charge Attack during the Main Quest.
- Fixed a crash that could occur after players shoot all Chaos Crystals off of a tree during the Gaia Wonder Weapon Quest.
- Blood of the Dead
- Fixed a crash that could occur when firing the Spectral Key and changing targets.
- Ancient Evil
- Miscellaneous
- Global
- Addressed an issue where power-ups and special round Max Ammo could drop outside of the playable area.
- Addressed an issue where using an Elixir while shooting the Shield’s Pistol could result in the Elixir’s ability not activating.
- Addressed an issue that prevented Shields from receiving ammo from Max Ammo power-ups.
- Addressed an issue where, if a player had Mule Kick from the Secret Sauce Perk and lost it, they could not get Mule Kick again unless it was in that same slot.
- Addressed an issue where Perk descriptions would not update when hovering over Perks equipped to Altars in the Create-a-Class menu.
- Ancient Evil
- A prompt now lets the player know they are unable to pick up a Dormant Hand when already holding a Wonder Weapon.
- Players can no longer accidentally cancel the Pegasus Strike when repeatedly pressing the Equipment button.
- When fast-travelling with Bots, the Bots will no longer disrupt player movement.
- Addressed various issues relating to voiceover being interrupted and incorrect subtitles being played.
- Addressed an issue where, if a player died and entered spectate with a Tribute reward available, their progress could be reset upon returning.
- Addressed an issue where, if a player used the charge attack with the Hand of Ouranos or Hand of Hemera, the channeling animation would play but nothing would happen.
- Addressed an issue where a player could be in the Shadow’s Bank and get stuck by receiving help from other players.
- Classified
- Addressed an issue where zombies could get stuck pathing in Groom Lake.
- Global
- Controls
- Added “Smoke – Throw Mode” Gameplay setting for Spectre’s Smoke Special Issue Equipment.
- Emblem Editor/Paintshop
- Slider values can now be edited by typing in a specific number.
- Updated layout and visual cues to improve the clarity of the decal being edited.
- Weapons
- Bullets that travel underwater will now inflict reduced damage.
- Fixed an exploit where players could fire faster than intended from sprint by starting a slide, then immediately firing.
- Selecting a weapon that has a Signature Weapon available will now display both the base and Signature Weapon to choose from.
- Black Market
- Gestures and Tags are no longer character-specific, and the UI has been updated to start with the Slot assignment.
- Gestures, Tags and Jump Packs in Blackout can be now be accessed from the Extras menu in the Lobby.
- Personalization
- Gestures and Tags can be played in the Lobby in Multiplayer, World League Hub, and Blackout.
- Outfit personalization can now be accessed from the Specialist button in the lobby in Multiplayer and World League Hub.
- Outfit personalization will now be shared between Multiplayer and World League Hub in Custom Games in each mode.
- UI
- Player Prestige Master level number is now Gold.
- Tier Reward animations are faster in the After Action Report.
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