CoD WW2: Liste bekannter Fehler die derzeit behoben/untersucht werden
Das Team von SHG arbeitet derzeit an der Behebung einer Reihe von Problemen in „Call of Duty:WWII“. Hierzu zählen unter anderem der Spectator Bug, zufällige Spielabstürze und Freezes, Grafik-/Anzeigefehler, Ansagerstimme, Audioprobleme im HQ, Probleme beim Anbringen des Schalldämpfers und einiges mehr. Nachfolgend findet ihr eine Auflistung aller Bugs, die in kommenden Updates entfernt werden sollen.
Partially fixed, but still working to resolve:
- Spectator spawning issue
- Camo previews not loading
- Prestige icons loading slowing
- Viewing Pistol Grips and Uniforms causing crashes
- Display issues when viewing Pistol Grips
- New Shipment spawn kill location (fixed this once, but are working on a fix for the new spot)
- Random XB1 crashes
- Random game freezes
- Uniform display issues
- Inspecting while sprinting sprintout issue
- Various error message occurrences/issues
- Various in-game typos
Currently investigating and collecting more data on the following. Note: Please continue to send any footage to our social accounts as it’s helpful for reproduction in the dev environment:
- Announcer volume on War Mode
- Paintjobs randomly disappearing
- Loading into War Mode with default Character Uniform
- News section default showing “Welcome Soldier” screen
- Operation Neptune crashes
- Level 1000 players’ lag post-kill, and effects on rest of lobby
- Suppressors not attaching properly
- Issues with players’ mic audio in HQ
- Incendiary kills not counting towards “400 kills in Airborne Division” Weekly Order
- Whether other Ground War Orders are improperly tracking
- Firing Range not equipping what is “Set as HQ Soldier”
- “Kicked for inactivity” when creating Emblem or Paintjob
- Possible aim assist inconsistencies
- XB1 issue with character allotment when renaming a Division
- Craft Paintjob controls inverted
- Repeller II animation issues
- Control issues with changing secondary category
Working to improve:
- Prestige rewards (we’ll let you know when we have more info to share)