RDR 2: Fehler zu mehr als 30 Story Missionen behoben; Patch Notes zu Update 1.03

by Ed Snow

RDR 2: Fehler zu mehr als 30 Story Missionen behoben; Patch Notes zu Update 1.03

Mit Update 1.03 für „Red Dead Redemption 2“ hat Rockstar Games nicht nur den Online Modus freigeschaltet, sondern auch gleich Fehler zu mehr als 30 Story-Missionen behoben. Es gibt auch eine Reihe von Korrekturen für Fehler in Herausforderungen sowie einen Bug, der Verursachte, dass ihr selbst nach der Festnahme durch das Gesetz immer noch gesucht bliebt. Nachfolgend findet ihr eine Übersicht aller Bugfixes.

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  1. Red Dead Redemption 2 Standard Edtion Download Code [Xbox One] 58,42€
  2. Red Dead Redemption 2 Special Edtion Download Code [Xbox One] 73,61
  3. Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edtion Download Code [Xbox One] 85,49€
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Red Dead Redemption 2 Patch Notes

  1. New Content – PS4, Xbox One
  2. Title Update adds in access to the Red Dead Online Beta
  3. Game Menus / Options – PS4, Xbox One
  4. Fixed an issue where animals were triggering ‘Dynamic Kill Cams’ despite being set to ‘Disabled’ in settings
  5. Fixed an issue where changing controller layout while using binoculars could lead to the player being unable to study or track animals
  6. Fixed an issue with first-person auto aim when aiming behind on a wagon
  7. Story Mode Companions – PS4, Xbox One
  8. Fixed an issue where retrying a checkpoint during the mission ‘Polite Society, Valentine Style’ would cause multiple companions to be missing from Camp
  9. Fixed an issue causing Molly to be missing from Camp following the mission ‘American Distillation’
  10. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Outlaws from the West’ where the player lost the ability to talk with Dutch when playing in first person
  11. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘The Fine Art of Communications’ where players lost the ability to speak with companions
  12. Weapons, Items & Clothing – PS4, Xbox One
  13. Fixed an issue where players would not get access to all their weapons in the Epilogue if they failed a specific stage in the mission ‘Red Dead Redemption’
  14. Fixed an issue where players could lose a weapon looted from Valentine after restarting missions from a checkpoint
  15. Fixed an issue where the incorrect set of Cigarette Cards could be removed when mailing a complete set at the Post Office
  16. Fixed an issue where players could lose some of the Gunslinger photographs from Calloway
  17. Fixed an issue that allowed donation of documents to the Camp donation box
  18. Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in an animation loop after hip firing their pistol and then swapping to their bow
  19. Fixed an issue where players could get stuck equipping and putting away the bow on horseback after equipping it from the weapon wheel
  20. Fixed an issue where a weapon’s custom grip could be replaced with a default grip after swapping with a defeated enemy’s weapon
  21. Added safeguards against characters becoming invisible when changing outfits
  22. Terrain and Environment – PS4, Xbox One
  23. Fixed an issue where a hole in the terrain would appear near the Railroad Camp and surrounding area
  24. Fixed general issues which caused a player to be unable to take cover via buildings/objects/etc.
  25. Fixed an issue where alligators were unable to kill a hogtied NPC while on land
  26. Fixed an issue where predators would get stuck if they could not reach the player
  27. Fixed an issue where picking up the Legendary Lake Sturgeon, caused the player to be unable to equip weapons as well as drop or stow the fish
  28. Dueling, Wanted and Witnesses – PS4, Xbox One
  29. Fixed an issue where players were unable to shoot during a duel when using certain controllers
  30. Fixed an issue with the number of bump attempts within a set amount of time would cause the players to become Wanted
  31. Fixed an issue where players would become Wanted, even after complying and removing their mask as requested by the law
  32. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Black and White Chain Gang’ – Stage 2 – where the player would become Wanted for fighting an NPC required to access one of the Posters
  33. Fixed an issue where players who fired a warning shot when intimidating an NPC, would cause the intimidation fail and the NPC to flee
  34. Fixed an issue where NPCs would stop being witnesses, even if not successfully intimidated
  35. Fixed an issue where the player would become Wanted for a warning shot when no NPC was visible or nearby
  36. Fixed an issue where witnesses would report the same corpse that previously been reported to the law
  37. Fixed an issue at Fort Wallace where the Army would try and report crimes, even though they were unable to leave the fort
  38. Fixed general issues associated with the law being unable to arrest players
  39. Story Missions – PS4, Xbox One
  40. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Outlaws from the West’ where players could get stuck by repeatedly punching the NPC during interrogation
  41. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Outlaws from the West’ where the horse could get stuck in the barn
  42. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Outlaws from the West’ where players could get stuck duelling
