Black Ops 4: 2XP Wochenende angekündigt; Black Ops Pass Karten über’s Wochenende kostenlos spielbar
Treyarch haut für euch ein weiteres mal 2Xp in „Call of Duty: Black Ops 4“ raus. Ihr könnt vom 15. März 19 Uhr bis zum 18. März um 19 Uhr in allen Modi (MP, Blackout, Zombies) doppelte Punkte machen. Zudem gibt es auch Schwarzmarkt 2Xp. Darüber hinaus teilten die Entwickler mit, dass die Black Ops Pass Multiplayer Karten Elevation, Madagascar, Casino, und Lockup über das gesamte Wochenende kostenlos spielbar sind.
2XP Info
- 2XP in MP
- 2X Merits in Blackout
- 2XP in Zombies
- 2X Tier Progression
Game-Settings Update Patch Notes
Mit dem heutigen Game Settings Update wurden einige Fehler behoben, Stabilitätsverbesserungen vorgenommen und weitere Verbeserungen vorgenommen.
Patch Notes 03/14
- Addressed various issues when using Outrider’s Hawk.
- Addressed POV issues during Killcam for kills with the Thresher.
- Disabled UAV sweep voiceover in One in the Chamber.
- Added match quit penalty notification to League Play.
- Reduced damage over time and range of Purifier in Blackout.
- Reduced Reinforced Perk damage mitigation against fire in Blackout.
- Gameplay improvements for “Hellcatraz” Gauntlet in Zombies.
- Stability improvements in Multiplayer, Blackout, and Zombies.
- Various improvements and bug fixes across all modes.

The following updates are now live on consoles, with PC to follow:
- Game Modes
- One in the Chamber
- Disabled “downlinking enemy data” radar sweep voiceover.
- Heist
- Addressed an issue that could cause EKIAs from properly registering in Heist.
- One in the Chamber
- Specialists
- Outrider
- Addressed an issue preventing Stim Shot use after using the Hawk.
- Addressed an issue causing a double reticle to appear when using the Sparrow, then the Hawk.
- Outrider
- Scorestreaks
- Thresher
- Addressed an issue that caused the Killcam for the Thresher to display the incorrect point of view.
- Thresher
- Custom Games
- Addressed an issue that could prevent Equipment cooldown from functioning properly in Custom Games.
- UI
- Addressed a text overlap issue in the lobby in the map voting area.
- Stability
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using Mesh Mines in certain cases.
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred while playing Stockpile with bots.
World League Hub
- UI
- Added red penalty text to the Quit Match popup to clearly indicate new match quit penalty.
- Updated the World League Rank Calling Card description to include the card’s rank.
- Weapons
- Purifier
- Reduced damage over time.
- Reduced range.
- Purifier
- Perks
- Reinforced
- Reduced Reinforced Perk fire resistance.
- Reinforced
- Equipment
- Recon Car
- Resolved a UI error that could occur when activating a Recon Car.
- Grapple Gun
- Resolved an issue causing players to hold the Grapple Gun with the wrong hand when viewed in third-person.
- Recon Car
- UI
- Addressed an issue that prevented Echelon images from appearing in the Merit Report screen.
- Removed erroneous description text for the Medic Perk that referenced faster healing.
- Addressed an issue that prevented the Spectate button from functioning on the Elimination screen until Skip had been pressed.
- Stability
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading into Blackout in splitscreen**.**
- Host Migration
- Addressed various issues relating to having an active timer up when host migration occurred during a Gauntlet match.
- Addressed an issue causing AI to not target players after a host migration while loading into a map.
- Armory
- Addressed a UI error that occurred when entering the Personalize Menu of the Armory for weapons that are disabled in the Edit Game Rules Menu.
- UI
- Addressed an issue that caused a progress bar from appearing when throwing Equipment.
- Stability
- Blood of the Dead
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when the player killed themselves inside the Acid Trap.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when certain visual effects were attached to the player.
- Dead of the Night
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur during the Stake Knife Quest.
- Blood of the Dead
- Lobby
- Addressed an issue that prevented a user that was previously a party host from entering game modes that could not be entered with the previous party.

The following updates are now live on PS4, with other platforms to follow:
- Game Modes
- Stockpile
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when leaving a Stockpile match that is in progress.
- Resolved an issue that caused the drop-off location to appear as a black square on 4k displays.
- Stockpile
- Game Modes
- Hardcore
- Adjusted text on the Elimination Screen to indicate the proper game type.
- Hardcore
- Hellcatraz
- Addressed an issue causing zombies to rarely not spawn in appropriately on Round 12.
- Addressed an issue causing zombies to rarely stop spawning if the player moved quickly through the Catwalk zone.
- Added additional UI feedback on the HUD when players attempt to shoot without reloading first during the “Load of Nonsense” challenge.
- Added additional UI feedback on the HUD when players attempt to shoot without jumping during the “Jump Shot” challenge.
- Black Market
- Free “Shamrock & Awe Calling Card” will no longer become unequipped after restarting the game.
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