  43. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Enter, Pursued by a Memory’ where the mission would not fail after players pushed their Companion off of a cliff
  44. Fixed an issue where players were unable to move after completing the mission ‘Enter, Pursued by a Memory’
  45. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Americans At Rest’ where players could become stuck in the view of their satchel during the fight
  46. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Polite Society, Valentine Style’ where players could become invisible after retrying a checkpoint
  47. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Money Lending and Other Sins I’ where players could lose control when attempting to launch the introduction cutscene while using specific Kit items
  48. Fixed a progression issue in the mission ‘Good, Honest, Snake Oil’
  49. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Paying a Social Call’ where it was possible to block entry to the cabin with a chair
  50. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘The Sheep and the Goats’ where the mission could fail for a companion dying while playing through the mission quickly
  51. Fixed an issue in mission ‘A Quiet Time’ where the interior of the Saloon would disappear after repeatedly exiting the Saloon
  52. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Blessed are the Meek?’ where progress would stop after reaching the horses
  53. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Exit Pursued By A Bruised Ego’ where progress in the mission was stopped if players were unable to pick up the rabbit and it became rotten
  54. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego’ where players were unable to exit the crafting menu if their Satchel was already full of Plain Game
  55. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘The Fine Joys of Tobacco’ where mission progress stops if the in-game Companion falls off their horse during the escape
  56. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Magicians for Sport’ where progress stopped after inspecting all clues
  57. Fixed an issue where players could become locked outside the bank in the mission ‘Sodom? Back to Gomorrah’
  58. Fixed an issue where replaying the mission ‘Angelo Bronte, a Man of Honor’ then immediately loading an autosave would load players into an incorrect point in the Story
  59. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘No, No and Thrice, No’ where companions could become invisible, preventing progression
  60. Fixed a progression issue in the mission ‘Country Pursuits’
  61. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Savagery Unleashed’ where progress could stop during the grapple sequence
  62. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Archeology for Beginners’ where progress could stop after equipping binoculars
  63. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Favored Sons’ where progress could stop if all soldiers were killed while surrendering
  64. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘The Fine Art of Conversations’ where progress could stop during the escape stage if a large pelt was stowed on the player’s horse.
  65. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘The Wheel’ where progress could stop when returning the wagon
  66. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Home of the Gentry?’ where the end cutscene could fail to play
  67. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘A Quick Favor for an Old Friend’ where a Companion’s horse could become invisible after players failed and retried the mission
  68. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘An Honest Day’s Labors’ where enemies would stop reacting if you ran ahead of your Companion
  69. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘An Honest Day’s Labors’ where players could become stuck on a loading screen after skipping the introduction cutscene
  70. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘A New Future Imagined’ where progress could stop after rowing to the correct location
  71. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘High and Low Finance’ where players could fail for being spotted while using a throwing knife
  72. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘High and Low Finance’ where players could lose control after stealth killing a guard
  73. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘That’s Murfree Country’ where Charles would get stuck after colliding with players on horseback
  74. Robbery Missions – PS4, Xbox One
  75. Fixed an issue during the Chez Porter Robbery where Javier would not mount his horse in Camp, preventing progress
  76. Fixed an issue where Javier could remain stationary on his horse after the Chez Porter Home Robbery
  77. Fixed an issue where players could become stuck if grappled from behind during the Aberdeen Pig Farm Robbery
  78. Loansharking Missions – PS4, Xbox One
  79. Fixed an issue in the Winton Holmes mission where the pelt could disappear after skinning the cougar
  80. Fixed an issue with the Winton Holmes mission where players would be unable to sell the pelt
  81. Chance Encounters and Activities – PS4, Xbox One
  82. Fixed an issue with Kieran’s fishing Activity where loss of player control could occur while fishing
  83. Fixed an issue with the Poker Activity where players could lose control when sitting down
  84. Fixed an issue where the in-game HUD could disappear when trying to play Five Finger Fillet Activity in Camp
  85. Fixed an issue where players could become locked in a room during a Chance Encounter in Valentine
  86. Fixed an issue with Ranters, Ravers and Campaigners that caused loss of player control during some Chance Encounters
  87. Challenges – PS4, Xbox One
  88. Fixed issues associated with Legendary Animals being killed by something other than actions by players, preventing Challenges from being completed
  89. Other Miscellaneous Fixes – PS4, Xbox One
  90. Fixed an issue where the blips for previously completed Loansharking missions would re-appear as locked missions on the map
  91. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Enter, Pursued by a Memory’ where players could be prevented from completing the “Kill all wolves without taking any damage” mission goal
  92. Fixed an issue where a Companion warps in a cutscene for the mission ‘Paying a Social Call’
  93. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Money Lending and Other Sins III’ where ambient pedestrians could interfere with the mission when re-launched through the pause menu.
  94. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Pouring Forth Oil IV’ which could prevent some of Arthur’s dialogue from playing during the mission
  95. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘An American Pastoral Scene’ where your companion could start driving the stagecoach in the wrong direction
  96. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘American Distillation’ when players chose the path on the right, but instead took the path on the left
  97. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Sodom? Back to Gomorrah’ where companions and some lawmen could be missing their weapons when players used 1st person perspective
  98. Fixed an issue where the game would not create an autosave upon completion of the mission ‘Dear Uncle Tacitus’
  99. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Favored Sons’ where ambient music would play instead of mission score
  100. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘My Last Boy’ where dialogue would repeat during the rides
  101. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Uncle’s Bad Day’ where players could begin the mission without any arrows for the Bow if the mission was launched through the Progress section of the pause menu
  102. Fixed an issue with the log not updating correctly in the mission ‘Duchesses and Other Animals’
  103. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘The Artist’s Way III’ where the paintings could be missing from the gallery
  104. Fixed an issue in Poker where the message “Help section updated” would incorrectly display when starting new games
  105. Fixed an issue that caused some dead Bucks to duplicate after player collisions
  106. Fixed an issue with Gunsmiths where players could enter the catalogue incorrectly
  107. Fixed a streaming issue with buildings in Castors Ridge
  108. Fixed an issue where players could become trapped between two companions in Camp
  109. Fixed a general issue where players were prompted to perform a stealth kill, but instead just tackled the target
  110. Fixed an issue in the mission ‘Good, Honest, Snake Oil’ where using the cinematic camera caused players to loop around instead of following the set route
  111. Fixed general issues associated with players being able to greet/antagonize/rob NPCs endlessly
  112. Fixed general issues associated with NPCs heads/bodies twisting the wrong way when interacting with players
  113. Fixed an issue where players would clip into the train carriages when jumping/climbing over them
  114. Fixed an issue where players would ragdoll if they tried to climb over a small wall with low clearance
  115. Fixed an issue where players could get locked into a conversation with an NPC who was behind a wall
  116. Fixed an issue with player navigation where it got stuck after not being able to find a route to a Waypoint
  117. Fixed an issue where players shooting an NPC’s horse meant the NPC would not retaliate
  118. Fixed an issue where an NPC would holster their gun but still enter combat
  119. Fixed an issue where players attempting to cure poison would result in them being poisoned again after drinking a health cure
  120. Fixed an issue where players animations would make stealth unpredictable at times
  121. Fixed general issues associated with players not being able to interact with their horse when moving at high speeds
  122. Fixed an issue where prompts to speak with companions, NPCs, etc. were lost if using cinematic perspective
  123. Various other minor fixes

Infos zum Spiel

In Red Dead Redemption 2 erwarten euch diverse Neuerungen. Darunter tief greifendere Waffenmechaniken, Verbesserungen des NPC-Systems und der Gebäude sowie eine größere und realistischere Welt. Außerdem dürft ihr euch auf Interaktionen im RPG Stil, verbesserte Jagd-Features und neue Mechaniken für die Pferde und vieles mehr freuen. Details zu den wichtigsten Neuerungen im Spiel finde ihr in unserer Themenübersicht (hier klicken). Folgt uns gerne auf Facebook und Twitter, um künftig keine News mehr zu verpassen.

Red Dead Redemption 2 ist für PlayStation 4 und Xbox One erhältlich.

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